Of all 140 botanically known species of viburnum, most of them grow in temperate climates. Interestingly, only one of them, Viburnum, has medicinal properties.
This unusually unpretentious shrub easily endures both heat and frost .
Kalina can grow not only a bush, but also a tree up to 5 meters high. Wild forms are found in mixed forests, along the banks of reservoirs, along the edges.
In the south of Russia and in Ukraine, this berry shrub grows near almost every house.
Table of Contents
- When it matures and in which month it is possible to collect viburnum: in the middle regions of the st.of the roots
When it matures and in which month you can pick viburnum: in the middle lane, Siberia, Moscow region, Ukraine
You can start harvesting viburnum berries as you mature.
It depends not only on the region, but rather on the place where viburnum grows. The side of the bush facing the sun ripens earlier than at least a week.
Usually, in central Russia and the Moscow region, red viburnum acquires a characteristic color for the variety( the time has come for technical maturity)
at the end of September .This does not mean that it urgently needs to be removed from the bush.North of Moscow, in Siberia, , the date of collecting viburnum shifts to winter .Already there is no need to focus on the color of the berries.
After the first frost, they ripen in any case , and in the frozen form of viburnum even easier to clean - the berries do not crumple.
Bunches can hang on the branches until the spring without loss of quality. Birds during the winter starvation love to eat the left berries - it helps them a lot.
Collection rules for healing red berries
As soon as the berries of viburnum acquire a characteristic color( thick red color without green specks ), you can start harvesting them for the winter.
To harvest, you must choose a clear day. Brushes cut with a pruner .Do not be afraid to cut the bush - it is only useful for him( at the same time will spend rejuvenation).
Place the cut clusters in a single layer .Dumped in bulk, it is almost impossible to disassemble afterwards. The branches cling to each other - half of the berries fall off.

These brushes can be immediately linked bundles , to hang in a well-ventilated place to dry. It is desirable to remove substandard berries immediately.
If you collect the viburnum for processing, then wash it immediately .It is much easier to wash it on the branches. Spread out to dry on spreading fabric. After draining excess water, the berries are ready for processing.
Benefits of the plant and healthy properties
Calories 100 grams of fresh and dried berries of viburnum are 26 and 200 kcal, respectively. But these numbers do not reflect the value of red berries. They contain up to 75 mg of vitamin C, 500 mg of active phosphorus compounds, 2.5 g of carotene.
In viburnum ordinary ascorbic acid is 1.5 times more than citrus fruits, phosphorus salts 3 times, iron salts 4-5 times.
Healing red berries are rich in microelements - Ca, Mn, K, Zn, Cu, Cr, Fe, Se, I, Co .
Ascorbic acid content is 1.5 times higher than that of tropical lemon, 3 times higher than that of forest raspberry. In addition to ascorbinka, the berries of this shrub are rich in vitamins E, A, K, R.
A complex of acids( folic, valeric, including), pectins, mineral complexes, tannins, essential oils, phytoncides - rightly considers this plant to be one of the most effective means of traditional and traditional medicine .
Berries are an effective immune stimulant .Natural substances of viburnum have a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels, which is used to prevent diseases of the heart and coronary vessels.

viburnin. Like all red fruits, viburnum berries are rich in iron compounds. Ascorbic acid improves its absorption, therefore, the processing products of viburnum are indispensable for anemia.
Mild sedative effect of viburnum due to the presence of alkaloids and alkaline acids, helps with mild anxiety, nervous excitement. At night it is useful to drink viburnum tea.
The combination of viburnum with honey raises the body's defenses , cures colds, bronchitis, is used as an expectorant. It has a slight diuretic effect.
A special glycoside viburnin with a unique vasoconstrictor effect was found in Kalina. It is his presence that explains the high hemostatic ability of viburnum, in particular, for uterine bleeding.
Fresh berry juice has a slight whitening effect on the skin. .In the old days, girls used it to whiten freckles. Crushed berries were also treated with acne, pigment spots.
Viburnum red berry and its beneficial properties:
Harm to the human body, contraindications
In wild species of viburnum, alkaloids and glycosides are present in lethal concentrations. Even the edible varieties of berries cannot be eaten uncontrollably by handfuls of .
Consumption of these fruits is limited for patients with high acidity of gastric juice, gout, urolithiasis.
Since viburnum contains a natural analogue of female sex hormones, pregnant women should use its fruit with extreme caution - excessive consumption can cause abortion.
Many traditional medicine prescriptions advise to take 21 berries per serving. Omit the esoteric, so much harm can not bring. And small doses of the treating substance sometimes have a much stronger effect than a chemically pure drug( the principle of homeopathy).
Medicinal properties of the bark, flowers and roots
From ancient times there is knowledge that has been confirmed in modern medical practice about the beneficial properties of viburnum berries.
By the way, flowers, bark, roots of a plant are no less useful - they are also widely used in traditional medicine.
Viburnum decoctions are shown in the treatment of angina, colds, bronchitis - a natural antibiotic found in these berries.
It is important that Viburnum is harmless to diabetics - there are no sugars in it. Most of all viburnum is valued for its hypotensive action.

