Arches for flowers in the country or in the garden

We always strive to arrange the territory of our stay with comfort, not forgetting the aesthetic side. For many of us, a dacha is not only a source of organic vegetables and fruits, but a place where the soul and body rest. Make your garden beautiful, cozy under the power of each. Decoratively designed flowerbeds or flower arches installed in the country house where they are needed can significantly change the general appearance of the plot and place accents.

  • What is an arch for flowers
  • Making an arch with your own hands
  • Flowers, plants for arch
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What is an arch for flowers

Arch is the oldest architectural element that is relevant at all times, successfully used today landscape designers. With it, you can harmoniously zone the space, create an atmosphere of relaxation, comfort, give a certain touch of romanticism of the local area. Arches are installed at the entrance to the garden, they make out walkways, combine them with arbors, setting tables and benches for rest inside.

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The overall perception of this decorative element largely depends on the type of construction, the material from which it is made. Durability, stability, along with an attractive appearance at any time of the year are the main requirements for the construction of arches. Wood, stone, plastic, brick, forged fragments, metal are used to make them.

Arches for flowers with their own hands, photo:

The country arch can be of any shape: volumetric( pergola), trellis, consisting of a set of arches, trellis - it all depends on your imagination. Wrought iron constructions look impressive, sometimes braiding plants should be thinned out so that the beauty of the work itself, the elegance of the lines, can be seen.

When constructing this structure, it is necessary to take into account that its height must be greater than the human height, width - more than 1 meter. By its size, the modification of the arch should look harmoniously against the background of the house, other buildings. The dacha arch for flowers can be easily erected by one’s own hand, we will look at some examples here.

General requirements:

  1. The material for manufacturing must be reliable, withstand the pressure of winds, snow, other weather conditions.
  2. It should always look beautiful: in spring, summer, autumn, winter - it is equally aesthetically pleasing to look with plants or without them.
  3. Its size must match the growth of all family members. The nuance that it will later be woven over with plants should also be taken into account when determining the dimensions.

Arches can be conditionally divided according to the form, according to the material of production, to the destination. They are rectangular, semicircular, triangular, in the form of canopies, etc.

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Making the arch with your own hands

Arches made of brick or stone are the most durable, if you can build a structure of bricks anyone can, then for decorative masonry will have to attract professionals.

The simplest option can be a curved iron bar - the frame, which will twine climbing plants. Any metal parts better pre-degrease, and then cover with paint.

A wooden arch is more preferable for perennial plants, since it doesn’t become as cold as metal in the cold. If the arch consists of wooden fragments, it is better to fasten them with galvanized materials. The tree harmoniously fits into any style, if desired, you can create a whole ensemble, including a gazebo, decorative fences, grilles.

A simple example of a wooden arch can be a structure consisting of stairs located opposite each other( elements that resemble ordinary stairs) fastened at the top with a wooden lintel. Flexible varieties of flowers or shrubs will look great on it. Over time, the stems of plants grow coarse, woody, take the form that the arch sets.

Metal arch can be made of metal rods or fittings. For bearing arcs, you can use reinforcement with 10 mm section, for transverse fragments a little thinner - 6 mm. Two main arcs are made, and between them, to impart rigidity, stability, cross-beams are installed. These compounds can be of various shapes: curved rings, snakes, crosswise-welded straight segments of the iron rod. These fittings can be welded to the carrier base with a welding machine or securely fastened with flexible metal wire. They are located one behind the other - the distance between them is about 20-30 cm.

The depth of immersion in the ground is 40-60 cm. In the same way, you can make a number of arches that will be located one behind the other. Subsequently, they will look like a floral tunnel.

To work, you will need construction tools:

  • pipe bender;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • pliers;
  • cutting pliers;
  • wire;
  • Roulette;
  • hammer;
  • level;
  • on occasion welding machine.

Sometimes it is rather difficult to achieve the same symmetry of arcs, but this is not a big problem. Subsequently, this structure will be covered with plants, flowers, which will hide minor flaws.

How to make a flower arch with your own hands from plastic pipes? To accomplish this goal it is not necessary to be an expert, it is enough to know the peculiarities of working with the material, to follow simple recommendations.

Take the correct measurements, calculate the plan of the future design, pre-draw the arch on paper. The basic structure consists of fragments of a plastic water pipe, which are connected using fittings. For reliable welding of parts, you also need a special soldering iron-iron with nozzles.

The process of creating such an arch:

  1. In accordance with the agreed size of the pipe is cut into fragments.
  2. Suitable adapters are selected in size( diameter).
  3. Degrease docking points.
  4. The required parts are put on the soldering iron nozzle, heated to a certain temperature, and then connected to adapters. Docking places can only be touched after final cooling.
  5. If there is no “ironing”, you can use a suitable glue. The outer surface of one part, as well as the inner surface of the adapter are covered with glue, it is kept for a certain time, after which the parts are joined and turned slightly.
  6. When all parts are securely fastened together, you can install the design. In order for your arch to withstand gusts of wind, other natural “attacks”, deepenings in the soil for it must be at least 40-50 cm.
  7. We put the arch, we place the installation sites with soil, we carefully tamper.

