Photos and descriptions of alokaziya

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The region of natural habitat of alokaziy extends to tropical areas of southeast Asia, New Guinea, some areas of Australiaon the continent and Malaysia. Today botanists talk about the existence of more than seventy independent and in their own way unique species of alokazy.

All plants bearing the same generic name are herbaceous perennials with rhizome-like tuber, juicy, strong stem and leaves of various shapes and colors. And although all types of Alokazia bloom, forming single inflorescences — cobs, it was thanks to Alokazia’s foliage that attracted the attention of lovers of indoor cultures. Today, both miniature and truly gigantic plants have found their place in the interiors of residential and public buildings. And in regions where climate allows, alokazii is a magnificent decoration of gardens and parks. From them you can create wonderful compositions in flowerbeds.

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Alokaziya longiloba

This depicted type of alokaziya dwells in the shady undergrowth of the humid tropical jungle. Plants in height do not exceed 50–100 cm, and in nature they are content with stony slopes with a small layer of soil.

The aerial part of alokaziya consists of creeping stems and large, arrow-shaped leaves. The upper side of the leaf plate, reaching a length of 30–45 cm, is green with a blue or gray tint. The back side is purple or purple-green. Against such a background, powerful silver-gray or whitish streaks stand out well. Leaves hanging on the understanding cylindrical petioles of Alokia Lowe or longiloba, as they call this species today, are arrow-shaped and spear-shaped.

The alokosia lowii petioles are colored brown or green, with a darker brown pattern in the form of strokes and stripes clearly visible on them.

The inflorescences of alokaziya Lowe can be either single or multiple. On the peduncle length from 8 to 18 cm are formed cobs, wrapped in greenish covers. After pollination in place of the inflorescence, almost spherical dark orange berries with a diameter of up to 8 mm ripen.

Alokaziya sanderiana

The size of Alokaziya Sander depicted in photo and many external signs resemble the previous appearance, but leaves 30–40 cm long are not simply swept, but are additionally decorated with fancy notches. Therefore, the foliage is more like an ancient spear or halberd.

Read also: Choosing Alokaziya from descriptions and photos of varieties

A plant with dense, cast metal leaves, on which white streaks stand out brightly and such edging is popular among florists. Alokaziya Sander, once found in the mountainous regions of the Philippines, today has become a room culture and inspires breeders to receive interesting interspecific hybrids.

Alokaziya amazonica

An example of such breeding work is Amazonian alokaziya, obtained by crossing Alokaziya Lowe and Alokaziya Sander. The plant has absorbed all the best features of the parent species. It is compact, decorative, and in height, depending on the variety, can reach from 40 to 60 cm.

The dense leaves of alokaziya Amazonik, elongated with a sharp end and notched edge, grow to 50 centimeters in length. On the dark leaf plate, as in the parent species, broad, white or greenish veins are clearly visible.

The bloom of Alokazia presented in the photo consists in the appearance of a 20-centimeter erect peduncle, on which a white or pinkish cob 8-8 cm long is formed. The inflorescence is covered with a large greenish veil twice the size of the cob.

Alokaziya micholitziana

This alokaziya has a height of 40-50 cm and fits very well into any interiors. Misholts's alokaziya leaves also have many ancestral traits with previous species. This is a 50-centimeter length, and a rich color, and a spear-like triangular shape. The sheet plates presented in the photo of the alokazi species have an interesting velvety green color and bright white veins. True, there is no edge around in this case.

Stems, on which leaves are attached, are erect or slightly inclined, a brown-green shade with reddish or brown stripes. Alocasia micholitziana is from the tropical regions of the Philippines, which explains the proximity of the described species.

Alocasia nebula

Alocasia misty also refers to the indoor species of this amazing plant. The largest specimens represented in the photo of the species of alokaziya will grow to 70 centimeters in height.

The leaf shape of this plant is more rounded, soft. And the pattern on the silver-green sheet plate is noticeably blurred. Dark lilac or gray streaks are hidden by fog. The length of the sheet can reach 45-50 cm. The width is two times less.

Alokaziya acuminata

The height of another type of alokazii grown as a houseplant reaches 75 cm. In this species, as the plant grows, the stem is up to 75 cm in length and the oval-shaped green leaves, depending on the size of alokaziya, grow from 18 to 60see

Read also: How to take care at home for alokaziya Amazon Polly

At home, as in nature, alokaziya blooms regularly, forming small up to 10 cm inflorescence, hidden by a dense light green perianthm. If you do not cut off the peduncle and feed the plant, you can get medium-sized orange berries that contain seeds suitable for propagation.

