Popular among summer residents melon varieties

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It is impossible to describe all the diversity of thousands of varieties of melons. They are grown everywhere, even in England and the Leningrad region has its own regional varieties of melons. Of course, for sweetness and taste, they are far from Turkmen and Uzbek varieties, which are famous in the world and even exported. However, the thermophilic plant breeders forced to bear fruit wherever there is a greenhouse.

How to understand the variety of varieties of

The first feature that allowed the growing of melons was the ripening period:

  • ultra-ripening, hybrid with ripening in less than 60 days;
  • early ripening, ripening in 60-70 days and sugar content.from 8 to 15%;
  • mid-season, spiced for 75-100 days, sugar in them is 14-15%.;
  • autumn-winter, ripen 95-100 days, very sweet, gentle, large;
  • instagram viewer
  • winter, huge, up to 30 kg in weight, sugar up to 16%, but is well stored in a cool room;

The shape of a melon is ellipsoidal, spherical and elongated like skittles. The upper part can be smooth, mesh or ribbed. The flesh of the fruit is crispy, white, yellow or greenish. In some varieties during storage, the flesh of green gradually becomes yellow.

There are several subspecies of melons. It is generally recognized that fruits grown in Central Asia are the most delicious. But among them the Uzbek melon is the most popular. This contributes to the composition of the soil, and the warm period without frosts, ranging from 193 to 273 days a year.

European varieties received later, these are mostly early and ultra-early hybrids, mostly obtained using the Cantaloupe variety. Currently, European hybrids reach a sugar content of up to 15% with a maturity of the ovary of 55 days.

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Favorite summer residents of the melon variety

Before you grow a melon on the garden of the dacha, you should study the characteristics of the variety and choose zoned, that is, specially created varieties for your climate. You cannot plant the southern varieties you like in the North. Harvest fail.

The Gulab melon is the hallmark of the melon region of the Fergana Valley. This is the famous Chardzhui melon. The variety is known in the country as it is suitable for transportation. The average weight of these melons is 3-5 kg. Gulyabi is cultivated in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Variety refers to late ripening. The sugar content reaches 15%, the flesh is white, dense fibrous. A large amount of pulp allows you to use this variety of melons to obtain dried and dried product.

Melon cantaloupe or Persian or cantaloupe is named after the Italian city. This is a variation of the Asian population, but adapted to other conditions. This species is characterized by small fruits with a ribbed surface. It gave rise to greenhouse European varieties that are more moisture-loving and tolerate the lack of light and heat. The cantaloupe pulp is orange, aromatic, slightly tart.

Musk Melon from Persia occurs, cultivated before our era. It was for the inhabitants of Persia a symbol of the sun and goodness.

Melon Turkmen is a late-ripening variety of Uzbek varieties. It has an average fetal size. Most often it can be seen with a green skin in the mesh. You need to wait for the full ripeness of this fruit and only then eat. Typically, in the northern regions of the berry is imported unripe and therefore tasty, sweet, soft slices of this variety can be tasted by a few. A sign of ripeness can be a dark, almost brown crust in the cracks. The aroma and taste of ripe Turkmen is impossible to forget.

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Pineapple melon or made have ellipsoidal fruit, weighing about 2 kg. In the middle band, the melon is grown through seedlings and the irrigation regime is important. If summer is rainy, the plant should be protected from excess moisture. Fruits may burst.

About 100 days pass from germination to ripeness. The skin of this variety is thin, the pulp is sweet aromatic. The plant is vigorous and requires pinching. The quality of ripe fruit is good, transportation is possible.

Green Melon is named for its greenish flesh, which can eventually become yellow. All these varieties are characterized by green or gray-green peel. It can be ribbed or smooth, oval or round. There are such varieties in Japan and Uzbekistan. As an example of a green melon, you can take the Israeli variety "Galia Diamant".The fruit is oval, mesh peel, the flesh is green-white, sweet and fragrant. Tannins and minerals give melon a slightly astringent taste. In Uzbekistan, there is a variety of green melon, called skullcap. The variety grows only in the vicinity of Karshi, resembles the watermelon and skullcap outside, and the melon flesh is very pleasant to the taste.

Melon Cinderella is an early maturing variety. The plant is recommended for cultivation in small farms and country farms. A variety of early ripening. Scourge melons are long and require growth control. The fruit is yellow and smooth with a net. The mass of berries 1-2 kg. The flesh is about 3 cm, not very sweet, 5-9% sugars, but tasty and fragrant. Fruits are stored for three weeks, consumed locally, as transportability is low. The plant is resistant to temperature changes.

Melon Lada is a successful variety of Astrakhan breeding. It is adapted to the hot dry climate. But in the greenhouses, this variety feels good. Important properties is its simplicity. Irregular watering does not lead to cracking of fruits. Gourd aphid, American and downy mildew do not damage the bush. The variety has smooth round fruits with a mesh, the weight of which is 2-3 kg. The flesh contains up to 10% sugars, light cream color. This variety is loved by many gardeners.

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Ribbed melons as a sign of variety are characteristic of cantaloupe. They can be green, yellow. In Ukraine, there is a variety called ribbed melon. In appearance, these melons look more like a pumpkin, they are called “plump”.Ripe ribbed melon in Ukraine is considered the most delicious, fragrant and sweet berry.

Uzbek melons require a special description. Over 100 varieties are cultivated in the region, divided into 6 regions, each prefer their own varieties. Zones in which certain types of melons are grown according to natural conditions are divided: Tashkent

  • .
  • Samarkand.
  • Bukhara.
  • Khorezm.
  • Fergana.
  • South.

Depending on solar activity, the number of clear days per year, temperatures cultivate the most adapted varieties. High quality products are exported to other countries.

Among the many varieties on the hearing is always a melon torpedo, according to the local Mirzachulskaya, green Basvaldi and others.

There are varieties whose taste can only be enjoyed locally. The fruits are tender, juicy and not stored. Others get to the New Year's table. The blessed climate, suitable soil create conditions ideal for turning the energy of the sun and earth into a healing product, which is mentioned in the bible. Fruits grown in other climatic conditions are inferior in taste to melon, ripened in Uzbekistan.

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