Growing garlic in the open ground as a business

Garlic is one of the most popular vegetable crops in the world, which is why a business based on its cultivation should bring good income. In addition, such plants are distinguished by unpretentious care and good resistance to adverse weather conditions .These factors make it possible to grow spicy heads in all regions of the country. In this review, we will discuss in detail how to properly plant and when to harvest garlic, how much planting material is needed and what is the yield per 1 ha.

Table of contents

  • What is the yield of garlic?
  • Can I Grow Garlic for Sale?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of a garlic-growing business
  • How to start a garlic business?
  • Planting and care
    • Required equipment and workers
    • Planting in spring and autumn in open ground
    • Planting care
  • Harvesting
  • Garlic is grown worldwide. This spicy vegetable is used as a supplement to many dishes. It is consumed fresh, marina, salted, stewed and prepared according to many other recipes. Before you start growing this crop, you should be familiar with its characteristics.

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    Gardeners divide garlic varieties into two main groups:

    1. Yarovoi - planted in early spring. These varieties bring small, dense heads with spicy, but not very sharp teeth. The shelf life of such fruits can reach up to 12 months;
    2. Winter - planted in the middle of autumn. The resulting crop is large in size, even and beautiful teeth with a rich spicy taste. The main disadvantage of this type will be a small shelf life of 3-4 months.
    The yield is at a high enough level. Depending on the variety and growing conditions, it is possible to collect from 100 to 500 kilograms per hectare, respectively, from 10 to 50 tons per hectare.

    Can I Grow Garlic for Sale?

    Growing garlic for sale is quite a profitable occupation, because the price of this vegetable on the market always stays at a height, and the simplicity of performing agrotechnical works allows even a gardener to carry them out. The main difficulty will be the search for distribution channels, because the number of proposals for the sale of these vegetables is extremely high.

    Costs for growing garlic are smaller than for other vegetables.

    For growing, there is no need to build greenhouses and other facilities, all work is carried out in open ground. This factor significantly reduces the initial budget. However, it is worth remembering that the harvest of spicy heads can be obtained only once a year, so you should take care of the storage conditions of vegetables in advance.

    A garlic-growing business is particularly beneficial for people who own land. But even if this is not available, you should not be upset, you can always rent the soil, depending on the region, such a service will cost from 5 to 80 thousand rubles per hectare for one season.

    Renting land in the Moscow region and the Moscow region can cost much more than in the surrounding areas, so you should think about the location of the site in advance.

    A garlic business can generate good returns with minimal initial outlay. Many sources recommend to start growing in small areas and gradually increase the number of acreage.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a business built on growing garlic

    Growing garlic for the purpose of resale is considered a profitable business idea, because it often ends in success. Such a case has many advantages:

    1. Garlic is a very popular vegetable crop, which is always in demand, so there will always be sales channels, even if you have to try hard for it;
    2. The life of such a business can start with an ordinary garden plot with the size of 6 acres, will be enough for a stable and decent income;
    3. The garlic business does not require a large starting capital ;
    4. Garlic is an unpretentious crop, which can be grown on almost any soil;
    5. Compliance with simple rules for growing plants will help get a rich harvest;
    6. received heads are stored for a long time, , therefore, if you organize distribution channels correctly and provide storage conditions, you can get profit throughout the year.
    To build a garlic growing business, small capital is needed at the start of

    . But this business also has its drawbacks. Cultivation of garlic over large areas will require the use of special equipment, the rent of which is quite expensive. We must not forget about natural factors, because a crop growing in the open field may die under the influence of an unfavorable climate.

    Another drawback is the impossibility of growing garlic on the same land plot for more than 3 years in a row.

    How to start a garlic business?

    The business of garlic cultivation, , begins with the selection of a suitable land plot. Considering that this crop grows well in open ground, the construction of greenhouses will be unnecessary work, which brings only additional costs.

    A garlic business can be started from a small dacha plot

    In order to grow a rich harvest it is enough to use a small dacha plot of several hectares in size. At the first stage of business development, such an area will be sufficient. With the expansion of the site will increase and profit and complexity of processing, which requires additional costs, so should first acquire regular customers, ready to purchase products and only after that increase the acreage.

    In the event that a novice businessman does not have a land plot owned, it can be rented. Its price will depend on the selected region, the quality of the soil, etc.

    Planting and care

    After a land plot is selected, care should be taken to acquire planting material. For the cultivation of garlic using its cloves or single teeth , obtained by cultivating the bulb from the garlic arrow. Experienced gardeners recommend paying attention to high-yielding varieties, zoned for the growing region.

    . Garlic planting material is better to buy local
    It is also worth deciding what kind of garlic will be grown winter or spring. In the first case, the harvest will turn out to be larger and more beautiful, while in the second case it will be more durable.

    Required equipment and workers

    When growing this crop on a small plot, you can manually plant and harvest it, while will need special equipment to treat 1 per hectare of soil. It includes a tractor with mounted technology, suitable for sowing or motoblock.

    Seeder for planting garlic in 3 rows

    Renting a tractor together with a worker will cost at least 50-70 thousand rubles , and you will have to pay for this service annually. The most economical option would be to purchase your own motoblock. Its price will depend on the configuration, manufacturer, engine type and many other characteristics. This indicator varies within the limits of 20-80 thousand rubles.

    You also have to buy garden tools, which include shovels, watering cans, rakes, forks, hoes, etc.

    When cultivated in large areas, on an industrial scale will be very difficult to do without workers. It is best to hire them for seasonal work.

