Proper planting and care for zucchini in the greenhouse

Zucchini are early-ripe vegetables of the pumpkin family. Culture is unpretentious, but, despite this, loves an abundance of light and moisture. Despite resistance to low temperatures, experienced gardeners recommend growing zucchini in a greenhouse or greenhouse.


  • advantages of growing in the greenhouse
  • varieties of courgettes recommended for greenhouses
    • Belogoriya
    • Kavili
    • Kaunda
  • transplanting dates in greenhouse
  • Basic requirements for greenhouse
  • growing Features
  • Growing seedlings
  • Care
  • Harvesting

advantages of growing in

greenhouse In the greenhouseyou can grow both compact bush hybrids and ordinary varieties of zucchini

The advantages of this type of cultivation include the following:

  • gentle inkusovy qualities of ;
  • reduction of aging time ;
  • increase yield ;
  • possibility of growing early varieties of on an industrial scale;
  • high profitability ;
  • low probability of damage by pests of and diseases.
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Varieties of squash recommended for greenhouses

Bush hybrids are best suited for greenhouses. They not only differ in the increased productivity and excellent tastes, but also take up very little space. The most common are:


Zucchini Belogor

High-yielding variety of early aging. Medium sized fruits. The flesh is dense enough with a delicate taste. Suitable for preservation and for fresh use.


Zucchini Kawili

Applies to early maturing varieties. Possesses oblong fruits of white-green color. The pulp is dense, without a bitter taste. Used for cooking soup, stews, canning.


Zucchini Kaund

High-yielding, early-ripening variety. Fruits are medium size, even. The pulp is greenish-white, tender, dense, juicy.

Terms of planting seedlings in a greenhouse

Experienced gardeners noticed that the timing of planting seedlings in greenhouses is different. They directly depend on the place of growth:

  • for Moscow; ; the optimum landing time is May 5—10;
  • for Siberia - May 15–20;
  • for the Krasnodar Territory - April 10-15.

Basic requirements for greenhouse

Both polycarbonate greenhouses and conventional film greenhouses are suitable for growing zucchini. If you plan to grow in the winter, in this case, the greenhouse should be on the foundation, and covered with glass. The optimal size - 45-50 square.meters Height does not matter. For ventilation, the greenhouse is necessarily equipped with air vents. In a greenhouse covered with glass, a wood stove or an electric boiler can be used for heating. The greenhouse, covered with polycarbonate, can be heated with the help of heaters.

Greenhouse from polycarbonate Zucchini

Especially favorite zucchini biofuel. It warms the roots of plants well and acts as a food that improves the growth of seedlings. For its preparation you will need:

  • rotted mullein or pork manure;
  • straw.

Mix the mullein with straw in the same quantity, put it in a heap, pour it abundantly with water and leave it alone under the film cover on 3-4 of the day .Then, in the greenhouse, the soil is removed, the biofuel is placed in a thin layer and the top layer of soil is poured on top. The resulting cushion emits carbon dioxide, which warms the roots of plants and promotes good growth and improved taste qualities of zucchini.

Features of growing

It is best to grow zucchini seedlings. Seeds on seedlings are planted in early March. Before sowing, the seeds must be prepared:

Soaking the zucchini seeds before planting
  1. Pour the seeds with hot water. The water temperature should be + 45—52 degrees. To sustain for 5-7 hours.
  2. Immerse minutes on the 2 in icy water. This procedure is performed to prevent fungal diseases.
  3. Wrap the seeds in a wet fabric and leave for 48 hours in a room with a temperature not lower than 23 degrees. It is necessary to keep the fabric wet all the time.

Cultivation of seedlings

When the seeds have passed the preparation stage, we start planting. For planting zucchini need to prepare a special soil. For this we need:

  • garden land - 7 parts;
  • peat - 5 parts;
  • mullein - 3 parts;
  • ash — 150–200 grams;
  • superphosphate - 30-40 grams;
  • ammonium nitrate - 25-40 grams.
It is better to plant seeds in peat pots, since the seedlings of squash does not tolerate transplanting.

