Let's get acquainted with the flower of alokaziya

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raison d'être of any species in nature enclosed in procreation. Under natural conditions, alocasia can multiply by all available means - vegetative, scion from the roots, seeds. Transfer and conquer new territories can only seed propagation. Therefore, flower alokazii in nature is a normal physiological process. At home, approaching extreme, flowering is not always possible. All the more enjoyable to achieve heights in the care of the fuss

Alokaziya blooming at home

Fans flower growers replenish their home flower garden alokazie for decorative leaves, large shrub. Having reached a mature age, in good conditions of maintenance, the indoor flower will bestow a released flower stem. But the leaves are much more decorative than the cob, emitting a scent that not everyone can stand without a headache.

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Giving strength to bloom, and then for seed ripening, if pollination occurred, the flower of alokaziya loses its decorative effect. The leaves begin to fall off, the dry stem with rhizome remains. Perhaps, after a long time after insemination, the plant will recover if a competent florist takes him to a cool place to rest for several months.

Alokaziya blooms at home happen more often if a window is built for it, which simulates the climate of humid tropics. In a residential area such an atmosphere is impossible. Some species of ornamental deciduous plants sometimes throw out the ear, others never bloom.

The structure of the flower alokazii

Bloom plants that have reached the age of 5-7 years. At the same time, in flowers with falling leaves, the peduncle appears simultaneously with the young leaf. The leaf stalk is always longer than the peduncle. The cover wraps the developing flower tightly in a cocoon, gradually freeing up space for its appearance. The veil departs as the flower opens, but it falls off only when the seeds ripen.

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An ear is small florets on short legs, they are attached to the body. The cob is divided into female and male zones. Closer to the base, the thickened part is female. Male zone - a cylindrical upper part.

Flowers monoecious. Male consists of accrete stamens in reverse pyramidal synandria. In the female flower, the stigma is short with 3-4 lobes. After pollination on the cob, several ruby ​​or orange berries are formed, each of them carries several seeds.

Proper care of the flower alokaziya allows you to propagate the plant without exhaustion due to flowering. Moreover, the seeds do not convey all the properties of the mother bush. Flowering will be short-lived, and the fragrance on the fan. Peduncle can be carefully removed. If the time has come for the flowering of alokaziya, the flower-bearing stem has appeared, you should decide for yourself which is better, the beauty of a mature plant or its flowering with consequences.

Tricks for Alokaziya's care

The flowering of the grower is the crown of the grower's efforts to take care of house plants. Therefore, to achieve flowering, even decorative pets with large leaves is always a task for the master. On numerous flower grower forums, many tips and happy owners show photos of alokaziya flowers. There are those who show the consequences of obtaining seeds from their pets.

Two mutually exclusive aspects are considered to be the main stimulus for flowering. It is necessary to create the necessary microclimate, moisture and food regime, on the one hand. On the other hand, an adult plant should dry out briefly before the onset of spring. Such a trick to care for Alokaziya will shake it and make it necessary to envisage the continuation of the family by seeds, since in this place it became uncomfortable for the roots. And then the germ of the flower will begin. Further good care will not stop the development of the cob.

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Basic Rules for the Care of Alocasia

In order for alocasia to flourish and enjoy the pleasure of contemplation, it is necessary to observe the conditions of its maintenance.

  1. Bright place of keeping without direct sunlight and without drafts.
  2. The temperature is about 22-27 degrees, in winter not lower than 18.
  3. Humidity in summer is about 80%, in winter it is slightly less. But if you do not wait for flowering, then the plant can be content with 50%, if there is an aquarium next to it, a tray with wet clay, a substrate of moss and wood chips.
  4. Watering systematically, but without waterlogging of the soil and without stagnation of water in the drain pan. In winter, watering is rare, once a week, depending on the condition of the soil. Water is used soft, defended.
  5. Spraying water over the plant in the form of a mist, wiping leaves with a soft cloth, a warm shower in the bathroom once a week, and then removing excess moisture.
  6. Alokaziya fertilizer once every 2 weeks in summer and monthly in winter with complex formulations. For adult plants, potash-nitrogen mixtures with microfertilizers and stimulants are needed, young ones need additional monophosphate, soluble microfertilizers.
  7. Timely transplanting a plant into a high cramped container, maintaining stability. The soil is selected light, slightly acidic, with a large mineral component.
  8. Systematic monitoring of plant health, the absence of pests and diseases.

If all the conditions for the plant are created, then it will prosper, delighting with its decorative effect. For flowering alokazii create a stressful situation, but briefly. If you plant the plant in a warm showcase or florarium, then it will be much easier to provide tropical conditions there, to warm the ground.

Read also: Get acquainted with the healing properties of alokaziya

For novice gardeners will be valuable and tips on creating a favorable care for the flower and fertilizer for alokaziya for her. It is advised not to regret adding vermiculite to the soil by almost half. The dignity of the mineral, it takes away excess moisture and gradually gives, adjusting the humidity in the pot. Perlite disinfects and structures the soil. The best organic fertilizer will be shavings of animal horns, it acts more effectively than vermiculite. For the development of the root system, you can use the Domotsvetom, and in the winter it is necessary to feed Ferrovit together with Emerald. They provide better absorption of oxygen with a lack of light.

Blooming of various types of alokaziya

A low-growing plant with pink-green petioles and dark green leaves with bright streaks. Peduncle up to 20 cm, cob white-pink, up to 10 cm, cover twice as long. Blossoms, but does not set seeds in room conditions.

Alocasia is large-root, grows up to 2 m in height, medicinal appearance.peduncle up to 30 cm, cob up to 24 cm, cover of the same size. The berries are red, shiny up to 1 cm in the cut.

Alokaziya is a copper-red, very decorative compact plant, the leaves are convex, leathery with a metallic sheen. Flowers have an unpleasant peculiar smell. Peduncles dark red, up to 15 cm, the same cover. At home there is no seed.

This type of alokasy most often blooms at home. Black velvet, or black velveteen, a plant low about favorite for the special softness of elegant leaves. Peduncle up to 10 cm long, white-pink cover, less peduncle.

Many species of amazing flower alokazii waiting to be described. Our task is to show the diversity of the world of domestic plants. Everyone chooses a favorite flower at the behest of the heart independently, and he becomes a member of the family.

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