A detailed description of the varieties of apricot Triumph North

Once cultivation of apricot in Russia was considered impossible. This fruit tree was considered exotic. Breeders bred, adapted to our climatic conditions, an unpretentious variety Triumph Northern , a description of which can be found below.


  • description Apricot grades Triumph North
    • History selection
    • Features grades
    • Harvesting
    • varieties
  • Landing
    • Advantages to seedlings Requirements
  • choice of location for planting and care rules
    • Care
    • Feeding
  • Diseases and pests

description Apricot grades Triumph North

Ripefruits apricot Triumph of the North

In Russia, the Triumph of the North is in the middle lane. It is also successfully grown in northern latitudes with and its ability to withstand rather low temperatures, up to 33 degrees .Long winters do not frighten him, as well as unexpected frosts. At the beginning of flowering, unfortunately, the plant is not able to withstand strong frosts.

History of

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selection Venyaminov Alexey Nikolaevich for the first time announced a new variety of apricot, which was called the Triumph of the North. A new variety was discovered at the Department of Horticulture of the University of Peter the Great, which was bred from two : the Northern Early and the Red-haired. Selection work took place in the south of the Central Chernozem region. It is in this zone that it is most common. Apricot Triumph North is resistant to both frost and heat. Nevertheless, he needs constant care.

Features varieties

The tree is tall, can grow up to four meters. Wide crown with large leaves with small tubercles at the edges, the branching is medium, the branches are thick. The average fruit weight is 60 g , the fruits have an oval asymmetrical shape .The fruits are yellow-pink with a thickish velvety skin and a small down. The flesh is juicy, well behind the stone. The sweet taste is combined with sourness, which gives it a peel. There is an orange bone inside the apricot.

Northern Triumph in bloom

When a tree blooms - the beauty is extraordinary. It is covered with many white flowers. From it comes a pleasant aroma.

As a rule, a tree lives around 25 years .


Fruit ripening occurs from late July to mid-August. The first crop is usually about 5 kg .Fully fruiting apricot starts at 4 years of life after planting. The yield of a single tree reaches 60 kg .Fruitful and lean years are peculiar to the variety.

For consumption immediately or for drying, the fruits are harvested at the stage of consumer maturity, that is, fully matured. The period of technical maturity, when apricots have found the maximum weight and the corresponding color, is optimal for transportation, but the flesh remains hard.

Consider weather conditions at the time of collection.

Collection occurs on sunny days when the dew has evaporated. When harvesting during the cooling period, the fruit taste deteriorates and they are stored for a short time by .High temperatures are not suitable for picking, apricots will not be stored for a long period of time. The appropriate collection time is before noon or in the evening after 5 pm

Advantages of the variety

Apricot North Triumph has many advantages in comparison with other varieties of :

  • rapid onset fruiting ;
  • resistance to low temperatures and light frosts during the flowering period;
  • flowers and fruits are very firmly attached to the tree ;
  • kernels in the bones are eaten, the taste resembles almonds;
  • , a self-pollinated variety, therefore, one tree can be grown in a garden;
  • resistance to ;
  • beautiful view during flowering.
Freshly Apricot Triumph Northern

There are no particular disadvantages. Some gardeners consider it insufficiently large, others unsuitable for conservation.

It is known that in fresh apricot calories per 100 g are 41 kcal, in dried apricots the content increases to 240 kcal.


Apricot Growing Triumph in the north will be successful with strictly following the rules of : selection, planting, timely watering, pruning, dressing, proper care.

Requirements for seedlings

For planting in the ground is better to use seedlings. They are sold in specialty stores or markets. Particular attention is paid to ensure that the root is tightly covered, otherwise it may dry out .It is good if the planting material is located in the container into which it was planted. So they are much easier to get used to the new ground and quickly take root.

Choosing a landing site and rules of care

The best time to disembark is the end of April or the beginning of May. In autumn, in October, seedlings are planted, which are in the container.

Apricot Place Triumph North is selected according to the following conditions:

  1. Good wind protection .
  2. gentle slope in the south or southwest of the site.
  3. The topsoil should be dimpled, with good ventilation .
  4. The soil is soft, loose , with normal acidity( 6-7 PH).
  5. The place must be located on the site where the groundwater is located at a depth of at least 2 m , otherwise the plant will not develop.

