The most interesting information about room alokazii

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In the collections of Russian flower growers, every year more and more exotic plants, unknown until recently, appear. Thanks to the development of transport links between countries, stores offer varieties and types of plants from different parts of the world. Among this variety there are amazing room alokazii, lithops, violets, spathiphyllums.

Botanists today openly and described more than seven dozen of the original types of Alokaziya, common in nature in humid subtropics and tropics of the Asia and Pacific region. And if large plants, for example, large-root and fragrant alokaziya, were found in the first half of the XIX century, then small specimens, which include copper-red or foggy alokaziya, are just beginning to reveal their secrets and delights to flower growers in Europe, America and, of course, Russia.

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How does alokaziya bloom?

Even with such a different appearance, all types of alokazy have much in common. All plants prefer similar conditions, they form fairly large foliage and similar inflorescences.

For some flower growers who do not know how alokazia blooms, the formation of a flower spike turns out to be a real surprise. However, the appearance of a dense white or creamy yellow cob-inflorescence is possible on large species, and on miniature room alokaziyah.

An inflorescence consisting of many small flowers is wrapped in a perianth-leaf. Depending on the type, this cover may be greenish, white or even brown.

Until the pollination occurs, the perianth remains fresh and attracts the attention of insects, then it fades, and red or orange small berries appear at the site of the inflorescence.

If in the wild, where there is no lack of moisture and nutrition in the rainforest, flowering does not cause serious damage to the plant, then room alokaziya experiences serious difficulties. While the flower-bearing alokaziya, which suffers from a lack of food, is formed and grows, it can shed all the leaves, and flowering that lasts 6–10 days exhausts the indoor culture altogether.

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Therefore, when growing alokazia, it is recommended to remove a large bud or give an inflorescence to flaunt only a couple of days. What other conditions need to be created to make a tropical plant comfortable in a regular city apartment?

Features of Alokazia Cultivation

The usual habitat for all types of Alokazia, today grown as indoor crops, are rainforests, banks and swampy lowlands of rivers, moist dense undergrowth. In tropical climates, plants grow and develop well. Therefore, at home, growing alokaziya, a pet needs to create a similar environment.

In spring and summer, the heat-loving culture will be comfortable at a temperature of 18 to 26 ° C.In winter and autumn, during relative rest, air heated to 16–20 ° C is acceptable for alokazii. But even with the observance of the temperature regime, diseases and plant death cannot be ruled out, if the air is drier than 60–65%.It is possible to maintain this humidity with the help of technical and improvised means, as well as regularly sprinkling and wiping the leaves of room alokaziya.

Irrigation of the green part of the plant is not carried out only in winter and with sufficiently cold air.

The best place to grow alokaziya is the eastern or western windows, where there is enough light, but it will not be able to burn the decorative leaves that are used to moisture. If in the summer on the southern windows for plants need an artificial shadow, in the winter alokazii here will be completely comfortable.

In spring, summer and early autumn, when temperature permits, plants are watered frequently and plentifully. Watering is better for conducting several times, waiting for the moisture to soak through the whole earthen room and removing the excess, drained into the pan. Room alokazii need watering, when the top layer of the substrate is sufficiently dried.

Transplanted room alokazii in early spring, gently passing the earthen ball into a larger pot and adding fresh nutrient substrate to the container. If a young copy grows in the house, the procedure is performed annually. Adult plants are transplanted two or three times less.

In the spring, and then in the summer, when the plant is actively developing, alokazia is fed with complex compounds, including nitrogen and mineral supplements.

In winter, fertilizing alokaziya is not necessary. In addition, in the cold season they reduce the intensity of irrigation and try to protect pets from drafts.

Soil for alokaziya choose light, nourishing and loose. At home, it is convenient to mix the finished soil for orchids with well-cleaned peat. In the pot, they are sure to arrange reliable drainage, which ensures the outflow of excess moisture and protects the roots of the plant from rotting. If you comply with all the requirements and rules, growing alokaziya will not be difficult even for a novice grower.

Read also: Photos and descriptions of Alokazia species

You can get a new plant at home by using seeds from the existing specimen for cutting and small daughter nodules for planting.also for reproduction, and often use rhizomes of the adult specimen.

In this florist, it is worth remembering that the majority of indoor alokazy are hybrids, therefore, when propagating by seeds, it is not always possible to retain the parental traits.

As the juice of room alokaziya, regardless of the type and variety, contains caustic oxalates that are toxic to humans, all the work with the flower is carried out only in gloves.

What does alokaziya bring to the house?

Bioenergy experts argue that room alokaziya can withstand harmful radiation.

Under the influence of the active energy of the flower of Alokazia, the work of the nervous system and hormones are normalized, the tone of the person and his general well-being are improved. The plant can bring particular benefits to representatives of the signs of Aquarius and Pisces. If you put a room alokaziya in the office of such a person, it will be easier for him to concentrate, collect his thoughts, defend his convictions and create something new.

Alokaziya brought to the house will help to resist the attacks of enemies, it will become a kind of green protection for the family. The best place for such a plant is a spacious living room or office. In the latter case, it is reasonable to prefer small varieties of alokasy, for example, to pay attention to Black Velveteen or the Dragon's Skin.

To the place room alokazii occur in the interiors of public buildings, in meeting rooms and halls.

The only place where there is no need to put Alokaziya is in sleeping quarters and children’s rooms, because plants contain harmful, irritating mucous membranes, compounds that can damage health by contact.

How useful alokaziya?

It is believed that the first specimens with leaves in the shape of elephant ears grew back in the winter gardens belonging to the Russian Imperial House. It is possible that it was so. Moreover, in the translation and interpretation of the ancient Chinese book on the benefits of medicinal herbs made by the famous Peter Badmayev at the turn of the 20th century, much attention is paid to the useful properties of outlandish at that time alokaziya.

Read also: We provide proper care for alokaziya in the homegreen color and powerful erect petioles. It is these plants that are rightly called therapeutic alokaziya.

But today such large cultures are difficult to accommodate in apartment conditions, therefore dwarf or miniature varieties are of increasing interest. Room alokazii are very diverse, their height varies from 40 to 60 cm, more often such species have arrow-shaped or oval leaves with an unusual decorative surface. These plants, although beautiful, will not bring health benefits.

Why is alokaziya useful? It turns out that the plant is a powerful immunostimulating agent. At home, it is used as an anesthetic and locally irritating drug.

Chinese folk medicine considers tincture of the roots and stalks of alokaziya a large-box medicine for vascular and rheumatic diseases.

Juice alokazii, ointments and decoctions based on it are also recommended for tumor diseases. Although the official medicine, which carried out long-term in-depth studies of the properties of the plant, did not come to a single conclusion, what is useful for alokaziya.

Do not forget that the use of plants for medicinal purposes is possible only after consulting with doctors, as well as with the observance of all precautions. Otherwise, do not avoid severe burns and complications of the existing ailments.

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