Why the refrigerator does not turn on and how to fix it

Why the refrigerator does not turn on and how to fix it


Today, the housing of a modern man without a large number of various household appliances, where the refrigerator is an indispensable element, is practically impossible. But, unfortunately, even the most high-quality products from world-famous brands fail, so when the refrigerator is not turned on, it shoots often enough. This type of technology provides a person with the ability to store food, so his breakdown can be called an emergency. This problem must be addressed urgently, otherwise a person may simply lose the opportunity to fully eat at home.


Signs and possible problems

There are a number of signs that may indicate why the unit does not work. If you treat them very carefully, more carefully, you can determine the breakdown yourself. Such signs include the following situations:

    • The light is on, the motor does not work, specific clicks are heard. This may indicate problems with the compressor. Very often the refrigerator clicks but does not turn on, since the compressor has burnt out its replacement is required. These clicks are issued by a start-up relay, which is responsible for the operation of the engine. Sometimes the refrigerator can turn on and instantly turn off;
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    • the light is on, the motor is not working. In the absence of characteristic clicks, but with a feature similar to the previous case, there is a large probability that the thermostat that is responsible for detecting the temperature in aggregate. The control does not receive confirmation that the chamber has a high temperature, so the refrigerator does not work.
    • the lamp does not light, the motor does not work. This may indicate problems with the mains voltage or the inoperability of the plug.

As a result, it should be noted that the above characteristics are not always informative, since special There is no diversity in these signs (the light is on or off, the motor is running or not working, it clicks or does not click click). Therefore, to say unequivocally why the refrigerator does not turn on, it's just impossible. It is desirable, after all, to call a master who has sufficient experience, the necessary tool and will be able to quickly identify the true cause of the problem.

Types of breakdowns and their elimination

One of the most complex failures is the failure of the motor-compressor. If during the opening of the refrigerator door the light is on and the unit does not start, it is necessary to listen to the thermostat and the compressor noise. If you hear clicks, then there is almost a hundred percent chance that the compressor broke down.

If the owner has some experience with electrical motors, he can try to ring the winding of the compressor. There are three contacts here that need to be called among themselves, without a short to the case. If there are shorts between the housing and some contacts, or the resistance between the contacts themselves does not exceed 20 ohms, the compressor can not be repaired. It is subject to replacement, and this processor should only be dealt with by highly qualified specialists.

Another serious breakdown is the failure of the thermostat. If the thermostat causes a breakdown in household appliances, it could very well be that the bellows has released gas. If there is no characteristic click when starting the thermostat, most likely there is no contact and, accordingly, the reason for not switching on is the breakage of the thermostat.

In this case, you need to look for two wires connected to the thermostat, then remove them from the terminal. Further, these wires need to be tightly closed. This method allows you to test the operation of the device. If the regulator has reacted and turned on, then it must be replaced. If this does not solve the problem, it will not be superfluous to test the defrost button (if available).

If the defrost button works normally, you need to test other elements of the refrigerator that are powered by the electrical network. This can be done by means of an ohmmeter. A start-up relay and a protective relay are to be checked. Often they are housed in a common building. If a breakage is detected, the nonworking part must be replaced with a new one. If all the above items are not identified defects, then for certain the reason lies in the electrical circuit of household appliances, and this is work only for a professional.

The next reason why the refrigerator does not work is problems with the network. If the problem is really on the network, then the owner is lucky. For normal operation of the refrigerator, the voltage of the electric power must be in the range 200 - 240 V. When this indicator is released beyond the specified limits, there is an emergency shutdown of household appliances. Especially this applies to modern refrigerators, which even with minor deviations may not turn on.


Most non-professionals generally forget about checking the network, begin to look for a problem "inside which often leads to big problems and breakdowns. Therefore, if the light does not light, first check the operation of the outlet. For example, you can try to connect the refrigerator to another outlet, which is exactly working.



Often there is no voltage problem, and the cause is hidden in the failure of the power cord or plug. After the replacement of these elements has been carried out, the operation of the unit will be fully restored. This type of repair is very easy to produce independently, without the involvement of specialists.

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