How to grow a good dill bush?

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Kustovaya dill has not received much popularity in our country, but has already managed to awaken interest among gardeners. And this is connected, first of all, with its high yield. Only 20 bushes can fully satisfy the needs of a family of 3-4 people in this spicy and fragrant greenery.

Many gardeners who first planted this crop are disappointed: the plants do not reach optimal sizes and do not produce high yields. The reason for this is that the agrotechnology of the cultivation of the bush varieties has its own characteristics. This article discusses how to grow a good dill of bush varieties, and what rules for caring for them should be followed.

Description of the Plant

There are many varieties of this crop that differ from ordinary dill in their unusual shape and height of the bush. An adult plant can reach a height of up to 1.5 m, and when grown in a greenhouse, up to 2.5–3 m. The lower internodes are close together, and well-leafy lateral shoots grow from the leaf bosoms. Due to this, dill and takes the form of a bush. Leaf length reaches 45 cm, which is why the plant is often confused with fennel.

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Preparation of seeds

Shrub dill usually forms a peduncle at the very end of the season, therefore the seeds do not have time to mature in most regions of Russia. In order to avoid the annual purchase of planting material, you need at least a few bushes to grow seedlings, then the seeds will have time to ripen before the onset of cold weather.

Dill seeds contain a lot of essential oils, which makes them germinate over time. If there is no confidence in the freshness of the seeds, they are recommended to be soaked in warm water for several days. Darkened water saturated with oils is drained and fresh is poured instead. Before planting, the seeds are spread on a cloth and dried until flowability occurs.

Soil preparation and sowing

Dill loves fertile, well-absorbing soil, but most soils with a neutral reaction are suitable for sowing. As the root dill root system is powerful and can reach a depth of 50 cm, a sufficient thickness of the fertile layer is necessary for the full development of the plant.

Organic or mineral fertilizers are applied before planting into the ground. Should adhere to such standards for their introduction of 1 square.m. area:

  • urea or potassium salt - 15-20 g;
  • humus - 2-3 kg;
  • superphosphate - 20-30 g.
See also: Photo and description of diseases of dill and fight against them

Sowing is produced in a loose, moist soil. For planting dill in open ground, the end of April - the beginning of May will do. Seeds are sown in the grooves at a distance of 3-4 cm, while the distance between the rows should be at least 20 cm. With a thicker planting, the formation of side shoots does not occur, and the internodes are pulled out - the plant develops like ordinary garden varieties. Before the emergence of shoots landing site is recommended to cover the film.

The question of how much dill grows cannot be answered unequivocally - it all depends on the variety, the age of the seeds and the temperature of the soil. Usually the first shoots appear 1-2 weeks after sowing. After germination, seedlings must be thinned. Usually, several thinning is carried out until a distance of 15–20 cm between plants is reached.

Features of growing and care

This crop is mainly grown in greenhouses, but planting dill in open ground is also possible. One of the most common methods is the cultivation of seedlings and subsequent planting it on the site.

For growing seedlings, prepared seeds are sown in cups or boxes. Sowing is made about a month before planting in open ground. After the emergence of shoots, it is possible to cut sprouts at ground level, this will accelerate the growth of plants.

Seedlings are planted on the site in May, when 5-7 leaves have already formed on it. When planting between neighboring plants, keep a distance of 30 cm.

See also: Tips - How to get rid of aphids on fennel

The activities for the care of fennel sprouts include weeding and watering. It is necessary to get rid of weeds regularly before the appearance of 3-4 leaves on the plant. After that, its growth becomes more intense, and the weeds can no longer drown it. Dill is watered once a week at the rate of 5 liters of water per 1 square meter.m. of soil.

How to fertilize dill?

If the soil was fertilized before sowing, then additional fertilization is usually not required. You can spend several times with irrigation root dressing: 1 tsp.urea or 0.5 liters of mullein per bucket of water.

Dill can accumulate nitrates in the leaves that are dangerous to human health. For this reason, it is not recommended to apply nitrogen fertilizers if the plant does not have signs of lack of this element. Yellowing of the leaves and slow development of the plant indicate a lack of nitrogen.

Growing dill - video

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