Why violets bloom and care for them badly

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Flower gardeners' interest in saintpaulias is due to the simple care of plants, in exchange for which they generously delight people with magnificent flowers. Sockets grow quickly, violets are easy to propagate, and no effort is needed to make buds appear over the foliage, as if it were not required.

But sometimes lovers of indoor plants face a situation where violet stubbornly refuses to bloom, not forming any stalk bearing month after month, or forming single medium-sized corollas. What is the reason for this behavior of the outlet, and how to make violet bloom?

The main thing is to provide the plants so that they bloom profusely and for a long time, this is a competent and comprehensive care. Adults, developed and healthy sockets that receive everything necessary for growth necessarily form peduncles in the leaf axils. If this does not happen, it means that something is hindering the plant, or something is missing.

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The reason why violet does not bloom is lack of light.

Violets require quite bright, but not direct light to bloom. Moreover, under natural conditions, the appearance of buds in this culture occurs at a time when daylight hours last at least 12 hours.

At home, indoor violets bloom poorly when caring for them, the owners put the pots on the windowsills of the windows facing the north. In this case, you can see not only the absence of buds, but also slower growth, stretching and bad turgor of the cuttings.

On the south side, violets bloom well in the spring, but with the arrival of hot days they are often at risk of burns and rapid drying of the soil, which is why the seniors are not too comfortable here.

On the window sill, where violets are growing most often at beginning flower growers, it is reasonable to wait for the formation of a spike from March to September, when the duration of the day is maximum, at the same time not to do without shelving or shelves with light, where violets will be convenient all year round.

Illuminated shelves for

violets. In such conditions, plants not only bloom beautifully, but also grow faster. Illumination is organized with the help of specialized lamps for the illumination of plants, which provide for planting the necessary emission spectrum and luminous flux.

To force the violet to bloom, for outlets of standard sizes the lamps are suspended at a height of 20 cm from the pots, and if the collection has miniature varieties, the lamps are lowered to 15 cm.

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This kind of lighting provokes plants toformation of flower bud sprouts. When they appear, the lamps raise, otherwise, except for the buds, the whole green part will also grow rapidly, distracting the forks from the flowers.

At the same time, experienced growers remind that different varieties need different lighting needs. If the collection has sockets with light or variegated foliage, for such plants the luminous flux is required less than for violets with rich green leaves.

Therefore, the best option is if there is a specialized rack at the order of the grower, where you can find a worthy place on the shelf with illumination according to his needs and requirements.

Pot Size For Planting Violets

Another common reason why violets do not bloom is the wrong pot for the outlet. Forming lush foliage Saintpaulia does not need a large amount of land. If the florist, “sparing” a flower, transplants the socket into a pot with a diameter of more than 10–12 cm, he should expect that the “grateful” plant will begin to grow and fatten, sometimes completely abandoning its flowering.

Indeed, as the outlet grows, the Saintpaulia is transplanted into large dishes, but at the same time they follow a simple rule.

The outlet diameter should be two or three times the size of the pot. This amount of soil is sufficient to maintain the development of the flower, and for its lush flowering.

Reflecting on why the violet does not bloom, and what to do in this case, the grower should pay attention to how much space the plant takes in the pot. After all, an excess of soil not only provokes the growth of greenery, but such a soil can accumulate salts, turn sour, become the breeding ground for fungi, pests and bacteria.

Temperature regime to force the violet to bloom

You can make the violet bloom by adjusting the temperature in the room where this decorative crop is grown. The optimum temperature for senpoly is considered to be within 20–25 ° C.

If the temperature in the room is higher, the intensity of flowering decreases, and the flowers that appear quickly fade, even without revealing. In addition, the abundant formation of a flower stalk in the heat greatly weakens violets, which then require a long accumulation of forces.

How to care for a violet to bloom? When it is not possible to transfer the plant to a cooler place, it is better to cut off the few buds that have formed. This will save the strength of the plant at a time when the heat subsides. In addition to this measure, near the plants you can put a fan, preventing the ingress of cold air on the outlet, and protect them from the scorching rays of the sun.