Plastic arches are best removed in the barn with the onset of winter, as cold has a devastating effect on the material. They are moisture resistant, more practical than wood or metal, which will eventually rot or corrode. The guarantee of using plastic pipes has been calculated for about 50 years; such an arch can be relatively quickly made and installed. Low cost is also an additional advantage.

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Flowers, plants for the arch

Thinking about what flowers to plant for the arch, first comes the thought of climbing roses. This garden design is very convenient for the cultivation of these flowers: it sets the shoots the desired shape, the best way demonstrates the beauty, features of the variety. When choosing colors, it is important to take into account the climatic features of the region, plant varieties, so that at any time of the year the arched design looks attractive.

For this purpose, annual and perennial plants are suitable, which should be planted as close as possible to the base of the arch. Since perennials fully reveal their decorative qualities 1-2 years after planting, curly annuals can be planted next to them - ipomeyu, sweet peas, kobeyu, nasturtium. You can hang pots with ampelous petunias, begonias. Decorating with annual plants will help brighten up the waiting time when clematis or climbing rose gains strength, grows in its permanent place.

Curly roses are considered classics of garden decoration, they are voluminous, have a rich color palette, have a magical aroma, they do not need much care. The shrub is planted at the base of the arch, and then tied shoots to the structure as they grow. Before winter, roses are covered with appropriate covering materials so that they do not freeze.

Before you make your own arch for flowers, think about the material of its manufacture. Roses, for example, are very sensitive to cold, so that the stems are not affected by contact with cold metal, a plastic or wooden arch will be more appropriate for them.

Evergreen ivy is attractive for its lush emerald foliage, it is viable, does not require special care, will decorate your arch, even in winter. It grows slowly, so before you wait for the result, you will have to be patient.

Pierced maiden grapes are also frost-resistant, unpretentious to care, grows in the sun or in the shade. Sometimes it is enough to cut it with scissors to always have a beautiful arch. It can simply be planted near the structure, and then he, clinging to his antennae, braids her.

Clematis in its beauty is not inferior to roses, different thick dense blooms until late autumn. Demands leaving, loves a fertile soil, regular watering, top dressing. However, the goal justifies the means, with a rich color gamut of clematis is very beautiful, some varieties have an amazing aroma. They need to be planted at a distance of 20-30 cm from the arch, not close.

Campsis is a tree-like liana, characterized by unpretentious nature, rapid growth. In July, among the lush foliage, large bright orange and yellow “gramophone” appear, which delight the eyes with its beauty before the onset of the first frost. In case of frost above -20 ° C, the campsis should be covered with spruce branches, foil or covering materials - for reliability.

Honeysuckle - curly flowers for the arch, having a variety of colors, sweet aroma.

It blooms throughout the summer, grows in any soil, in partial shade or in the sun, has a thick lush foliage. Some varieties, such as Henry's honeysuckle, remain green even in winter. You should know that the fruits of some species of this plant are poisonous.

Hop virtually no maintenance needed. It grows well in warm weather, stretching to 10 meters, weaving an arched structure in just a year. This plant is attractive for its small yellow cones, which are used to treat nervous disorders( infusions, decoctions).A decoction of hop cones has long been used for strengthening, hair growth, and also as a diuretic. Thus, the hops planted near the arch will not only decorate your summer cottage, but also benefit your health.

Actinidia Kolomikta - winter-hardy liana, giving flowers by the end of May. White flowers of this plant have an incredible aroma, something reminiscent of lilies of the valley and lemon. Foliage also deserves attention - young leaves initially have a bronze tint, then they turn green, begin to turn white with a tip, and then turn into a crimson color. With free pollination, actinidia can have fruits( probability 50-70%) that can be eaten. The green berries of actinidia look like olives, they have a rich vitamin composition.

According to gardeners, bougainvillea is considered the best plant for shady areas. Loves a warm climate, abundant watering, fertile drained soil. Creeping shoots of this plant can reach 10 meters in length. Blooms profusely with white, purple, orange, crimson flowers that may have a different shape. From April to September, it needs phosphorus dressings, which should be applied 3 times a month.

Arches for flowers in the country can afford to present all the advantages of the site, give it a romantic touch, an atmosphere of mystery. Despite the simplicity of the design, the aesthetics of the arches is undeniable and in demand both today and centuries ago. Depending on the purpose of the installation, the arch can be a basic or additional design element, serve as a support for climbing plants. With the help of this decorative structure you can make your site individual, not like the others.

Ipomoea Kvamoklita pinnate or Ruby stars

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