Persimmon - the benefits and harm than it is useful for our body

Bright and appetizing persimmon, benefits and harm what? How important are the properties of persimmon for our body, how is it useful? Are there any contraindications? Is it really tasty and low-calorie persimmon can do harm? To whom? These questions usually begin to arise in November, at a time when bright orange fruits appear on the shelves of the markets and shops.

  • How to choose a persimmon
  • How useful persimmon
  • Dried persimmon
  • Useful and therapeutic properties of leaves, roots, shoots persimmon
  • Persimmon in cosmetology
  • Contraindications and warnings - persimmon can harm
  • Using persimmon industry

It turns out that this is notonly delicious berry. The beneficial properties of persimmon can do without energy drinks, as it perfectly improves the tone of the whole body. The fruits have an exquisitely rich aroma, extraordinary taste. Fresh - contain more than 20%, and dried - up to 60% sugar. Organic acids contain little. That is why they are useful for people with high acidity.

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In China, persimmon has been cultivated for centuries - this is its homeland. From there she came to East Asia, then Japan. Only at the end of the XIX century, they learned about it all over the world. Its fruits are very highly valued by the Chinese. And Japan considers it a national fruit.

Persimmon( Diospyros - translated from the Greek - "the fruit of the gods") is not really a fruit, but a large, round, juicy berry with a smooth, thin skin of variable color( from yellow to brilliant orange).The color of the peel depends on the degree of ripening or variety. The flesh is soft, almost jelly-like when the fruit is fully ripe.

There are about five hundred varieties of persimmon. This evergreen plant has a high nutritional value, and, not only fruits, but also leaves, bark, roots have useful properties.

Unripe fruit due to its high tannin content is often used by the Japanese as an additive to sake or liqueur.

Roasted seeds are used as a coffee substitute.

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How to choose the right persimmon

This is a must know. Only soft, fully ripe fruits have really juicy, tasty flesh. Such fruits are very useful. Store them with extreme care, taking care not to damage the skin. Damaged berries quickly rot. It is better to keep them frozen. By the way, freezing removes astringency. Persimmon is eaten when the fruit becomes a jelly-like consistency.

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The usefulness of persimmon

In Japan, China, the use of 2-3 berries equates to dinner - they are the main ones on the dinner table. One fruit contains almost six grams of dietary fiber, which is equal to a quarter of the daily recommended value. As the fiber is digested slowly, you feel satiety for a longer period of time. That is why persimmon can be recommended to children, people involved in sports or experiencing great physical exertion.

This is a dietary product that, thanks to its pectin content, is recommended for the treatment of digestive disorders. Traditional medicine uses fruit to treat diseases of the stomach.

A large amount of sugars that contain berries is glucose, fructose, which support a healthy vascular system, strengthens the heart muscle, despite this the level of glucose in the blood remains within the normal range.

Persimmon is very nutritious, as well as figs or grapes. Many people even eat dried instead of sweets during tea. This fruit contains so much glucose. When dried, it appears on the surface of the fruit as frost.

Contains vitamin C( antivirus), provitamin A( carotene helps with problems with eyes, skin), there are also vitamins B, PP, iron salts( blood formation), many other valuable substances. It can be recommended for people suffering from high blood pressure or cardiovascular diseases.

As a rule, for those people who are prescribed diuretics as prescribed by a doctor, the output of beneficial potassium from the body increases, that is, they must take potassium-containing medications in addition. But if you add persimmon to your diet, along with apricots, apples, the need to take additional potassium supplements will disappear by itself - the body will receive the necessary potassium from these fruits.

There are 2 times more beneficial micronutrients and dietary fiber than apples. Antioxidants also contain many.

This is an excellent source of iron, calcium, copper, as well as magnesium, potassium. Magnesium reduces the likelihood of kidney stones. One of the most important health benefits is its anti-cancer properties due to its high beta-carotene, vitamin A. This fruit can reduce the risk of lung cancer and is recommended for consumption by chronic smokers. Vitamins C, P reduce the fragility of blood vessels. Vitamins B1, B2 contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system. Due to the high iodine content, regular consumption of this fruit helps to improve the function of the thyroid gland - this is also one of the most beneficial properties of this fruit.

Due to the high content of sugars, potassium, persimmon juice can help replenish the body with energy, alleviate the symptoms of stress, fatigue, and therefore there is no need to use special energy or nutritional supplements.

Persimmon has a diuretic, tonic effect, and therefore eliminates swelling.

It soothes the nervous system, increases efficiency, has bactericidal properties in relation to intestinal, hay bacilli, as well as Staphylococcus aureus.

When you have a cold or cough, it is helpful to gargle with the juice of one or two ripe persimmon fruits mixed with cup of warm water.

A decoction of its cups, the stalk is sometimes used to stop the hiccups.

For therapeutic purposes, they use persimmon for anemia: you should drink 50-100 ml of juice 2 times a day before meals.

For bleeding gums, high blood pressure should be taken twice a day for a week to take ¼ teaspoon of powder obtained from the pounded leaves of persimmon.

For chronic diarrhea, drink 500 ml decoction every 4 hours. The broth is prepared from sliced ​​into slices six medium-ripe unripe berries, poured with 3 cups of boiling water. The contents are covered with a lid for 20 minutes and then filtered to free the decoction from the pulp fibers.

Ripe fruits, devoid of astringent properties, are an excellent tool in the treatment of constipation.

They also help the body control cholesterol levels, since they contain enough pectin to prevent cholesterol absorption by the intestinal walls.

