Useful properties of asparagus and its use in traditional medicine

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Representatives of the genus asparagus are not only ornamental green species and vegetables, but also truly medicinal plants with a rich set of useful properties and qualities.

The most studied official medicine representative of the genus is asparagus pharmacy or vegetable asparagus. Investigating the biochemical composition of the asparagus plant, scientists in the nineteenth century discovered the first amino acid, asparagine, which is part of proteins, promotes the binding of ammonia that is toxic to the human body and the removal of excess fluid.

According to biologists and chemists, there are a lot of mineral salts, organic acids and vitamins in the green part and roots of the plant, among which the B vitamins and ascorbic acid are in the lead.

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But, besides this species in the asparagus family, there are still about three hundred unique plants, no less interesting and useful. How does traditional medicine use the medicinal properties of asparagus, and does the plant's benefit find confirmation from the doctors of the traditional school?

The beneficial properties of asparagus

The biochemical composition of all asparagus plants is similar to asparagus, recommended as a dietary low-calorie food product, a source of vitamins and mineral salts, as well as amino acids and flavonoids.

In particular, such plant materials can:

  • reduce the frequency of migraine attacks;
  • relieve inflammation of the bladder and kidneys;
  • remove excess fluid;
  • to remove substances and toxins hazardous to humans.
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In addition, asparagine contained in asparagus helps to lower blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the heart and vascular system.

In traditional medicine, asparagus, as a member of the asparagus family, is used to prevent dropsy, kidney disease, and vascular disease due to the formation of cholesterol plaques.

These beneficial properties of asparagus are due to the content of asparagine and certain other compounds. However, the existing plant species are not all studied the way it happened with vegetable asparagus.

Cysts of Asparagus: Properties and Significance in Medicine in India

Most species are still waiting for attentive researchers, but in the homeland of asparagus, in India and other regions of Indochina this species has been successfully used for various ailments for many centuries.

A traditional medicine system in India, Ayurveda recommends remedies based on asparagus roots for a wide variety of diseases and conditions. Crusiform asparagus, named for the characteristic shape of the inflorescences, is called “shatavari” in its native region, which can be translated as “one hundred healers” or “a cure for a hundred diseases”.

Oblong large tubers that form the basis of the plant root system and determine the beneficial properties of asparagus. Shatavari has a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of women and men.

The representatives of the fair half take medications from dried asparagus roots:

  • causes increased lactation;
  • improves the menstrual cycle;
  • relieves severity and pain during menstruation;
  • have a diuretic effect;
  • soothes and gently tones.
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According to studies, the beneficial properties of asparagus are really capable of such an action, and the tubers are rich in substances that stabilize the hormonal system of a woman.

This is due to the accelerated conversion of estradiol into estrol, as well as the fact that the homeopathic remedy activates the synthesis of such an important hormone as progesterone. As a result, the use of traditional medicine, which uses the therapeutic properties of asparagus, is an excellent prevention of many of the formidable neoplastic diseases of the female genital.

The properties of asparagus can increase the production of human milk, as well as cope with neuroses and other unpleasant symptoms in women of childbearing age and experiencing menopause.

Men taking drugs from the rhizomes of the asparagus plant experience an increase in potency, a decrease in the severity of inflammatory processes in the genital and urinary organs. Doctors note and improve the quality of sperm.

In general practice, homeopaths use asparagus root powder if the patient suffers from a gastric ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, as well as dysentery and enterocolitis.

Treatment with this tool is carried out and externally. The beneficial properties of asparagus are manifested in eczema, acne, accompanied by inflammatory and purulent processes, dryness and roughness of the skin.

And recent studies have shown that the minerals and amino acids in the asparagus plant can not only protect the liver from toxins, but also alleviate the effects on the body of alcohol, eliminating some of the symptoms of a hangover.

Has asparagus and natural antioxidant properties that can resist or suspend the aging of tissues and the entire human body.

Asparagus: Is the plant poisonous?

All these types of asparagus, both grown in the garden, and at home, bloom and then form small, round berries of orange, red or blue-black shade. The green parts of the plant contain saponins, substances that are toxic to humans. But if there are not many of these compounds in the phylloclades, then the concentration of the toxin in the berries is much higher and can be dangerous for domestic animals, and especially for young children who pay attention to bright fruits.

Eating such berries that make asparagus a poisonous plant threatens with vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

The intensity of the symptoms depends on the age, weight and health of the person who ate the dangerous fruit. In addition, contact with the mucous membrane of berry juice causes allergic reactions and irritation. Most often, the symptoms disappear after a day or two, but in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to take first aid measures in the form of drinking plenty and taking enterosorbents, and also to consult a doctor.

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Healing properties of asparagus garden - video

https: // watch? V = pHWCvMtVdZU

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