Major Gooseberry Diseases and Pests

Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin, a biologist and the founder of scientific selection, who named many varieties of gooseberry, called him Vinograd from the north.

A perennial shrub has been pleasing gardeners for many centuries, but the gooseberry pays for the wrong care or inattentive attitude to itself at best with a low yield, at worst its death from diseases and pests.

Table of contents

  • What causes
  • gooseberry? Diseases and treatment
    • White patina is powdery mildew or sphere
    • What to do with anthracnose?
    • How to get rid of septoria?
    • Glass rust, or why
    • fruits fall How to deal with the gooseberry mosaic?
    • Shrub sheds leaves? Pillar rust!
  • Garden pests and measures to combat them
  • Useful tips and methods of prevention
  • The fruit of the shrubbery: both the watchman and the dietary got sick.
If you want a shrub to grow and bear fruit, then its condition should be monitored constantly.

More often the gooseberry suffers from

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fungal ailments, which spread quickly, as natural phenomena in the form of rain and wind help the spores of the fungus.

Insect pests - aphid, mites and caterpillars - cause irreparable harm to gooseberries. And even worse, if these two problems are “arranged”, then the bush should be rescued immediately.

First of all, it is necessary to treat the diseases of the gooseberry, there are not very many of them, but they are all deadly for the plant.

Diseases and treatment

White plaque is powdery mildew or a sphere library

This is a disease that affects the whole shrub, first on the berries or on the lower parts of the leaf, white plaque forms - already in this period it is urgent to take measures .

The peak of the disease is the end of spring – the beginning of summer, in this stage fungal spores settle, new bushes are affected. In summer, the fungus is strengthened, it creates conidia of several tens of generations, by the autumn - the plant is completely affected.

At first, the plaque is easily removed from the fetus, but if left untreated, it becomes darker, coarser, and becomes like felt. The whole plant is covered with this felt, it is completely deformed and dies safely after a couple of seasons.

Mealy dew affects the whole gooseberry bush, if not treated, the bush will die

What to do? You can cure it; several methods are used for this:

  • mix soda ash solution with a small amount of laundry soap( 50/50), dilute in ten liters of water, spray the shrub before budding;
  • hay dust mixed with greenhouse earth, make the infusion( the infusion should stand for about three days), dilute with water 1/3, spray the whole plant 3 times per season, before flowering, after flowering and in the fall, before falling leaves;
  • dry mustard powder( 2 spoons), young garlic shoots and horsetail - boil for 30 minutes, cool, process the whole plant;
  • tomato stepson tincture with laundry soap( 50 grams) - spray a bush with tomato stems to overlay the plant for the winter.

Mealy dew harms not only the gooseberry itself, but many near-growing plants suffer from it.

What to do with anthracnose?

Small brown spots that grow, infect all the leaves of , they fall off, the young shoots stop their growth, the crop is almost disappearing.

With this ailment, it is necessary to burn the entire leaf, the fungus will remain on the uncleared leaves in the spring.

Further fighting:

  • spray copper sulphate per 10 liters of water 40 grams;
  • spray Bordeaux liquid - 4 times per season, before flowering, after flowering, two weeks after the second spraying and the last time - after picking the fruit;
  • can be applied to cuprozan, colloidal sulfur or homycin.
For the treatment of anthracnose, gooseberry leaves need to be burned, sprayed with blue vitriol and Bordeaux mixture

How to get rid of septoria?

The most suitable moment for its development is from the end of spring to the beginning of the summer season, the lower parts of the leaves are covered with white bloom or gray spots, which is why is also called brown spot, or white spot .

If the plant is not treated, brown seals form on the tips of the leaves, and black dots appear on the leaf, and shoots on the bush are affected. Leaves dry and fall off within a month.

How to get rid of: the affected branches and the fallen leaves should be immediately cut off and burned, because the fungus does not die with the leaves. After removing the affected places, the bush must be treated with fungicides.

In case of septoria, the bush needs for copper, manganese, zinc and boron, they need to be applied to fertilizers and mixed with the soil around the bush!

Septoria, or white spot, affects gooseberry leaves, causing them to fall off.