    Planting in the spring and autumn in the open ground

    . Planting dates for garlic will depend on the type selected:

    • winter varieties are planted in the fall - late September-mid-October, 3-4 weeks before the first frost;
    • spring - sown in open ground in April, when the ground warms to 5-7 degrees.

    Growing garlic is very important to choose the right place for planting:

    1. The area should be open and solar ;
    2. It is not allowed to use lands on which accumulates melt water and precipitation. It is also worth taking care that the groundwater is at a deep level;
    3. It is not recommended to plant garlic where onions, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes grew before it. Desired predecessors are cabbage, beans, pumpkin, zucchini or greens.
    The depth of planting garlic must be at least 5 cm.

    For a good harvest, be aware that garlic prefers neutral loams. Regardless of the timing of planting, in early September, the soil is dug up, cleaned of weeds and debris, and then the following fertilizers are applied:

    • 1 humus bucket;
    • 50-60 grams of superphosphate;
    • 50-60 grams of ammonium nitrate.

    Winter garlic is placed in furrows located at a distance of 25-30 centimeters from each other. The distance between the teeth will be 12-15 centimeters. Planting material is buried by 15-20 centimeters, this is necessary so that the teeth do not freeze during the winter. Immediately after the work, the planting is mulched with a 7-centimeter layer of peat or sawdust. If the winters in the regions are frosty, but little snow, it is recommended to use spruce branches or agrofibre.

    Regardless of the type, the teeth should be deepened vertically.

    Spring garlic is much more dense, the distance between the furrows will be 15-20 centimeters , and between individual plants 7-10 centimeters. Teeth deepened by 6-8 centimeters.

    Planting Care

    In order to get a rich harvest that will be easy to sell mono, you need to properly care for the plantings and adhere to several basic rules:

    1. The must be cleaned of weeds and loosened regularly;
    2. Watering is carried out moderately, during the growing season and the formation of bulbs the soil should always be hydrated. Watering of plantings should be stopped for 2-3 weeks before harvest;
    3. It is recommended that mulch the soil after each watering;
    4. To form larger heads, you need to pinch off the arrows, with a length of more than 15-20 centimeters;
    5. plants also need feeding. In the spring, after the first leaves appear, garlic is fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers, such as urea. After 15-20 days they make complex mineral fertilizers. When 5-6 sheets appear on garlic, it is fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
    Garlic requires adherence to the rules of crop rotation.

    Cultivation of garlic is a fairly easy, but at the same time, painstaking and time-consuming process. Adhering to all the rules for planting and caring for plants, a rich harvest will be guaranteed.


    Harvesting spicy heads of garlic is most often done by hand, for this they are dug out with forks or pulled out for the above-ground part. Harvest time will depend on the climate. Usually, both in Russia and in Ukraine, winter garlic is harvested in early August, and spring garlic in early September. Most accurately determine the ripeness of the crop can be on the arrows, which begin to turn yellow and fall to the ground.

    Freshly harvested garlic

    In order to preserve the crop as long as possible it is recommended to perform the following steps:

    1. Initially, heads are cleaned of the earth and is left to dry during for 20 days of at a temperature of 25-30 degrees;
    2. Then, must be cut off the roots and leaves of , the neck is shortened to a length of 2-5 centimeters.
    Store garlic in a dry and cool room, the humidity of which should be in the range of 60-80 percent.

    How to sell products

    Sale of garlic is a very crucial step, because it will depend on him the success of the business started. There are several options for marketing the resulting crop:

    1. Retailing at your own point. This option is the most expensive, but at the same time the most expensive, because you have to rent a retail outlet and hire an employee;
    2. Wholesale sales to various bases, large chain stores, various manufacturing, etc.;
    3. You can also sell garlic to restaurants and other catering facilities at .
    Garlic in the grid for the implementation of

    The implementation of garlic is quite complicated, because the market is saturated with similar offers, but if you find a regular customer and produce high-quality products, you can not worry about this issue.

    How profitable a business is from 1 acres and 1 hectare

    Calculation of profitability( received income and expenses) will be made depending on the size of the acreage, the income received is calculated in the same way.

    1 weaving 1 ha
    Registration of documentation 10 000 p. 10 000 r.
    Rental of land 50 p. 5,000 p.
    Acquisition of planting material( teeth) 3 750 p. 375 000 p.
    Fertilizing costs and utilities 150 p. 15 000 r.
    Rental of equipment - 75 000 p.
    Purchase inventory 30 000 p. 30 000 r.
    Salary staff - 40 000 p.
    Total 43 950 р. 550 000 r.

    Depending on the selected variety from one hectare, you can get about 10 to 50 tons of crop, given that 1 kilogram can be sold for 110 rubles, then the minimum income will be 1.1 million rubles. With the best outcome, this amount may increase by 5 times.

    On the basis of all the calculations presented above, it can be concluded that the business can fully pay for itself as early as the 1st year of .

    business plan Before you start a garlic business, you need to make a competent business plan, which will include all the important details:

    1. First, you need to describe the cultivated variety, its taste, yield and other characteristics;
    2. The second important point will be the description of the acreage;
    3. The business plan must include a production plan, which will include , a description of the planting process and plant care technology ;
    4. You must also specify guaranteed sales channels, with which an agreement has already been concluded;
    5. The last and most important part of a business plan will be the calculation of expenses and estimated revenues.

    Growing garlic for sale is a painstaking but very interesting and profitable process. With the right choice of variety and getting a beautiful and tasty harvest, business can pay off and bring net income in the first year of after planting.

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