Pruning cherries in the summer - features, recommendations

Probably, you have often come across the opinion that the cutting of sweet cherries is recommended to be carried out with the onset of spring or early autumn. In principle, this is the case, but experienced gardeners believe that pruning cherries in the summer is most favorable for the tree in many ways.

  • Sweet Crop Pruning - The Importance of the
  • Crop Sweet Pruning Procedure To Reduce Growth
  • Features of the Summer Pruning of Old Cherry TreesAccording to experienced gardeners and gardeners, pruning of the branches of cherries does not have any particular differences compared to pruning other fruit trees. Before you begin this procedure, you definitely need to have prior experience cropping. In any horticultural business, practice is important so that later you can correctly form the crown without harming the tree. содерж to content ↑

    Cherry cutting - importance of the

    procedure First of all, it is necessary to take into account the age of the cherry, you can start trimming a tree already in the second year of its life.

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    Formation of the crown through the removal of excess branches significantly affects the fruiting and the amount of the crop. The more competently you will carry out this procedure, the more sweet berries you will collect next year. Cherry is a fast-growing crop, and in summer it is particularly active in growth. According to the majority of gardeners, cutting branches in the summer period helps to stop the overgrowth of powerful new shoots.

    If you have chosen summer pruning of cherries and the formation of a crown, then spring cutting is not necessary. The tree must be strong for flowering and fruiting. Thus, the sweet cherry, cut off in summer, has time to recover, to comfortably endure the winter, while already strong.

    The best time for this operation is considered the end of June, as well as the beginning of July. First of all, the crown should be thinned to provide better access to sunlight, air flow, moisture.

    During the summer pruning, sweet cherries recover faster, heal their “wounds”.Sections must be processed with an appropriate tool( garden pitch). Pruning branches should be done in the summer only after the end of fruiting. During fruit ripening, only thinning of the crown is possible.

    In order to properly trim, you need to follow simple rules.

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    Cherry cutting to reduce growth

    It would be better if you give a crown of young cherries a cone-shaped shape, but upside down. This method of pruning contributes to a better penetration of sunlight to all branches. If it rains, with this form of water droplets guaranteed to penetrate to the lowest branches. Also, the tree will be much easier to "breathe" with such a haircut. A young tree is easier to form and control its height and height. From a low tree it is more convenient to harvest( the sweetest berries always grow at the top), to carry out sanitary pruning.

    In such cases, sweet cherry pruning is carried out to reduce growth upwards. Conveniently, if the height of the cherry is 4-4.5 meters, in order to keep the growth within these limits, the center conductor is transferred to the side branches. Cutting a young tree, it should be borne in mind that flower buds are located in the lower part of the shoots, and growth, in turn, are placed in the upper part. The average shoots, whose length is approximately 30-40 cm, have flower buds along the entire length.

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    Features of summer pruning of old cherry trees

    Summer pruning of cherry is also extremely useful, even recommended for old trees. With this procedure, already dead branches are removed, the “road” for new ones is cleared - this best affects the taste of fruits, their size. For perennial cherries, this operation is rejuvenating, since the process removes old wood, increments that have been for many years. This so-called rejuvenating process should be carried out gradually so that the cherries do not experience stress and evenly regain their strength - thus eliminating the likelihood of drying and the occurrence of diseases.

    If your sweet cherry variety is characterized by weak branching, then the length of the growth of skeletal branches is shortened by a quarter. Woven and damaged branches are removed. Annual growths that have grown more than 60 cm should be cut to one third, shorter branches( less than 60 cm) are not cut off.

    Sweet cherry pruning is divided into three varieties:

    1. Weak - this shortens a quarter of the entire length of the shoot. This technique activates the growth of the upper buds, which later will give powerful shoots.
    2. Medium - half of the entire length of the shoot is trimmed at once. This contributes to the growth of the lateral branches, which will be distinguished by good fruiting.
    3. Strong - this removes more than half the length of the one-year increment. Thus, the left buds will give fast-growing side shoots.

    In the first years of sweet cherry tree life, it is better to choose medium pruning.

    Youtobe saw an interesting experience of pruning old cherries. It’s a pity that I didn’t come across this video earlier, maybe it would have been possible to preserve our yellow cherries, otherwise it rose upwards - 90% of the crop was not available. Watch the video, maybe someone will benefit from this experience.

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    Pruning sweet cherry

    Recently, there has been a tendency among gardeners to select colony cherry for planting. Pruning of the cherry-shaped cherries does not imply any special tricks - the actively expanding and sticking to the sides side branches are simply cut off, which is what maintains the characteristic columnar shape of the crown. The popularity of such varieties is due to the fact that a tree with a similar type of growth of branches( growing upwards) does not take up much space on the site, and its branches are abundantly dotted with berries.

    If you have chosen to cut sweet cherries in summer, follow these simple rules described above. Do not forget about maintaining the shape of an inverted cone with an extended base; a well-trimmed tree will surely reward you with a generous harvest.

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