How to grow a rose from a bouquet?

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But from the stems it is quite possible to grow a beautiful bush of the variety you like in your summer cottage or backyard.

For rooting, it is better to choose varieties of flowers acclimatized in our country. Some roses( for example, Dutch) grown in the greenhouse conditions of other countries, take root much worse. It often happens that a grown hybrid plant is somewhat different in color from the "parent".

How to grow a rose from a bouquet in the easiest way?

Growing roses from cuttings is a long but interesting process. For the cultivation of full shrubs need 2-3 years. In order to obtain a viable planting material, it is not at all necessary to engage in the rooting of cuttings immediately after receiving the bouquet. It is necessary to wait a bit until the buds slightly wither.

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The growing process consists of several stages:

  1. At the stem of a rose, cut a flower with a sharp knife, buds( if they exist) and leaves( lower - completely, upper ones - half).Cut it into cuttings, each of which should have a length of 15-20 cm. They should have 3-4 intact buds( 2 internodes).
  2. Under the lowermost kidney, we make an oblique cut; we make the upper cut 1 cm above the kidney. Slices are moistened with water and then treated with dry potassium permanganate.
  3. We prepare a bright raspberry solution of potassium permanganate in which we soak the prepared cuttings for a day.
  4. Decontaminated planting material is buried deep in the nutrient wood-humus substrate with a slight inclination, leaving 2-3 buds above its surface. The root system of a new plant is most often formed on the lower cut of the cutting.

How to plant a rose from a bouquet correctly?

To ensure a good water and air permeability of the substrate, we pour a mixture of river sand and peat on its surface. To speed up the process of root formation, you can use such special preparations as “Heteroauxin” or “Kornevin”, available in any flower shop. Dilute the root growth stimulator in accordance with the instructions attached to it.

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Creating the greenhouse effect

In order for the cuttings of roses not to dry and develop well, they need to create favorable conditions. To this end, we cover each stalk with a cut off plastic bottle or glass jar, deepening it slightly into the ground. Land in a pot should be constantly hydrated. When leaves appear on the cuttings, they can be periodically sprayed with soft water. The optimum temperature for rooting is 25 ° C.

How faster?

The plant obtained from the cutting will eventually sprout and the first buds may develop on it. To accelerate the development of the root system, the buds are carefully removed. When the first roots appear, spraying is no longer done, and the plants are often ventilated. As a rule, rooting takes place in about 1 month.

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A couple of months after the rooting of the cuttings, we begin to transplant the roses into plastic or ceramic pots.

We prepare for them a nutrient substrate consisting of a mixture of humus, river sand and turf in a ratio of 1: 1: 3.

Until the fall, such plants may be outside. Before the onset of frosts, we bring them into a cool room for wintering. The air temperature in it should be about 5 ° C.

In the spring overwintered cuttings are planted in a permanent place in the open ground. To prepare the pits for planting we dig up the soil on the bayonet of the shovel. Before planting, we introduce organic fertilizers, accelerating the further growth of young roses. When the first flowers appear, remove them as they deplete the plant.

Using the above method of rooting cuttings, you can get young rose bushes in 70-75% of cases.

Growing roses from a bouquet by cuttings - video

How to grow a rose from a bouquet cutting - video 2

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