Glass rust, or why

fruits fall. Affects gooseberry leaves with rusty, orange patches in the shape of a glass. The plant is also infected at the end of spring, at the beginning of summer the plant is changing, deforming. Berries become ugly and fall off.


  • universal solution - crystalline hydrate( 30–40 g) per 10 liters of water, process everything completely, up to the soil under the shrub and around the shrub;
  • constantly apply fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium.

Remove sedge, if it is on your site , or transplant gooseberries to a higher place where water does not stagnate.

Glass rust affects gooseberry leaves, berries become ugly and fall off.

How to deal with mosaics on gooseberries?

The yellow pattern along the leaf veins causes the leaves to wrinkle, the plant ceases to bear fruit.

The shrub should be immediately dug out and burned, as such gooseberries cannot be treated.

Only prophylaxis, quarantine, sucking insects treatment and garden tools disinfection will help.

Shrub sheds leaves? Pillar rust!

Occurs on a plant due to its proximity to coniferous trees .The leaves are covered with orange pads, these are spores formed during the summer period.

As a result, a shrub can shed its leaves, and its growth and yield will decrease. The fungus transfers the winter period on the fallen leaves of the currant and on coniferous trees.


  • columnar rust is treated in the same way as with anthracnose diseases;
  • be sure to dig the soil around the bush and burn fallen leaves.

It is important not to plant gooseberries near coniferous trees.

Columnar rust appears on the gooseberry because of the neighborhood with coniferous trees

Garden pests and measures to combat them

Gooseberry can die from pests, no less than diseases, and if you do not pay attention to them, you can definitely lose the summer berries.

For example:

  • caterpillars - the “parent” of the sawfly butterfly or peppered moth, eat the ovaries, envelop the bush with cobwebs;
  • aphid - infects both leaves and shoots, pierces blood vessels, can harm for a long time, because it is difficult to immediately detect;
  • glasshouse - eats the core of the shoots;
  • blackcurrant - the larvae eat flowers, shoots, leaves;
  • tick - penetrates the gooseberry buds, feeds on the juice of young leaves, in addition, it is a carrier of terry virus.
Gooseberry pests are caterpillars, aphid, mite, glass bowl and blackcurrant

. You can fight these pests with the same drugs, the main thing is that you shouldn’t dwell on the same spraying.

As soon as the buds open, immediately treat with karbofos or and continue to spray until buds appear, following processing after flowering.

Remove and destroy all damaged shoots and leaves, if the bush begins to dump them.

Useful tips and methods of prevention

In order to be able to drink tea with gooseberries on a winter evening, you should constantly monitor its condition, observe agrotechnical rules, carry out mandatory prevention.

All these measures will help to save both the bush and the harvest, and in order for it to be regular, the plant should be watered in time with the , especially if the summer is hot - this berry respects coolness.

It is necessary to change the pest control preparations annually, not to forget the traditional methods of cleaning the bushes from the lodgers, for example, why not pick up the ladybirds and put them on the aphids. Or in the beginning of spring, pour boiling water over the whole bush.

It is necessary to feed the bushes in time .To do this, organic and mineral fertilizers are needed, for example, in the spring, before the dissolution of the kidneys, add ammonium nitrate( 25 grams) and urea( 30 grams) per square meter.meter.

A year later, in the fall, potash-phosphate fertilizers are rotted manure, potassium chloride and superphosphate.

Standing with your back to the bush, scatter the fertilizer around at a distance of about two meters, loosen the ground, because the root system is at a depth of half a meter.

Potassium-phosphate fertilizers and their use in the autumn period:

Fruit shrubs: and watchman, and diet berry

Berry culture is used to prepare compotes, jelly, and jam, it is not the last place in cosmetology and nutrition, because in the berryhigh content of fiber and vitamins.

It is enough to eat half a kilogram of berries a day in order to replenish the diet with all micro and macro elements, release the intestines and influence the process of losing weight.

Mature gooseberry bush reaches 1.5 m in height and two meters in width, the plant is perennial, multi-barreled, and if it is well cared for, it will still be fruitful. Sometimes from one bush can collect up to 25 kg of northern grapes.

On the plot it can be planted around the perimeter of the fence, at a distance of about 1.5–2 m from the fence, gooseberry grows and will play the role of the guard , because not a single person will pass through its thorny wilds.

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