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If the temperature conditions are met, the violets show all their decorative qualities.fantasy varieties, whose main charm is in a bright fringe, a border on the petals and an unusual foliage color, react particularly well to a decrease in temperature.

Humidity - a necessary condition for flowering

As well as high temperature, and excessive dryness of the air - this is a good reason why violets do not bloom. For comfortable development and flowering, the seniors need air humidity of about 50%.

In an apartment, especially from autumn to spring, when heating devices work, the air is sometimes considerably drier, which inhibits the growth of the outlet and the set of buds. Particularly strongly from such a lack of care for room violets, why they bloom poorly, young rosettes suffer and plants are already “aged”, which in the near future need rejuvenation and transplantation.

It is possible to provide plants with conditions comfortable for the formation of peduncles, using household humidifiers, as well as arranging trays of water on racks with flowers. In special cases, when the appearance of the plant suffers, the socket, without affecting the flowers, is sprayed with warm water. The procedure, if necessary, repeat after two or three days.

Watering as a measure of the care of violets

As for spraying, for watering violets use only warm water with a temperature of 2-3 ° C than the air in the room. Preliminary water must be defended, leaving it in an open container for 24–48 hours. During this time, volatile chlorine compounds are removed from the liquid, and salts are deposited, not in the best way affecting the quality of the soil and the condition of the plants.

Warm water for irrigation is extremely important during the cold season. Moreover, the danger lies in the possible rotting of the roots, which threatens the plants on the illuminated shelves and on the windowsills.

When violets do not bloom in spring, the reason sometimes lies precisely in the fact that root rotting began inside the soil coma. Therefore, between watering, if water falls under the roots of the plant from above, the top layer of soil should dry out. If the senpolias are watered through the pan, then the excess water must be removed after 20-30 minutes after watering.

How to feed the violets to bloom?

Asking what to do if violets do not bloom, indoor plant lovers often force the plant to do so. It's all about illiterate or excessive fertilizing, causing serious damage to the health of the socket and its ability to produce flowers.

The most common mistake is an oversupply of nitrogen in the soil, forcing the violet to not bloom, but to give more and more leaves and form stepchildren, who, while developing, take the power away from the parent outlet. Doomed to excessive consumption of nitrogen, violet plants are less resistant to diseases spread by fungi.

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You can make the violet blossom only with very moderate and proper use of fertilizers. The plants that have just undergone long and abundant flowering have the greatest need for top dressing. In this case, use of complex compositions for flowering crops, and the content of phosphorus and potassium in them should be two times higher than nitrogen.

The florists can hear the question: “How to feed the violets so that they bloom after transplanting?”fresh soil necessarily includes everything you need to grow.

With a slight increase in the acidity of the soil at the stage when the violets lay buds, it is possible to achieve more vivid flowering in varieties whose petals combine contrasting shades, there is a fringed border and a scattering of colored sprays.

Selection of soil for lush flowering of violets

The reason why the violet does not bloom, may result in the untimely transplant of a plant or the wrong selection of soil mixture. Typically, Saintpaulia sockets roll over to another soil after approximately two blooms, that is, twice in 1–1.5 years. If this is not done, the plant lacks nutrition, it weakens and eventually refuses to bloom.

But what about the situation when a florist exerts all his strength, caring for a violet so that it blooms and there are practically no buds? The error may be in the wrong ground. Violets react extremely poorly to dense soil that accumulates a lot of moisture. In such a mixture, the plant hardly forms the root system, and the existing roots rot.

In order to preserve the lightness and friability of the soil, but not lose its ability to retain moisture, vermiculite and perlite are added to it, as well as natural antiseptics - sphagnum moss and powdered charcoal are used.

Sphagnum in the form of a crushed mass is added to the soil, and whole plant stems, along with expanded clay and foam chips, are used as a drainage, mandatory for violets.

When planting violets in ready-made or self-selected soil, it is necessary to check its acidity. For senpoly the most suitable soil with a weak acid reaction. The allowable level can vary from 5.5 to 6.5 units. Taking advantage of all the recommendations for the care of indoor violets, florist necessarily get a luxurious bloom of your favorite Saintpaulia.

How to make violets bloom - video

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