Instructions for the use of fertilizers ammonium sulfate

Starting from spring, gardeners have a lot of work that provides a good foundation for the new crop. To match the quality of the fruit and varietal yields, various baits are used, saturating the soil with microelements necessary for the growing season. One of the beneficial agents is ammonium sulphate. This article reveals all the secrets of using this unique fertilizer.

Table of contents

  • What is ammonium sulphate
  • Is and too ammonium sulphate and urea
  • mineral bait is the content of the substances essential for the growing season of any culture of substances : sulfur and nitrogen. Ammonium salt due to its properties and safety has been used since the Soviet times in the food and textile industry in addition to gardening. Popularity, not lost to the present day, due to the wide range of the means and affordable price. Regarding the choice of plants fertilizer has no contraindications, so it can rightly be called universal. And the climatic conditions do not affect the effect of the mineral additive.
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    In essence, ammonium sulfate is a chemical( ammonium salt of sulfuric acid), produced by the domestic industry in large quantities due to its use in various fields of national economy. It is a powder without a characteristic odor with crystallized granules of white, less often gray color. In the agricultural sector, this substance is classified as nitrogenous fertilizer. The constituent microelements promote intensive plant growth and the formation of high-quality fruits.

    Ammonium sulfate close-up, where you can see the crystal particles
    To feed the plants with nitrogen, it is recommended to apply the fertilizer in dissolved form. In this form, the substance does not react with the soil environment, giving the maximum dose of trace elements to the root system. The dry method of soil enrichment has a longer decay process, so it is used more often in the preparation of the beds during the digging of the earth.

    Whether ammonium sulphate and urea are one and the same

    Ammonium sulphate( NH4) 2SO4( N21 S24) and urea( NH2) 2CO,( N46) are different products of , but belong to the same group of nitrogen fertilizers. Ammonium salt is not inferior in its properties to many nitrogen-containing complexes, for example, unlike carbamide, it has sulfur. Another distinctive quality is considered a more affordable price.

    Both nutrients are water soluble and are well absorbed by plants. However, urea acidifies the soil worse than the sulfur-containing composition. And besides, it is ineffective on wet and cold soils. Ammonium salt acts equally well in different environments.

    Properties and benefits from the use of

    Often there is a pattern on the beds, when the green of the plants begins to fade, the color of the leaves changes. These symptoms indicate a lack of sulfur and nitrogen in the soil. In ammonium sulphate, nutrients are contained in sufficient quantities( 24%, 21%), so the first aid is to enrich the soil with mineral fertilizer in dry or dissolved form.

    Ammonium sulfate does not replace complex nutrition of agricultural crops. In addition to the important components: nitrogen and sulfur, plants also need other trace elements( potassium, magnesium, iron, etc.).

    Properties of ammonium salt:

    • increases soil fertility when digging;
    • nourishes the soil with nutrients, which promotes the growth of young shoots
    • has a beneficial effect on the formation of fruits, their quality;
    • can be used in combination with other substances for complex fertilizer.
    Ammonium Sulphate Bags for Agricultural Use

    Fertilizer Primary Properties:

    • saturation of the composition with sulfur, which has a positive impact on the quality and quantity of the crop;
    • rapid solubility in water, which makes it possible to feed the soil in combination with irrigation;
    • convenient and easy to use( can be dry or dissolved in water);
    • reasonable price( the cost competes with most nutrients);
    • efficiency is noted several days after adding ammonium salt to the soil;
    • plant-valuable trace elements for a long time stored in the soil, maintaining its fertility;
    • make-up is absolutely safe for the health of people and animals, using it you can do without means of protection.

    The only drawback of using this product is the low content of nitrogen compared to ammonium nitrate. The chemical has no other significant drawbacks.

    Despite convincing advantages, ammonium sulphate still has some peculiarities. Among the main ones: strict adherence to storage conditions and consumption rates. When making funds in the soil should be borne in mind that an excess of nutrients inhibits the development of young shoots.

    Application for different crops

    On average, ammonium salt is applied to the beds in the amount of 40 grams.per 1 m2, but the figures may vary depending on which culture the mineral fertilizer is used for.


    The rate of application of funds when digging the beds varies in the range of 25-40 grams.on 1 m2.Even with a slight dose violation, nitrates do not accumulate in root crops. Enrichment of the bed with fertilizer promotes the growth of vegetables, improves not only the yield, but also the quality of tubers( the level of starch content increases).Immunity is also strengthened; after treatment, the plant is less affected by scab and rot.

    Ammonium Sulphate Crystals close up


    Early ripening crops, which include cucumbers, require regular dressings for the development of the lash and the formation of fruits. Ammonium sulphate contains the necessary substances that stimulate growth and prolong the fruiting period. It is introduced in liquid form 2-3 times per season.

    This should be done 20 days after emergence, then every 2 weeks. The best treatment time is after watering or precipitation.14 days before harvesting, the use of any additional fertilizing stops.


    Ammonium salt is introduced into the ground during the digging of the soil in preparation of the bed for planting. After planting seedlings, fertilizing in liquid form is applied for each bush in the amount of 1 l per each plant. The working solution( st. L. Fertilizer on a bucket of water) will become even more nutritious if you add a glass of mullein into it.


    When enriching the soil with fertilizer, it is necessary to observe the terms of treatments. In the opposite case, feeding will provoke a rapid growth of greenery or will prevent the growth of the cabbage sheets. The consumption rate of funds - 30 gr.on 1 m2.You need to make the powder during digging the earth or a week after planting seedlings, using a liquid form of top dressing.


    For all types of greens, ammonium sulfate is considered an excellent feed. In addition, the fertilizer can be used in all phases of the growing season. The tool can quickly compensate for the lack of microelements after the first harvest is removed, so that repeated seeding develops with the same intensity.

    Powder consumption when digging - 20 g.on 1 m2.A couple of weeks before harvest, the use of a growth stimulator is not recommended.

    No harmful effect on vegetable crops.

    There is no negative effect of ammonium sulfate on vegetable plants. Fruits do not accumulate toxins and other harmful substances even if they exceed the norm of consumption. On the contrary, vegetables fed with such dressing for a long time retain their presentation, juiciness, taste and vitamins. During storage, the processed crop is much less likely to form rot.

    Irrigation of crops with ammonium sulphate solution
    Ammonium sulphate is a mild chemical that is why it cannot cause harm to a person or a plant. Thanks to this tool is used for root and foliar dressing.

    In gardening, ammonium sulfate is a very popular product, the composition is suitable for almost all crops grown on the site. You can use it throughout the season, but in acceptable quantities, so as not to provoke the opposite effect.

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