It seems that what is easier - fertilization in the soil. But here, too, it turns out, there is a kind of secrets, rules. So, they can not be made deep into the soil - from 30 cm and more: in this case, they are hampered by the flow of oxygen from the air, which is why the process of their decomposition is delayed for a long time. You can not just scatter fertilizer on the site, without putting them immediately in the ground: there is a loss of nitrogen.
Now how to apply liquid organic fertilizer. Let's start with how to cook them. Pour the bird's( chicken, pigeon, quail, etc.) litter into a barrel, pour two buckets of water and mix thoroughly. Then leave for a week and a half to ferment. This is what we get, the so-called mother liquor, from which, in fact, we will prepare liquid fertilizers for soil application. The composition of the latter is as follows: for one liter of stock solution - 10 liters of water.
If you do not have bird droppings, then the organic solution can be prepared from freshly cut grass or hay. Grass needs to fill 1/3 barrels, and a little less hay - 200 liters of water( barrel).The composition is also thoroughly mixed and left to ferment for 5-7 days. The extract thus obtained will be a liquid fertilizer suitable for spreading under any garden and garden crops.
It is possible to apply such fertilizer everywhere: in the garden, flower gardens, and vegetable garden. Its main advantage is speed of action. However, more than once a week to make a liquid organic fertilizer should not be. In addition, do not strive to strongly water the plants at one time, as the solution will go deep into the soil and the roots of many plants will not take full advantage of them.
Before making additional dressings in the garden, it is necessary to make holes in each stop wheel, which are then filled with a solution. It is possible around the perimeter of the crown, retreating 1-1.5 meters from the trunk of the tree, dig up the grooves and add liquid fertilizer there, and after it is absorbed, cover them with earth.
Keep in mind that it is impossible to apply liquid fertilizer to dry soil, it must be moistened beforehand. If this is not done, the dehydrated roots will eagerly absorb the solution and as a result may die from its overabundance.
Manure is also an organic fertilizer. As a fertilizer, manure of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and mixed manure are most often used. And yet the nutrient is most rich in bird droppings.
With manure, not only organic substances come from the soil, from which humus is produced, but also the main nutrients( nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium) and trace elements( boron, manganese, copper, iron, sulfur and others).The decomposition of manure in the soil lasts for 3-4 years, while in the first year the plants use about 50% of the nutrients. On heavy soils, like our black earths, the decomposition process is slower. With more frequent application of small amounts of manure, it is better used by plants.
The optimum time for spreading manure, as fertilizer, is autumn. In the spring, only very well decomposed manure can be applied to late vegetable crops with a long growing season.
The manure brought to the garden plot should be immediately scattered and put into the soil to avoid the loss of nutrients, mainly nitrogen.
Evening is the most favorable time for fertilizer application.
Fruit trees can be fed only until the second half of summer, after which it should not be done so that they do not become pampered on the eve of winter.
Green crops( greens) are usually fed after each next cut, and for vegetables and melons, fertilizer application is most effective before flowering and during fruiting.
- Feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse or open ground with fertilizers - mineral and organic