Campsis - planting and caring for a beautifully blossoming liana

Many houses, or rather, fences and hedges near houses in Kuban, are decorated with a beautiful liana - Campsis. Planting and caring for her are not difficult, maybe that's why she is widespread in our country. I will share my experience in which there were positive and negative points.

The first time I saw this plant( but then I did not know its name) in early childhood in Aller, where every year in the summer my sisters and I took our parents to gain health and rest. Gorgeous bushes with bright reddish orange clusters of flowers amazed. Since then, when I see blooming Kampsis, I remember the sea. For many years I did not live in the Kuban. Now I don’t remember in which year I suddenly saw the blooming Campsis in the yard of the house, where my parents still live.

Since then, I have decided that in my garden in the country house the campsis will grow and bloom. Of course, he came to me. But the first experience of planting part of the root of a large bush of Kampsis was unsuccessful. He did not begin. Apparently, I took too many layers from the root of the Kampsis for planting. I decided that this is the reason for the failure. But not retreated. I planted a small sprout 15 cm high in the fall in September in the ground. I know that the Kampsis endures the Kuban frosts without any problems, but just in case covered it with fallen leaves for the winter.

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In spring, the vine has turned green. A year later, the first, one bright red flower appeared on my kampsis.

Last summer, the Kampsis threw out a lot of green branches, and all the flowers were not there, although he should have bloomed from mid-June. I found out, especially the care of Kampsis - side shoots, especially at the base, should be cut so that they do not interfere with the development of the main part of the vine. The flowers are formed on the shoots of the current year, growing from perennial stems. In general, I peeled off my Kampsis "like a sticky", leaving only a few magnificent branches on the top. And it turned out that she did the right thing - in August, finally, my handsome campsis blossomed.

From here the conclusion is that the kampsis must be properly cut to form a beautiful bush: two or four main( “skeletal”) branches must form the core, which, when flowering, will bear the main load.

Liana is thermophilic, but in our region( in the Kuban) it does not need to be sheltered for the winter. Campsis is able to withstand short-term drops in temperature to -20 ° C.

Reproduction of the Campsis

This is an uncomplicated process - it is best to propagate it by root growth, cuttings or layering. Young shoots have already emerged around my land around the creeping vine. In the spring, I can cut the process together with a piece of the root and share it with someone from the neighbors. Or you can take the green shoots of Kampsis, located below everyone on the trunk, pin them to the ground, they will take root in the summer, and in the spring they will only be left to separate from the parent root and put in a permanent place.

Liana Kampsis is very decorative, it is used for gardening fences and facades of houses, while it is resistant to urban conditions( smoke and gas resistant).Well, how not to admire the lush brush for 10-15 flowers? The length of the bud of the campsis reaches 10 centimeters, with a diameter of 5 cm, blooming in turns until the end of September. And all you need is: a sunny location, stable watering, pruning of off-shoots, and to increase the duration of flowering, nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer will not interfere.

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