The diameter of the pot should be from 10 cm. Planting depth should be no more than 3 cm. You can plant 2 seeds in a pot. After sprouting, leave one more strong sprout. When planting the pot is recommended to fill with soil only half. After planting, the seeds are watered slightly to ensure good contact with the soil. Before the appearance of the first shoots, the temperature in the room should be + 26-28 degrees.

Growing zucchini seedlings in peat pots

After sprouting, seedlings are transferred to a bright room with a temperature: + 17-18 degrees during the daytime, and + 12-14 degrees at night. Such a temperature regime is observed for 4 days in order to allow the seedlings to get stronger. Then the temperature during the entire growing period is maintained depending on the weather conditions:

  • in case of cloudy weather - + 21-22 degrees;
  • in sunny weather — + 26–28 degrees;
  • at night - + 17-18 degrees.

Through 10-12 days after planting, should be poured into the peat cups. At the same time, carefully twist the stem like a corkscrew. So that only the bottom leaves are left on the surface.

Watering seedlings is recommended as the surface of the soil dries.

Care should be taken to ensure that the soil does not dry out and there is no over-irrigation. Improper watering can lead to stem and root rot.

If seedlings are grown on a window sill, it is important to consider the following lighting features:

  • sill located on the south side, does not require additional lighting;
  • west, east side - light day at least 11 hours;
  • north side - installation of additional lighting is required.
Zucchini seedlings, which have reached the age of 20-25 days, move to the greenhouse for a permanent place.

When 3-4 leaves grow on seedlings( after 20-25 days), they are transplanted into greenhouses. It is recommended to warm up a greenhouse before planting seedlings. Disembarkation is performed by the square-nested method. Between the rows should be 50-72 cm. The well is watered, planted seedlings and sprinkled with earth to the first sheets. After transplanting seedlings, the temperature in the greenhouse should be in the range of 14-15 degrees. Air with careful precaution so as not to significantly lower the temperature.


In order for the plants to grow strong and give a rich harvest, proper care is necessary, which in turn will prevent squash diseases. It is important to observe the following rules:

Every day a greenhouse needs to be ventilated.
  1. Watering plants should be at room temperature ( + 19-24 degrees) not often, but copiously. In late April - early May, increase the amount of watering and the frequency of airing the greenhouse.
  2. Do not create high humidity in the greenhouse. Squashes do not like this.
  3. Feeding should be done every 10 days. For top dressing, dilute 1.5-2 liters of fresh cow manure in 10 liters of water.
  4. The bush should not pinch the and shape.
  5. To reduce evaporation of moisture, sprinkle with soil surface.
  6. Greenhouse frames remove as soon as frosts stop.
  7. If the shrub is very thick, should cut out part of the leaves with a knife in the middle of the shrub. This will provide additional air penetration and make it easier for insects pollinating the plant to access the flowers.


During active fruiting, zucchini is harvested every other day.50 days after transplanting).
  • Stop watering 7 days before harvest. This will prevent excessive squash wateriness.
  • In the midst of ripening zucchini, it is recommended that be collected every two days .
  • Deformed fruits remove to maintain plant strength.
  • Overcooked squash cleaned, to give the opportunity to form new ovaries.
  • When collecting fruits, it is important not to damage them. When damaged, they lose their appearance and reduce the shelf life of
  • At various forums, gardeners leave their reviews and comments. Here are some of them:

    Stanislav. Very satisfied with the greenhouse method. Squashes are almost not exposed to diseases. Harvest is collected from the very beginning of spring and right up to late autumn.

    Raisa. I see no reason to plant squash in a greenhouse in the form of seedlings. I plant the seeds and they quickly catch up with the seedlings. The rest of the greenhouse happy.

    Vitaly, Krasnodar. He built his business on growing zucchini in greenhouses. Growing is not difficult, not a lot of costs. I recommend it to everyone. ..

    Observing these not complicated recommendations is quite easy to grow zucchini in a greenhouse. In addition, this method does not require large investments, therefore can be a good business for gardeners and bring significant profits.

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