Calendar of planting vegetables in open ground in the Kuban

I bring to your attention a calendar of planting vegetables in open ground. Specific dates of planting seedlings and sowing seeds in open ground compare with the lunar calendar gardener.

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White cabbage early 3rd decade of March
mid-season planting seedlings - the 2nd half of April;

sowing seeds - 1st decade of March;

; mid-late and late ripening; ; Seeding seedlings - June 15-25;

seeding - the third decade of May

Cauliflower transplanting - the third decade of March
Cabbage kohlrabi transplanting - the third decade of March
Tomatoes landing early seedling - the third decade of April 1st decadeMay;

sowing of seeds( for late consumption) - from March 25 to April 15

Cucumbers sowing of seeds - the 2nd decade of April-1st decade of May;

repeated( summer) crops - 1st decade of June-1st decade of July

Onions sowing seeds - February “windows” - 2nd and 3rd decade of March;

through sevok - the end of February - the beginning of March

Garlic before the winter - October-November;

in spring - as soon as the ground rises( February “windows” - beginning of March)

Potatoes spring plantings steppe zones of the region: 1st and 2nd decades of March;

foothills: end of March 2nd decade of April

summer landings steppe zone: 1st decade of June;

areas adjacent to the Black Sea coast - 2nd decade of June

Pepper transplanting: 1st decade of May;

sowing seeds - mid-April

Eggplants planting seedlings - 1st decade of May;

sowing seeds - mid-April

Carrots as early as possible in spring - in February “windows” - April;

summer sowing - 2nd decade of May - 3rd decade of June

Radish spring-summer sowing - from the second half of March;

conveyor, in several stages - from April and later;

summer-autumn sowing - August - early September

Dill spring sowing - February “windows” - March;

in the winter;

in summer - June

Gourds southern areas: 3rd decade of April - beginning of May;

northern and eastern regions - 1st decade of May;

first sow zucchini, squash, pumpkin, then - melons, watermelons

The vegetable planting calendar is based on the many years of experience of gardeners and scientists from the scientific research institute of vegetable and potato farming

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