Grow a tree from a stone? Such thoughts are visited from time to time by everyone who loves to work in the garden or greenhouse. Especially if the hands are fragrant juicy peach with delicate pulp.
And if people learned how to grow lemons and pomegranates at home, then can easily get a peach tree .
For this you need to be patient and follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners.
Table of contents
- Is it possible and how to properly grow a peach from a stone?
- Choosing planting material
- Choosing a grade
- Choosing growing with
How to grow in a warm way?to grow peach pits correctly?
Choosing planting material
High-quality planting material - the key to success .Turkish or Spanish peaches, no matter how beautiful and tasty they are, are not suitable for planting in our latitudes.
Everyone knows that imported peaches are removed from trees long before biological maturity. This is the right approach, because at the onset of technical ripeness, fruits acquire a delicate flavor, retain nutrients and tolerate transportation over long distances.
But the pits of such fruits do not ripen the , and therefore you should not waste your time and energy on their germination.
In addition, southern varieties will not survive in our climate , because they are accustomed to more comfortable conditions. If the seedlings give seedlings, then the seedlings themselves will die without completing the right amount of sunlight and heat.
If you decide to plant a peach, go around the market in search of local fruit .The seller, who has grown his product in his own hands, will be happy to tell you how to care for the seedling in order to achieve fruiting.
It is great if the neighbor in the cottage shares the harvest. In any case, prepare a few bones. The germination of peach seeds is about 25%, some seedlings will die when grown, so the more seeds you collect, the better.
Be sure to ask which tree the peaches were taken from. Do not take fruits from the grafted tree, because the characteristics of the variety during cultivation are unlikely to correspond to the parent.
Only peaches from the own-rooted tree produce planting material capable of preserving the species.
Growing a peach from a pit is easier than ever:
Choosing a grade
The zoned varieties will feel better in a local climate, being satisfied with the amount of heat and lighting that nature of a particular region can give them.
Even if you decide to plant the seedlings in open ground, they will not be afraid of frost with proper care.
When choosing a peach variety, pay attention to the main characteristics.
Winter hardiness. If you plan to transplant a seedling into open ground, choose varieties with good winter hardiness and unpretentiousness to growing conditions.
Selfing. Many varieties are self-pollinated. But if you want to get a generous harvest, plant at least 3-4 peaches next to them, which will subsequently bear fruit.
Early ripening - for successful summer fruiting, it is recommended to plant early ripening varieties( July-first half of August)
The most popular early-ripening peaches: Early Rivers, Winner, Early Minion. Good winter hardiness in Amsden and Kiev early varieties, and high yields on white Nectarine, Krasnodar Nectarine, Redhaven and Nobles.For pitting, prepare large, ripe, soft fruits with no signs of damage, rot or mildew. Free the bones from the pulp, rinse thoroughly under running warm water and dry. Pick stones without traces of pests and cracking.
Choosing a method of growing
Gardeners use three methods to grow peach trees from a stone.
Stratification, or the "cold way." An imitation of cold natural conditions is created so that the seeds are ready for germination and grow better.
With stratification, the shells soften, the seeds swell, complex organic substances turn into simple ones and are absorbed by the seed germ.
Extracting Seeds. "Fast way", which consists of splitting the stone and extracting the kernel. After extracting seeds from the seedlings, seedlings appear much earlier than during stratification.
Warm way. You can grow seeds in pots at room temperature and natural light.
Cold method, or stratification, at home. For these purposes, suitable compartment for storing vegetables in the refrigerator or basement.
Stratify seeds as follows:
- Prepare a small, lidless container filled with wet sand or peat. Use coarse sand, separated from foreign particles and thoroughly washed.
- Place the stones in the sand to a depth of 6-8 cm, place the container in a plastic bag with holes( for air to penetrate) and put in the refrigerator for winter time.
- Regularly check the container, if necessary, moisten the sand or peat from the spray gun. The main thing is not to overdo it with watering, otherwise the seeds may rot.
- After 3-4 months, the bones will “hatch” and sprouts of future peaches will appear.
- Remove the container of sprouts from the refrigerator and plant the seedlings in the pots. Take pots with drainage holes. Use fertile soil from a mixture of leaf soil, peat and humus.
- Place the pots of seedlings in a well-lit area.
- Avoid sudden temperature changes. At first, provide the sprouts with a temperature regime of + 10 ° C, putting them on a glazed balcony or veranda.
- After a few days, put the pots with sprouts in the room and maintain the temperature in the room + 18 + 20 ° С.Water moderately when the soil dries.
What is stratification. How to make stratification correctly:
Splitting and extracting seeds
A quick way to grow a tree from a stone for the impatient. If you do not want to wait until spring emergence of shoots.
Proceed as follows:
- Split the washed and dried bones with a knife or hammer. Work with tools carefully, try not to damage the core of the bone.
- Remove the seeds and put in warm water for 2-3 days to swell. Replace fresh water daily.
- When you see that the seeds have swollen and increased in size, plant them in separate pots with drainage holes. Select the size of the pot taking into account the fact that the planting depth is 4-6 cm.
- After planting, pour the seeds and cover the pots with glass or plastic wrap. Ventilate the greenhouses every day - remove the film, wipe the condensate and let's “breathe” the pots for a while. Remember, excessive moisture causes mold and mildew, which are detrimental to seeds and seedlings.
- Remove the film after sprouting.
Gardeners who grow peach pits, note that the seedling height reaches 0.5 m in 2-3 months.
How to germinate in the warm way
With this method, the peach pits are immediately planted in pots with soil mixture in the hope of waiting for the sprouts to appear in a few months.
Planting technology is simple:
- Keep prepared bones for 6-10 days in the refrigerator. This will be a kind of short-term stratification.
- Remove the bones from the refrigerator and soak for 2-3 hours in a growth stimulator.
- Plant seeds in a moist soil mixture to a depth of 6-8 cm. Cover
- with transparent polyethylene or glass, ventilate them daily and wipe condensate.
- Germinate peaches at room temperature by placing the pots on a brightly lit window sill. Water as needed.
- When sprouts appear in 3-4 months, remove the film and move the seedlings to a well-lit place without drafts and direct sunlight.