Alokaziya zebrina

Alokaziya Zebrina photos invariably cause surprise and delight flower growers. Narrow triangular leaf plates of this species have an arrow-shaped and unusual color. On a light green or olive background, not only dark streaks stand out, but also fancy patterns diverging towards the edges of the sheet. The length of the leaves is 30–40 cm. Petioles, as well as motley foliage, erect, up to 50 cm high.

In nature, this type of alokaziya can be found in the mountain forests of the Philippines, and more and more often zebrain alokaziya plants adorn houses and apartments.

Alokaziya boyceana

This, shown in the photo, shows alokaziya up to 60 cm in size. With similar dimensions and foliage, the plant is devoid of a unique pattern and painted in a beautiful bright, green color.

Alokaziya clypeolata

Another inhabitant of the Philippine tropics, alokaziya clypeolata, has an oval-heart-shaped leaf, resembling an ancient shield. Leaf plates are rather thin, light green. Against this background, dark streaks clearly stand out. Petioles erect or lodged in long tiers, long.

Alokaziya fallax

A continental Asian species of alokaziya, caught in rooms and halls from the subtropics of the Himalayas, botanists are considered a possible ancestor of the famous alokaziya odora. The height of this large plant can reach 2.5 meters. When a leaf is cut, whitish milky juice is released. Stems are dense, thick, up to one and a half meters long.

Sheet plate recalls many types of alokazii. It is rounded oval, with a pointed tip. The length of an adult sheet can reach 130 centimeters. Peduncles are formed in the axils of the leaves, and at the same time, 2-3 inflorescences can bloom on the plant.

Alocasia reginula

Small and very attractive reginula alokaziya is well known to flower growers in the “Even Velvet” variety. The stalks of this species are quite small and barely exceed 10 cm. They have light cylindrical petioles with 30 cm ovate or oval leaves. The leaf plate is dense, often convex, with a pointed tip and white visible veins. Sometimes plants bloom, releasing a short, 10-centimeter peduncle with a cream spike, hidden in a white or pink perianth.

Read also: We study different ways of reproduction of alokaziya

Alokaziya reversa

A type of alokaziya that attracts increasing attention of fans of tropical plants. The reason for this interest lies in the very small size and extraordinary appearance of the culture. The arrow-shaped silver-green leaves imitate the arrowhead very precisely. At the same time, dark streaks stretching to the edges give a special charm to the plates.

Alokaziya melo

Low plants of alokaziya rough have creeping thick stems and heart-shaped leaves. Most of all, the flat, thick leaves of a gray-green shade resemble the skin of an ancient animal or a plastic product. The surface of the sheet plate is uneven, small tubercle. Stitches pressed in, darkened. The young foliage is lighter than the adult and much more tender to the touch.

Alocasia cucullata

The stalks of alokaziya klobuchkova, as in the photo, grow to 60–100 centimeters in height. The leaves are pointed, heart-shaped. Depending on the variety, their length can reach 10–40 cm. The petioles are succulent, tapering up, up to 80 cm long.

on the outskirts of wooded areas.

Alokaziya cuprea

Alocazia copper is considered to be one of the most unusual types of vlocasia, as in the photo, striking the grower’s imagination with the look and texture of bright foliage.

Alokaziya cuprea leaves have a beautifully shaped pointed shield. Leaf plates are dense, leathery. The length of the sheet is 25–30 cm. The outer side of the glossy plate has a greenish-copper tint. And on the back side, purple tones thicken to a violet or lilac hue. Streaks on the leaves are depressed, dark.

In the wild, alokaziya is coppery and today it is found in Borneo, where plants lodge mainly on chalk cliffs overgrown with rainforest. Among the lovers of indoor alokazy is well known variety "Skin of the dragon", fully carrying all species traits.

Alokaziya lauterbachiana

The alokazy depicted in the photo is characterized by highly elongated, notched leaves that adhere to variegated upright petioles. It is interesting that, until recently, botanists, alokazia lauterbachiana, who liked gardeners looking at flower growers, was assigned to another plant species. And joining the large community of Alokazies, immediately became a popular room culture.

The plant is 80 to 130 cm tall and has long, dark green leaves that have a pronounced burgundy shade on the back side. Purple and leaf stalks, as well as flower stalks, holding large single inflorescences.

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