12 tips for insulating wooden windows with your own hands


  1. №1. How does the insulation of wooden windows begin?
  2. №2. Warming windows with paper
  3. No. 3. Warming with cotton
  4. №4. Warming with a linen cord
  5. №5. Thermal insulation of a wooden window with foam rubber and a sealant
  6. №6. Thermal insulation of wooden windows in Swedish technology
  7. №7. Warming of a wooden window with hermetic
  8. №8. Thermal insulation of a wooden window with foam
  9. №9. Heat-saving film for wooden window
  10. №10. Eliminate cracks in the sash and frame
  11. №11. How to insulate wooden windows from the outside?
  12. №12. Warming of wooden windows in a house made of wood
  13. In conclusion

The windows account for a fifth of a third of all heat loss at home, so the comfort of all households depends on their thermal insulation. Despite the widespread distribution of airtight plastic windows, old wooden windows have not yet left our apartments and are unlikely to do so in the next few years. They are certainly good in many ways, but they have low thermal insulation qualities, so they require modernization. Let's consider all possible ways to conduct warming of wooden windows by own hands, from the most budgetary to more expensive and as much as possible effective. The text of the article was prepared with the support of the Moscow

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the company "RemSila"specializing in the provision of services for the insulation of wooden windows of any type using consumables of high quality and European production (rubber sealant, glue sealant). More information about the company's services is available on the link. http://oknoremsila.ru/uteplenie-derevynnih-okon/ (services are relevant for Moscow).

Why with the frenzied popularity of modern euro windowswith hermetic double-glazed windowsold wooden windows still in usein thousands and millions of apartments? Among the main reasons:

  • the cost of plastic windows, doubt in their harmlessness, in addition, plastic windows themselves sometimes need to be insulated;
  • the ability of wooden windows to provide natural ventilation;
  • living in houses bearing high historical and architectural value, where replacement of old windows is not allowed;
  • lack of desire and ability to carry out repairs, albeit small, after replacing windows;
  • accommodation in a rented apartment.

With numerous advantages, old-style wooden windows do not provide proper thermal insulation. This was noticed by our ancestors, who developed many ways to deal with their insufficient tightness. To the grandfather's decisions added more modern, so we have, from which to choose.

№1. How does the insulation of wooden windows begin?

The warming of old wooden windows begins with a survey of the structure on the objectdetection of cold bridgesi.e. the main ways of penetration into the apartment of cold air. It is important to find all the weak spots to conductIntegrated insulation. The main bridges of cold in wooden windows are:

  • the place where the window frame and the sash adjoin;
  • wood from which the frame is made;
  • glass;
  • slopes, window sills and low tide.

Slopes, ebb and sill are better insulated from the outside, the other elements require insulation from the inside, so that will have to work hard to turn the old wooden window into a sealed and meeting the current requirements comfort.

If the inspection of the window and its insulation are performed qualitatively, you can expect to increase the temperature in the apartment by 3-40C, if you are connected to central heating, or to significant savings if you use an individual heating. In addition, it will be possible to get rid of drafts. The reverse side of the coin is the cessation of the natural air circulation. This problem is also characteristic of sealed plastic windows. Its solution is the periodic airing or installation of special valves that allow you to regulate the amount of fresh air entering the apartment.

Prepare for the fact that for effective insulation you will have to use several of the methods described below. Let's start with the technologies that are usedfor internal insulation.

№2. Warming windows with paper

MostAncient, simple and inexpensive way. Today it is used rarely, but it will work in case the budget is very limited. Existseveral variationsthis method of insulation:

  • newspapers, wallpaper, paper are torn to pieces, twisted into flagella, which cracks the gap between the sash and the window, to simplify the task use a ruler, knife, screwdriver or other sharp tools. Some advise pre-wetting flagella in the water;
  • Paper waste is ground, soaked in water and squeezed out. To the resulting mass, add 1 part of clay or 2 parts of crushed chalk. As a result, comes out plastic putty, which penetrates well even into the smallest cracks.

The classic grandfather's prescription involves gluing a paper warmerstrips of cloth or paper. To keep them well, they moistened them with a solution of laundry soap or they used homemade paste. The latter can be obtained if the water and flour are mixed in equal proportions, mix well and bring to the boil the mixture obtained.

A more modern option is to usePainting tape or special window scotch. In this case, the task is simplified, but the costs still remain. The paper-warmed windows can not be opened for airing, if suddenly it becomes much warmer in the winter. In the spring, you will have to remove the strips of paper / fabric / scotch and get a heater. On the window frames there are visible traces, sometimes even a part of the paint is removed, so without renewing the decorative coating, alas, not to do. However,Cloth and self-adhesive paper are easier to removeand leave at least a trace.