For 2 weeks before landing, a hole is dug, the width of which is 60 cm , depth - 70 .A garter peg is placed in the center of the pit, a small gravel is poured( 3 cm).After that, the mixture is poured into the depression by a slide, which is about 20 cm high.

Spring is the best time to plant an apricot Triumph North

Planting is made only in the fertile mixture .For its preparation, clay, peat and sand are taken in equal parts. In the middle of the mound, a fossa is formed, corresponding in size to the roots of the tree, and half filled with water. When water is absorbed into the soil, a seedling should be placed in the recess. The roots spread evenly over the area of ​​the mix and sprinkled with soil. While the tree is taking root, it should be slightly shaken, so that the soil becomes more loose and increases the access of oxygen to the root system.

It is very important that the root neck does not protrude above the soil. If it is visible, the tree will develop poorly, grow and be exposed to various diseases. It will be right to plant trees at an optimal distance - 5 m one from another .


If planting occurs in the spring, abundant watering is done in May-June. If watering is not done, crown growth slows down and the number of buds decreases. Experienced gardeners are advised to stop watering two or three weeks before the start of ripening .Then the fruits will be large and juicy. In the fall, abundant watering is not recommended for the tree to prepare for frost.

The soil of the circle wheel must be constantly weeded, loosened and fertilized.

With proper care of the apricot Triumph Northern need is pruning. The most suitable months for this procedure are March or October. First, dry and undeveloped branches are removed. Then you can form a crown, shortening the side branches. The cut-off areas are lubricated with the garden .You can use oil paint. Before wintering, whitewashing is applied to the cut areas in November. Lime will save the plant from infection and sunburn.

Scheme of crown formation apricots Triumph Northern

Top dressing

As all cultivated plants, apricots need fertilizer , the number of which are required;flowers, after the opal has fallen off. Fertilizers are applied in the amount of 30 g per 1 m2.

  • Potash fertilizers are applied when the trees are bearing fruit. The amount ranges from 40 g to 60 g per 1 m2.
  • Superphosphate is poured into pre-prepared grooves around the stem. Top dressing is made before flowering and after. Calculation: from 50 g to 70 g per 1 m2.
  • Manure need to be fed once every two to three years - 4 kg per 1 m2.
  • Diseases and pests

    Apricot Triumph Northern is resistant to diseases, but nevertheless it affects the disease:

    • Moniliasis .The causative agent of the disease is a fungus. He spends the winter on the damaged parts of the tree, in the spring there are disputes. First, the flowers darken and dry, then shoots and leaves. When fruits appear, the disease affects them. Black dots appear on the fruit, it darkens inside and, as a result, dries out. To prevent disease, cleanliness should be maintained in the circle of the tree; there should not be a lot of foliage in the garden. Trees should be carefully examined to identify the disease at an early stage. A good protection against moniliasis is whitewashing of the initial branches and trunk.
    Monilias apricot Triumph Northern
    • Clastoporiosis .The disease is also fungal. The leaves of the trees are covered with dark spots that become holes. On the shoots spread the wound, from which the gum flows. Copper sulphate or Bordeaux mixture is used to fight with phleoplasia. It is necessary to notice the disease in time and spray the plant with drugs.
    Klyasterosporioz apricot Triumph Northern
    • Cytosporosis .In a short time, the branches and shoots of the plant die off, brown specks appear on the foliage and cracks on the bark. It is necessary to remove damaged parts of the tree.
    Cytosporosis apricot Northern Triumph

    Pests also love apricot. The most common of these are : the caterpillar of the hawk butterfly, the plum moth, the aphid. The fight is to destroy insects mechanically. Aphids are destroyed by sprinkling tobacco infusion or soapy water.

    For the winter, young trees should be sheltered. Shelter can be made of fir branches, cardboard, roofing felt, etc.

    To grow apricot Triumph North does not require special skills and great work. It is enough to choose the seedlings correctly, correctly plant in fertile soil and ensure regular maintenance .A few years later, the tree will delight the stormy flowering, and then fragrant tasty fruits. Apricots can not only be eaten immediately, but also make excellent compotes, preserves and jams.

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