Harm from the beetle bug beetle and the measures to combat it in the garden and in the house

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The beetle bark beetle is a widespread pest of wood, capable of destroying huge tracts of trees in gardens and forests in a short time. He does great harm to the wooden buildings.

Pest description

Subfamily beetles bark beetles have more than 3 thousand species, over 200 of them live in Russia. Most parasites spend their entire lives under the bark of trees. Bark beetles - small black or dark brown beetles, at the end of the body have a characteristic bevel, which serves to remove wood waste. The bevel, bordered with dents, is clearly visible in the photo of the beetle. According to this description, bark beetles are easy to recognize.

Females gnaw under the cortex and lay eggs. The larvae hatch and begin to stroke all the sides of the uterus. Each larval process ends with an enlarged chamber in which the larva pupates. Appearing from pupae, young beetles gnaw out the course and fly out. For a year they give 1 - 2 generations.

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What harm does bark beetles bring?

For trees and wooden buildings, both adults and immature are dangerous. The greatest damage is caused by the larvae, as they feed on the wood all the time until they are fully cured. Only a few larvae per year can bring an adult tree to death.

Beetles bark beetles in the house are able to damage the load-carrying structures so that a building, even strong in appearance, can collapse.

In addition to numerous walks in the wood, the larvae carry spores of the fungus, which further accelerates the destruction of the structure or tree.

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How to determine if a tree is infected with bark beetle

It is rather difficult for a non-specialist to do this. Usually, the activity of bark beetles is noticed by drilling flour around the root of the tree. Unfortunately, it is washed off after the first rain.

It is necessary to periodically inspect the trees in the garden, marking the first grains of drilling flour on the leaves or protrusions of the trunk, slow development, small leaves drying up individual branches. At close examination it is possible to find out smudges of fresh resin, flying holes in the bark. All these signs should indicate the infection of the tree with bark beetle.

Inside the wooden structure, the first signs of colonization by the bark beetle are easier to detect, since the drilling flour is not washed away. In the photo below, single pest movements are visible, but the wood is already seriously damaged:

If the log walls in the house are trimmed from the inside, regularly inspect the logs in the attic and in the underground. At the first suspicion remove all finishing materials and carefully examine a ceiling, walls and floors.

The presence of even separate moves on the surface of logs suggests that from the inside they can be hopelessly corrupted. In such cases, urgent measures should be taken to save the home.

Destroy the bark beetle in the house

You can save a house from destruction and destroy a pest in several ways:

  • treat all wood with special protective equipment;
  • use popular methods - diesel, kerosene, solidol;
  • to weather the house, as bark beetles die at -30 °, or to heat individual boards or pieces of furniture at + 65 °.
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If there is a high probability that it was not possible to completely destroy the pest, call the specialists. They use powerful tools that are guaranteed to destroy the entire population.

How to deal with bark beetles in the garden

For the destruction of a pest in the garden, a mechanical method, iron wire, is effective enough. With a long section of it, inspect all the holes in the tree. After that, treat the trees with an insecticide. This measure of struggle is most effective during the summer of the beetle. It coincides with the time of flowering of trees and lasts until the end of summer.

You can also prepare and use a special solution:

  • melt 6 parts of paraffin;
  • add 3 parts of rosin and preheat until boiling;
  • add 10 parts of any vegetable oil to the solution and boil for several minutes.

For greater efficiency, a little antifungal agent can be added to the mixture.


The resulting product must be coated with all the trees, and burn all the beetles found.

Pheromone traps are an effective tool in fighting the beetle bark beetle. They lure pests in one place, where they are easier to destroy. With the help of such traps you can get rid of beetles not only in the garden, but also in the house.

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At the same time, traps have a number of drawbacks:

  • on the pheromone traps only mature individuals fly, it is impossible to destroy the larvae in this way;
  • With the help of traps, it is possible to lure pests from all surrounding areas and worsen the situation.

In general, the pheromone traps do a good job of attracting bark beetles and are a reliable means of combating them.

Prevention of contamination of wood

The appearance of bark beetles in the house and garden is easier to prevent than to deal with them. For prevention, regularly inspect all trees in the garden and wooden buildings and carefully choose building materials. After buying, wood should be treated with special means. Choose them based on its purpose. So, logs and boards for a bath need to be processed only specially with preparations. For conventional buildings, the following tools are used:

  1. Clipper - contains the active substance bifetrin. The drug is designed for gnawing and sucking insects.
  2. SENEZH INSA - the drug is non-toxic to humans and destroys bugs at all stages of development.
  3. The Antizhuk has a similar effect.

The latter two products also have antiseptic properties, protecting the wood from the fungus.

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