No. 3. Warming with cotton

Instead of paper, cotton can be used - there are fewer problems, and the thermal insulation qualities are almost the same. Cotton gently close all the cracks, on top glued strips of paper, cloth or tape. Disadvantages of the method are the same as those of the previous one, but cotton is much easier to get out of the cracks.

№4. Warming with a linen cord

Cracks can be filled with a linen cotton cord. Fix it with small carnations or glue, while achieving a fairly good level of sealing, but in the spring will have to spend a lot of time dismantling the insulation.

№5. Thermal insulation of a wooden window with foam rubber and a sealant

Where a more modern, reliable and effective way of warming is to usefoam tape and sealing cords.

Foam tapewill cost inexpensively, but its service life is only about 2 years. Such a method of thermal insulation is optimal when large gaps are formed between the flaps and the frame. The process of installation itself is simple, but labor-intensive, as it is necessary to accurately measure and accurately glue everything, so that the window is well insulated, but it does not cease to close normally.The main advantage of the method- Opportunity to open a window.

The process of insulation with foam tape is as follows:

  • measuring the necessary length and width of the tape. The length should correspond to the perimeter of the leaflets, and the width in the compressed form - the width of the voids;
  • place on the leaf where the tape will be glued, must be cleaned beforehand of dust and degreased with alcohol or acetone;
  • Foam tapes are produced, as a rule, with a self-adhesive base, so the task is simplified and reduces only to removing the protective layer and accurately gluing the foam to the designated places;
  • some experts advise to additionally seal the window with paper tape, but it loses the main advantage of the method - the ability to open the window when it pleases. An alternative solution is to glue foam rubber in several rows.

Much more durable will be the insulation made bysealing cords. They are made of different materials:

  • rubber;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polyethylene foam;
  • polyurethane.

The main advantagerubber seal- Price, but with a drop in temperature, it is able to tan and break. In addition, rubber has a high wear resistance, so it is better to choose for windows that are constantly opened and closed. The other types of cords, although they cost more, but in terms of operation, show themselves much better.

Sealing cords makedifferent shapes- the choice depends on the size of the slots in the window structure:

  • the seal, whose profile resembles the letter P, is suitable for windows with slots of medium size;
  • seal with a D-shaped profile - to seal large enough slots;
  • sealant type E - for windows with small slots.

Tubular seals allow you to achieve a sufficiently high level of sealing, do not interfere with the free opening of the window, can stay for the summer and serve several seasons in a row. The sealant can haveself-adhesive substrateand then its installation will be identical to the above-described installation of foam tapes. If you take such a seal, pay attention to the expiration date of the glue: if it comes to an end, the cord can either not stick at all, or quickly peel off.

It is most reliable to take separately the sealant and a separate adhesive for it, which can be used as a silicone sealant. In this case, the durability of the insulation reaches 5 years.

There is one more nuance. All work with tubular profiles is carried out at a temperature above + 100 ° C, so it is better not to tighten up to cold weather. Glue the seal is very carefully, so as not to disturb the opening system of the leaflets.

№6. Thermal insulation of wooden windows in Swedish technology

itthe most progressive, modern and effective way. Windows insulated by Swedish technologyequated to the level of tightness to modern plastic windows.This method also involves the use of a sealant, only for it special grooves are prepared in the window flaps.

Swedish thermal insulation technology assumes the following procedure:

  • dismantling of leaflets;
  • Cutting of thin grooves along the perimeter of the flaps, which is carried out by a special cutter, the size of the groove must correspond to the size of the selected sealant;
  • mounting in the grooves of the sealant (polyurethane, PVC, polyethylene foam, less commonly used foam rubber). The glue is not used at the same time - the seal is well supported due to the thickenings existing in its construction;
  • application of silicone sealant to the joints of the leaf and glass;
  • if necessary, the hardware and glass are replaced;
  • installation of the valves in place.

Durability of such insulation is 15-20 years, so the laboriousness and high cost of the method are fully justified. Independently to perform such work is only if there is at least a little experience in carpentry, otherwise you can only make it worse. The easiest way, of course, is to entrust all the work to specialists.

The windows, which are insulated by Swedish technology, can be opened at any time of the year, their appearance does not deteriorate, butan additional bonus can be considered noise insulation.

№7. Warming of a wooden window with hermetic

This method is aimed atthermal insulation of the joint of glass and sash, can be carried out by one's own hands, but will require a high degree of caution and accuracy.The procedure is as follows:

  • the removal of glazing beads, thin racks, which hold the glass along the perimeter. When dismantling, almost all the glazing beads break, so it's better to buy new ones in advance, and with a margin. Extraction begins with the lower bead, then removes the lateral and only then - the upper, it is convenient to use a small knife or a screwdriver;
  • The seat in the sash is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust;
  • applying silicone sealant and installing the glass in place. All work on the dismantling and installation of glass is carried out in thick gloves;
  • installation of new glazing beads.