The berry cannot be replaced by medicines prescribed by a doctor, self-treatment in case of cardiovascular diseases is unacceptable. But if you first consult with your doctor, you can prepare a very effective natural medicine.
Recipe 1. High pressure medicine :
- Grate the beets, squeeze out the juice and let it stand( this is important!) For 40 minutes.
- Get the juice from a glass of viburnum berries( if you pre-pour boiling water, the juice leaves much easier).
- Combine three components: beet juice, viburnum and honey( in equal proportions).
- On the water bath, stir the mixture constantly, stirring for no more than 10 minutes.
- Pour into glassware and store at the bottom of the refrigerator.
A high content of pectins and tannins normalizes the digestive system, a natural complex of vitamins and microelements restores the health of the nervous system, even levels the psychological background during depression - for this it is enough to consume all the dessert spoon of berries every day.
Various blanks can be made from viburnum berries: jelly, juice, pereteret with honey or sugar, just freeze, dry.
In order to preserve the beneficial properties of the berries, must minimize the heat treatment of .To prepare a vitamin puree, you have to tinker a bit, but the result is worth it.

Recipe 2. Wiped viburnum with sugar : wash berries, pour boiling water - berries will be easier to give juice.
Place the strainer on a bowl with high edges. Add berries in small portions and rub with a spoon. Juice and pulp will drain into a bowl. The cake will remain - do not throw it away; you can make a delicious jelly or compote.
Add sugar to the resulting puree. Usually, 0.5 kg of sugar is enough per liter of such puree. Wait until the sugar is completely dissolved, put in the refrigerator for storage.
Instead of sugar, you can add honey, you get a universal remedy for raising immunity.
Kalina, ground with sugar. Preparation for the winter:
Recipe 3. Viburnum juice : the use of viburnum juice for the treatment of allergies, hypertension, colds, neuroses, and simply to restore the body after a long illness.
A bunch of viburnum( two small ones) is poured with a glass of boiling water, after about 10 minutes( when the water has cooled) the berries are kneaded, they are filled up to 200 ml with boiled water.
Take 1–2 cups 1–2 times a day for 2 weeks( no more).
Recipe 4. Tea from viburnum berries : indicated for diseases of the nervous system, general weakness of the body. For this tea, use the harvest “Kalina rubbed with sugar”.
Enough with a glass of boiling water to brew a tablespoon of mashed mixture, after 5-7 minutes the medicinal drink is ready.
Recipe 5. Viburnum tincture with honey : used to prevent colds and simply to strengthen the immune system.
For cooking, you need:
- 500 grams of fresh berries without twigs and seeds.
- 200 ml quality vodka.
- 500 grams of natural honey.
Mash berries, mix with vodka and honey. After about two weeks of aging in a dark cool place, the tincture is ready. The finished product should be taken for a long time at 20-25 ml( almost 2 tablespoons) 2-3 per day before meals.

Bush of viburnum retains its decorative effect at almost any time of the year:
- sprinkled with buds in spring in May;
- thick greens with red tassels in summer;
- yellow-red color of autumn foliage with scarlet berries;
- red tassels of berries with snow caps in winter.
And how much benefit besides beauty gives the usual bush "viburnum ordinary". .. To be treated with viburnum is not only effective, but also very tasty : teas, juices, puree, jelly, fruit drinks.
Almost everything can be prepared from improvised, given the availability of viburnum berries. And no "chemistry."