Chinese garlic is famous for the beneficial properties of .It is known that it contains 25% carbohydrates, 7% fat, ascorbic acid and other compounds. In addition, it has an antibacterial effect, so it is often used for colds.
Table of contents
- Chinese garlic - what is it? Plant Description
- Names fragrant field archery
- Origin spicy garlic dzhusay
- best varieties
- Sail
- Sagittarius
- Elenovsky
- Site preparation for planting
- Growing from seeds and sprouts, planting technology
- Growing in the greenhouse
- Rules care
- Loosening
- Watering
- Feeding
- Collectionharvest
Chinese garlic - what is it? Plant Description
Chinese garlic has a round shape with white skin. A special feature is the absence of a rod inside the head. That is why it is ranked as a spring species.
The teeth themselves are smooth, white in color, sometimes slightly violet at the edges - it speaks of youth and strength. The number of teeth depends on the variety.
With the growth of Chinese garlic is a greenish color. But by harvesting it becomes completely white. The head can be up to 10 cm in length.

Names of fragrant field onions
Chinese onions in Russia are often called fragrant, but this is not true. The fragrant onion, though related to the onion species, does not have pronounced onions - they are not sufficiently developed.
Nevertheless, fragrant onion combines tastes of garlic and onions at the same time .That is why it is so popular both in Asia and in Russia.
Additional names : fragrant, branched, fragrant, savory, dzhusay, field. Each of the names assigned to the place of cultivation, with its own characteristics.

Origin of savory garlic of dzhusai
Chinese garlic comes from China .This country grows more than 11 million tons of garlic per year, which is 75% of the garlic grown worldwide.
Currently, it is widely distributed in Asia, Siberia, the Far East, and the Volga region, .
The best grades
Universal .Resistant to frost and long storage. In one head up to 9 cloves. The head itself is greyish. The stem reaches up to 70 cm in length. The head reaches up to 10 cm in length.
Universal .Resistant to frost and long storage. When growing capricious, often sick. It has a "strong", strong smell. In one head is no more than 8 teeth. White colour.
Universal .Resistant to frost and long storage. In one head from three to six cloves. Color: gray-brown. The stem can reach up to 70 cm in length. Often sick.
Preparation of a plot for sowing
To prepare a seed bed for sowing, you need:
- to completely clear the ground of weeds and grass;
- fill with sand, sawdust and humus;
- dig up well.
It is advisable to start filling the future garden bed with mineral substances even in the fall so that it does not become completely “empty” over the winter.

Cultivation from seeds and shoots, sowing technology
It is best to plant garlic in the garden, preferably in early spring ( preferably April), when the snow has already melted and the ground is not so hard.
Sowing technology:
- to make not very deep pits on the prepared bed;
- put humus, old leaves, nitrogenous fertilizers on the bottom. This will help decompose residues faster and fill the well with useful substances;
- put garlic in the hole;
- dropping;
- pour warm water.
It’s worth considering that you can put both a small, young head and one segment in the hole. The most important thing is to be intact.
Mid-May is suitable for growing in Siberia. You need to use only young heads, so that by September they have time to mature. The place itself should be sunny and warm.

In case of growing garlic from seeds, you need:
- clean and dig up the ground;
- to make grooves( you can just hold along the stick);
- uniformly sow the seeds;
- water.
Many recommend that after planting, cover the seeds with film. This will contribute to active growth. But in the mature stage, the film must be removed.
Dzhusay sowing onions:
Growing in a greenhouse
Growing in a greenhouse is perfect for cold regions. Warmly there will be stored all summer, and the onions will have time to ripen by August .
Soil preparation and sowing technology is the same as in open ground. The only thing that to water and do fertilizing will need more often .
Treatment rules
Young onions need to be loosened regularly. The first time, when the first leaves appeared. In the second - when strong stalks appeared.
When loosening, you need to remember that garlic can not be poured into .On the contrary, you need to clean it, letting in fresh air.

You need to water the garlic regularly, otherwise the leaves will become rough due to drought, dry, and the head itself may lose its sharp taste. In addition, they quickly crack.
Top dressing
In country stores you can find a lot of spray products, including for onion plants. As a universal remedy, it is possible to simply dissolve urea in water and add to a watering can.
Harvesting is needed in late August-early September .By this time, they will be quite large, and the scales will be white or white-violet.
It is important not to be late with the cleaning, otherwise the leaves with the head will begin to crack. In this case, they will no longer be suitable for consumption or for cultivation.
As a rule, the spring species does not have a high yield, so the teeth will be up to 7-8 pieces.
Harvested harvest with a pitchfork( just undermining and pulling).Then they should be sent for drying for 10 days in a warm place.

Chinese garlic is easy to grow and maintain. .Despite some capriciousness, it is easy to get used to changing weather conditions. Therefore, it is grown in many regions of Russia.
Grown onions can be stored for up to one year in the refrigerator. They will not lose taste and will not differ from shop.
The main thing to remember is that for more than three years cannot be planted in the same place as .They will simply begin to grow strongly, and, on the contrary, they will lose power.