As is known, any fresh fruits or berries have so much sugar that people need, organic acids, salts, proteins, vitamins that have valuable nutritional and healing properties. These elements contain different fruits unequally. Persimmon, for example, surpasses sugar in many crops growing under similar conditions. It is enough to give one example: ripe berries of this crop of any variety contain a lot of sugars, mainly glucose and fructose, against 8-11% in fruits of apple, pear, and peach. It should be noted that we import fructose from Holland. A half-dried Caucasian( wild), sold in the fall or winter in the markets, contains sugar from 32 to 40%, and dry matter - 62-71%.

Fruits are used in various gastric diseases, as a preventive, therapeutic agent for scurvy. For food use fresh or dried berries.

It is very easy to dry them - you can even use an ordinary oven, gradually adding fire. Dried persimmon tastes like figs, only it is more dense.

Persimmon is useful for stomach diseases, diarrhea, and dysentery due to the absence of acid. Due to the presence of pectin removes toxins. Glucose, fructose support the heart muscle. The treatment book indicates that thick fruit juice is recommended to drink 2-3 cups daily for the treatment of hypertension. It is useful in case of thyroid disease. Most importantly, it regenerates damaged tissue.

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Dried Persimmon

Persimmon, one of the best fruits that promote health, is processed mainly by drying.

Dried persimmon is rich in nutrients to promote health, such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are vital. When dried, the sugar content in persimmon increases by 3-4 times and it becomes more nutritious. Dried berries contain 8-10 times more vitamin C than apples. They also contain vitamin A, calcium, carotene and protein.

Dried persimmon is effective for people with high blood pressure. She can stop diarrhea. Finally, it is suitable for people who are on a diet.

The fruits of dried persimmon are always covered with white "frost".This is not a mold, it is glucose and fructose, which after evaporation of moisture crystallized on the surface during the drying of fruits.

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Useful and healing properties of leaves, roots, persimmon shoots

Eastern medicine uses a decoction of the roots or leaves of persimmon as an external remedy to stop bleeding, to disinfect wounds, cuts, punctures or scratches. External use of such broth will help reduce pain, reduce inflammation in hemorrhoids.

Shoots, leaves of this plant have a large amount of ascorbic acid. Especially its many in the fall. From leaves you can make a tea substitute. A study conducted by Korean scientists( 1980) showed that leaf tea contains 20.8 times more vitamin C than green tea!

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Persimmon in cosmetology

Cosmetologists advise using the pulp of unripe fruits together with egg yolk, lemon juice - this mask is useful for skin with enlarged pores, for inflamed skin of the face, for acne-prone skin.

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Contraindications and cautions - persimmon can harm

If you try persimmon for the first time or give it to your child - be very careful - do not eat more than one fruit at a time, as there are people who becauseits astringent properties may suffer from intestinal obstruction.

Diabetics should avoid eating it. It is not recommended for people suffering from obesity to eat because of the high content of easily digestible sugars.

Unripe fruits contain an abundance of tannins( useful for periodontal gums), which give them astringency( 0.2-0.5%).Therefore, a person who tries an unripe fruit will feel that his mouth will “bind”.However, the ripe fruit loses its astringency. If you pour an unripe berry with warm water for 12 hours, it will lose its astringency.

Rinsing the mouth and brushing your teeth after drinking persimmon is mandatory, as the remnants of sugary fibers between the teeth can provoke the development of caries.

Persimmon contains a lot of tannin and pectin, so if you eat it on an empty stomach, this can lead to the creation of dense lumps in the stomach that can cause nausea, vomiting, make you cry from pain.

Dried persimmon is very useful, but it is impossible to cook compote from it, for example, because during cooking, the astringent characteristic of unripe fruit is restored.
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The use of persimmon in industry

Unripe fruits, leaves, branches, roots have a high content of tannins, so they are used for dyeing fabrics, the production of varnish, indelible ink, leather tanning. Its wood can be easily processed and polished. No wonder they used it for parquet in the construction of churches, museums. Musical instruments, weaving shuttles, and furniture were made from persimmon wood. In Japan, the juice squeezed from immature fruits infiltrate the nets, the ropes, which makes them more solid, durable. In addition, the juice is also used for the production of packaging paper for tea. At the same time the paper does not pass moisture, protects the tea from mildew.

All the listed industrial, healing and beneficial properties of persimmon give it high popularity, especially among gardeners. It has a peculiar pleasant taste, considerable nutritional value. Canned by fast freezing in sugar syrup or frozen without syrup, packed in cellophane. Freezing is one of the ways to get rid of astringency. This is a great dessert dish.

In general, persimmon - everywhere is good, very useful! The main thing - to be able to choose the right fruit, so as not to disappoint his tart taste.

So, let's summarize by listing the main beneficial properties of persimmon:

  • has diuretic, tonic properties;
  • soothes the nervous system;
  • fruits have an antibacterial effect;
  • inhibit the development of vascular diseases;
  • magnesium reduces the risk of kidney stones;
  • vitamin A protects against cancer;
  • vitamins C, P help to reduce the fragility of blood vessels;
  • using fruit for cosmetic purposes helps to narrow pores, smooth wrinkles, make the skin smooth, matte.

Side Effects, Persimmon Harm:

  • should be used with great care, no more than one fetus per day, for people suffering from obesity or diabetes;
  • it can reduce blood pressure, level the effects of drugs used to increase blood pressure;
  • to avoid negative effects on the intestines of binding properties, eat only ripe fruit, but if you can not avoid it, then eat it at least on a full stomach;
  • never eat persimmon( ripe or unripe) after or before eating crab meat as this type of meat is likely to increase the binding properties - intestinal obstruction problems are unlikely to be avoided.
The information contained in the article should in no way be considered as medical advice. Consult with your physician before starting any food program that uses persimmon. The benefits and harm that it can do to your body are very individual. Follow the doctor’s advice and common sense before making changes to your lifestyle.
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