The shade-tolerant tree shrub of the common pink irga can boast a lush crown, sweet berries, unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil. Irga feels comfortable, successfully fruiting where other fruit crops are dying. In addition to taste, these berries are still therapeutic, like flowers, leaves. The beneficial properties of irgi and its contraindications will be described in this article.
- Irga - plant characteristics, planting, care
- Irga - beneficial properties, benefits and harm
- The use of irgi berry
The plant itself( especially flowering) has a very attractive appearance, thanks to which it is used to decorate a garden plot, for example,living fence.
Irga, photo:
Irga - plant characteristics, planting, care
This shrub gives good yields in sunlit places, reaches a height of 6-7 meters, is resistant to frost. Shrubs grow quite quickly, begin to give color in May, and the fruits in early July. Full ripening of the berries occurs by the end of July - the beginning of August. Irgi flowers are predominantly white in color, they are pleasing to the eye with lush bloom for 2 weeks( May-June).
Irga, photo of flowers:
Berries are widely used by traditional healers, as well as culinary specialists. They have a slightly sweet taste, but equally like adults, children. Externally, ryga berry is somewhat similar to black currant, and its taste is more like raisins( in dried form).Northern raisins - so often called.
Irga - berries, photo:
The seedlings of this shrub deepen into the ground on the same principle as similar fruit crops - gooseberry or currant. Planting, care are not difficult. Irga is planted in spring or autumn. But the best option - planting irgi in the fall - in deep holes 40-50 cm deep, 60-80 cm wide. Fruits can be seen already in the second or third year after a properly planted planting.
↑ to the content ↑Irga - useful properties, benefits and harm
To begin with, we will determine the useful characteristics of this plant. It is noteworthy that even the cortex of the irgi has healing qualities. Flowers, berries, leaves, bark are used by healers, both fresh and dried. The healing properties of shadberry are also confirmed by official medicine.
Flowers with leaves are used for the prevention, treatment of various diseases: decoctions, teas help with heart disease, manifestations of hypertension, problems with sleep. Leaves, flowers can be brewed on their own, or together with berries, such tea can be consumed throughout the day.
Berry berries are more popular: they contain fructose, glucose, nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid, vitamins E, B, carotene, beneficial microelements. Eating fruits contributes to the removal of excess cholesterol, salts of heavy metals, and other toxins. There is a general positive effect on the nervous system, a decrease in blood pressure, a reduced risk of blood clots, and blood vessels are being strengthened.
Irga - useful properties:
- immunity strengthening, antioxidant properties, thanks to the carotene contained in fruits;
- mild excretion of toxins, heavy metals from the body, thanks to pectin;
- overall improvement of the heart, reducing the risk of heart attack;
- with hepatic, renal ailments;
- cancer prevention;
- for sore throat, sore throat( fruit juice, gargle);
- brewing bark, leaves to alleviate the effects of burns, pustular skin diseases;
- strengthening gums, treatment of various oral diseases( stomatitis, paradontosis);
- for indigestion;
- for the prevention of varicose veins.
It is also necessary to mention the contraindications, the possible harm that irga can cause. If there is a tendency to allergies, then use the gifts of this shrub should be very careful. Irga is a strong allergen. It is not recommended to take irgu with manifestations of hypotension( low pressure).If a person suffers from blood diseases( hemophilia, problems with clotting), irgu can not be used - it thins blood. Do not combine the use of decoctions or fruits with milk intake - they are not compatible( indigestion will not take long).You should also take into account the retardation of action, which can be observed from excessive consumption of irgi.
If a shrub grows in an ecologically unfavorable zone, then it remains only to admire it, since an irga very actively “pulls” harmful components out of the ground, air, and water.
содерж to content ↑Applying berry shadberry
Most often, ruminant is used for treatment, but fresh berries, jams, fruit liqueurs, wines, and compotes are incredibly tasty. Baking with Irga is a real delicacy, its berries are perfectly combined with sand dough, cottage cheese.
To get the juice from the fruit, the harvest should be preliminarily maintained without access to sunlight - so the berries will become sweeter, juicier. The fruits ripen in stages, they are also collected in stages. By itself, an irga is a perennial bush, it lives for about 50-70 years - it depends on environmental conditions. She is life-resistant, almost not afraid of garden pests, she does not need spraying.
If you decide to plant an irgu in your summer cottage, you need to take into account that you will have to protect it from birds, since they love to feast on it. So that the feathered inhabitants did not reach the harvest, gardeners prudently cover the bushes with a special bird net that you can buy.
In any case, anyone can try the healing properties of this plant. Today it is possible to buy dried fruits or flowers of irgi - they are offered by pharmacies, online stores of medicinal herbs. This dark blue berry has a low calorie( 45 kcal), practically does not contain in its composition fats, proteins. The carbohydrate value of shadberry is 12 g per 100 g of fruit.
Taking into account the beneficial properties of irgi and contraindications, it is necessary to take into account the factor of individual intolerance, as well as to comply with the measure.