How does Aquastop work in a dishwasher, how to replace

The Aquastop system for the dishwasher is the necessary protection against leakage. All modern models of dishwashers and washing machines are equipped with full or partial security system.

Many users have heard about Aquastop, but not everyone understands the principle of operation and knows its structure. In this article we will tell you what type of protection you need to choose the technique.

Material content:

  • 1 Aquastop system functions
  • 2 Views and device
  • 3 DIY repair and replacement

Aquastop system functions

If your Electrolux dishwasher, Hansa, Siemens is equipped with partial protection, this is most likely a filling hose with Aquastop. It is equipped with a casing and a mechanism to block the water. When leakage occurs or the hose is damaged, the valve is activated and the water flow is blocked.

Aqua-Control protects the system in the event of a water hammer. While the system without protection can not withstand a lot of pressure.

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In the new models of the PMM “Bosch”, “Ariston”, “Hansa”, “Electrolux”, “Krona” you can see an improved device: in addition to the filling hose, a float sensor is installed in the pan. How this scheme works:

  1. You turn on the machine in the network.
  2. The Aquastop valve receives a signal and opens.
  3. As soon as you press the “Start” button, the fill valve membrane opens.
  4. Water enters the bunker.
  5. In the event of a leakage, water penetrates the PMM pan.
  6. When the critical level is reached, a float sensor pops up.
  7. The valve closes, the flow of water stops.

The internal float is called Aquacontrol.

Today, more and more manufacturers are trying to make PMM with a full "Aquastop".This is a guarantee not only for your safety, but also for your neighbors. Thanks to the functions of the system, you can safely run the equipment for the night, go away on business while the dishwasher is working.

How to disable the Aquastop and restore the work of the dishwasher? When the problem is resolved, press the reset key and the machine will be ready for operation again.

Views and design

The design may be different. Manufacturers have developed several different ways that have their own advantages and disadvantages. Protection of the inlet hose can be:

  • Mechanical. It is used quite rarely, but it is also found in inexpensive Bosch models. The design includes a spring and a valve. When a leak occurs, the pressure rises, the spring reacts to it - and the valve closes.

The huge minus of the mechanical Aquastop is that it is unable to catch small leaks. Without proper control, they can lead to flooding.
  • With the use of an absorbent. The method is somewhat similar to the previous one. If you disassemble the structure, you will see a valve, a plug, a spring and an absorbent sponge. If a leakage occurs, water enters the reservoir with an absorbent, which swells and starts the spring. That, in turn, blocks the valve entrance to the hose.

The lack of an absorbent system is very significant - it is disposable. If Aquastop worked once, you will not be able to unlock and reuse the item. Will have to completely change the protection.

  • Electrical or Electromagnetic. The hose is equipped with one or two valves and a protective cover. Flowing over the casing, the water immediately falls into the pan. It triggers the float and blocks the valve.

Interesting! The system of electronic and absorbent type works in 99% of cases. Only 8 chances out of 1000 that the machine will leak. Mechanical protection works in 85%, that is, the chances of a leakage are 147 to 1000.

You figured out what Aquastop is. Now we find out what to do when leaking and how to replace.

DIY repair and replacement

When embedding machinery, users often find it difficult to install a hose with protection. Its body is quite massive and does not fit everywhere, but it is impossible to increase the length. But if you coped with the connection, how do you know if Aqua-Control worked and it's time to take action?

In Bosch machines, the display shows error code E15 .Interpretation: water overflow in the system or the operation of “Aquastop”.Then you can immediately check the design.

But if there is no error and no water enters the bunker, check the valve:

  1. Shut off the stop valve.
  2. Disconnect the hose from the PMM housing.
  3. Look in the hole, you can highlight the flashlight.
  4. If the valve is located tightly to the body, there was a leak.
  5. On some models, a leak indicator is triggered.

Need more evidence of a leak? Then look in the dishwasher tray. If there is water, fears were confirmed.

Replacing and connecting the Aquastop is simple. Do not forget that a simple mechanical design does not need to be changed. Squeeze the spring until you hear a click. Everything, continue operation in the usual mode.

To replace, remove the old hose and screw the new one. In the case of an electromagnetic system, connect the wire.

Take care of your dishwasher. Before buying, study the technical specifications, learn about the presence of full or partial protection of the case.

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