Instead of a sealant, you can useputty for windows. The procedure remains the same, only after installing the glass surplus putty must immediately be removed with a knife. In terms of aesthetics, this method is not worse, since later the junction will still be closed with a new glazing bead.

№8. Thermal insulation of a wooden window with foam

Mounting foam is usedfor interior and exterior insulation, it fills the large cracks well and is used to seal the joints between the frame and the slope, between the slope and the windowsill, under the windowsill, and between the frame and the upper beam.

Working with a mounting foam is not difficult, but you should know some of the nuances:

  • filling is best done from the bottom up;
  • foam, freezing, increases in volume, so fill the gap is about 1/3;
  • work is performed at an air temperature of at least +5 and not higher than + 300 ° C;
  • the mounting foam is destroyed under the influence of sunlight, so it must be covered with a layer of finishing material. However, hardly anyone will leave this material without finishing - it does not look very.

Instead of mounting foam, you can usehomemade putty. It is prepared from chalk and gypsum, which is mixed in the ratio and then add water until a solution of a viscous consistency is obtained. Such a mixture easily fills all the cracks, and outwardly it looks much more aesthetically pleasing to the mounting foam.

№9. Heat-saving film for wooden window

This method is aimed atincrease of heat-insulating qualities of glass, but today the heat-saving film is also glued on a wooden frame. It works like energy-saving stelopakets, i.e. lets in the apartment daylight, but does not produce heat. Make such a film based on polyester, and the unique properties of reflecting the thermal radiation it receives through metal spraying. This is a transparent material that does not interfere with the optical properties of the window glass, withstands the impact of detergents means, has high strength and makes the window safe, because in case of damage to the glass, all the pieces remain on film.

The process of installing the film is simple, but requires accuracy, because it is important to paste it smoothly, without bubbles, metallized side out. It is best to work with gloves to avoid leaving greasy marks on the surface.

Thermal insulation film is able to make the window more "warm but can not be used as an independent insulation.

№10. Eliminate cracks in the sash and frame

It is not enough to seal the cracks between the frame and the doors, and between the doors and the glass - the window will still let in cold air ifthere are cracks on the wooden elements. They inevitably appear on the wood as a result of temperature changes. It is not difficult to eliminate them, for this purpose such materials are used:

  • paraffin. It is heated in a water bath to a temperature of about 700C, is filled with a syringe without a needle and fills all cracks. Within an hour, it will freeze and become a serious obstacle to drafts;
  • special putty on wood;
  • sealant, and you can choose the material in the color of the tree;
  • homemade putty from gypsum and chalk, the recipe of which was described above.

Naturally, such measures for thermal insulation will be most effective if you first remove the old decorative coating, then fill the cracks, and after that apply a new layer of finishing. Keep in mind that the paraffin and sealant paint falls worse, so their excess is better to carefully remove.

№11. How to insulate wooden windows from the outside?

Internal insulation is sometimes not enough. In additional insulation often needslopes. Work on their insulation begins with the dismantling of the old finish, after which the surface is primed. Slots can be filled with mounting foam, another option is to close the slopes with foam plastic. Surplus foam after hardening is cut off, the surface is treated with plaster. A plastic mesh is attached to the foam plastic, a perforated tape is placed at the corners, after which plaster is applied. It remains only to progruntovat and paint the slopes.

A placewindow tidealso sealed with mounting foam. An obligatory requirement is the installation of a special bar for drainage of rainwater. It should be tilted and have wrapped edges so that moisture does not get to the walls and the window. Places of joint of the bar and frame or slope should be sealed with a sealant.

It is better to warm the outside with a foam plastic and the area under the windowsill, because in a third of cases the most heat flows through this zone.

Finishing touchexternal thermal insulation - renovation of paintwork. The old peeling layer of paint can be removed with a spatula and a construction hair dryer, and instead of it, apply fresh paint or varnish.

№12. Warming of wooden windows in a house made of wood

The wooden house puts forward the increased requirements to aesthetics of all carried out works. In principle, any thermal insulation technology can be used, but at the same time be extremely cautious. It is best to use a transparent sealant for thermal insulation of the joint of the glass and frame, heat-saving films, fill large slots with mounting foam, followed by casing. An excellent way of additional insulation of windows in a wooden house -shutter installation.

In conclusion

Qualitative warming of a wooden window with the use of modern materials will not cost so much expensive, but will ensure a tightness at the level of euro windows and will preserve the original appearance of the window structure. Of course, investing time and financial resources makes sense if the window is still strong enough - if it already, as they say, barely breathes, it's easier to replace it with a new one.

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