Proper cultivation of cucumber varieties Paratunka

When choosing cucumber seeds, many gardeners are guided by the characteristic of the variety, preferring hardy and not too demanding to care species. Such criteria corresponds Paratunka.

Contents:Description and characteristics of the variety Cucumber Paratunka

The hybrid cucumber ripens quite early, on 40-43 days after the emergence of shoots the harvest begins. The period of fruiting under favorable conditions and proper care lasts until the cold.

The plant has a medium whip size with moderate branching. The leaves are colored in rich green. On one leaf sinus, 2-3 fruits of a cylindrical shape with a delicate skin are formed, on which yellowish strips are visible( one third of the length).

The length of the greens reaches 7-10 cm , the weight is 80-100 g .12-16 kg can be removed from a square meter of beds. A feature of the variety is the lack of need for pollination of flowers.

Fruit length is about 7-10 cm.
Paratunka is a versatile variety suitable for cultivation in open ground. Fruits are suitable both for the fresh use, and preparations for the winter.
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The Paratunka variety was bred relatively recently - in 2006 by the Moscow agrofirm Semko-Junior.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The breeders' goal was to produce the plant with strong immunity and a long fruiting period of .The achieved results not only met the expectations, but also strengthened by other advantageous qualities of the Paratunka hybrid.

Main advantages:

  • versatility;
  • pleasant taste with a sweetish note( no bitterness);
  • resistance to various diseases and pests( bacteriosis, brown spot, powdery mildew, etc.);
  • high yield;
  • keeps its presentation well during transportation;
  • the possibility of growing in many regions of the country.

Parathunka variety is recommended for use in the following areas: Volgo-Vyatsky, Mid-Volzhsky, Northern, North-Western, North-Caucasian, Central, Central Black-earth.

The Paratunka variety has a high yield.

Disadvantages The hybrid has practically no , except that the price of seed and the spikes on the peel of the fruit are too high.

Soil Requirements for Planting

Cucumbers are grown on all types of soil, but you will get a high yield on fertile lungs( loams, sandy loams) that have neutral or slightly acidic .

On clay soils, the access of moisture and nutrients to the plant is difficult, therefore it is recommended to dilute them with sand, peat and humus( the mixture is made up of equal proportions of the components).To reduce the acidity can be the introduction of dolomite flour( tuff, crushed limestone) during the autumn digging.

When choosing a place to give preference to areas on a hill. The close occurrence of groundwater to the surface of the earth can provoke the rotting of the root system, fruits.

Cucumbers pull nutrients from the ground, so fertilizer injections are an integral part of crop care.

Fertilization - a prerequisite for

The preparation of the soil for sowing must begin in the fall with .Fresh manure is added to the planned beds, after which the earth is dug up. During the winter of , mullein will rot out, improve the soil structure, enrich it with valuable trace elements( nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, etc.).The amount of manure per 1 m2 depends on the degree of fertility of the soil, an average of 6-9 kg / m2 is used.

If the autumn soil preparation work was not carried out, this can be done in the spring 30-50 days before sowing the seeds. ( 4 kg / m2) is recommended to be introduced immediately before planting.

In addition to organics, mineral fertilizers are used:

  • superphosphate( 40 g. Per 1 m2);
  • ammonium nitrate( 15 g. Per 1 m2);
  • potassium salt( 25 g. Per 1 m2);
  • wood ash( 200 gr. Per 1 m2).

It is necessary to deposit them in the spring digging of the earth, deepening the by 20-30 cm .It is at this depth that the root system of cucumbers develops.

When digging, fertilizer is applied to a depth of 20-30 cm.

Sowing rules

Growing variety Paratunka practically does not differ from the general rules of cultivation of cucumbers.

Gardeners use two methods of seeding:

  • in open ground;
  • for seedlings.

Planting begins more often in mid-May, , but gardeners are no longer guided by the timing, rather than timing.

Active growth of a plant begins with an established air temperature of 22-24 degrees , the indicator on the soil should be not less than 14-15 degrees .

Cucumber Seeds Paratunka

When planting in rows, the following hole pattern is used:

  • spacing between bushes - 15-18 cm;
  • distance between rows - 60-70 cm;
  • depth holes - 3 cm

When nesting bran method employs pattern: 50 x 30 cm

to previously receive crop and to protect seedlings against spring frost, the seeds are sown in separate containers ( small pots, glasses) under greenhouse conditions..or indoors.

This technology provides the following important points:

  • seeds are planted on seedlings for a month before transferring seedlings to open ground;
  • soil for cups is used light( before use it should be disinfected and heated);
  • seeds must first be soaked and heated( this procedure is not required for hybrids);
  • to dig the seeds into the soil should be 1.5-2 cm;
  • before the emergence of shoots, the surface of the containers should be covered with glass or film;
  • watering requires regular, but moderate;
  • after the appearance of young shoots, the temperature drops, and 2 weeks before transferring to the beds, the seedlings are hardened( containers need to be taken out for 2-3 hours).
Paratunka seedlings must be transferred to the ground together with the earthy clod.
The root system of the seedlings is underdeveloped, therefore, the seedling must be transferred to the well carefully along with the soil.


Variety Paratunka refers to unpretentious, but the basic care of plants is still necessary.


It is recommended to irrigate every 3-5 days with warm water , watering is done daily in hot weather. It should be monitored so that the soil is moistened 20-25 cm deep. To prevent moisture stagnation, it is recommended to use sprinkling, drip irrigation system.

Weeding and loosening

To ensure oxygen access to the root system, the soil is periodically loosened. This process is combined with the weeding of the , since the proximity to the weeds provokes the rotting of the roots, the accumulation of insect pests in dense thickets. Total for the growing season is 4-6 treatments.

During the growing season, it is necessary to loosen

4-6 times. Catching cucumbers

The first is applied after the formation of 2-3 leaflets in the seedlings. Of the mineral substances, a mixture of urea( 15 gr.), Potassium sulfate( 15 gr.), And superphosphate( 50g.) Is more commonly used. You can also dilute a mullein in water( 1 l thick solution per bucket of water) or bird droppings( 1.5 cups per bucket of water).

The second bait, rich in nitrogen-potassium substances, is introduced at the initial stage of fruiting, the third - in the middle of July.

Care errors

Inexperienced gardeners often make mistakes that reduce crop yields:

  • ignoring fertilizer application;
  • wrong choice of place for the beds;
  • too early seed sowing;
  • violation of watering;
  • tightening treatment when it detects damage to plants.
Infringement of the irrigation regime is one of the common mistakes in

care. Diseases and their prevention

The main enemies of Paratunka cucumbers are:

  • root rot;
  • anthracnose;
  • perinosporosis;
  • white rot;
  • aphid;
  • spider mite.

At the first signs of plant damage, must be treated and the diseased bushes removed from the bed to prevent the spread of the disease.


The most effective way to avoid problems is considered timely prevention, which consists of the following activities:

  • compliance with the intervals during planting( to avoid thickening);
  • control soil moisture levels;
  • daily inspection of plants;
  • weeding and loosening the soil;
  • disinfecting of seeds and a bed area.

Harvesting and storage rules

Paratunka cucumbers vypvevayut approximately on the 42nd day after germination.

In order for the fruits not to outgrow, it is recommended that you collect 1 time in 2 days of .You can store the harvest for at least 10 days, if you put the boxes in the basement( temperature no more than +8 degrees).If the indicator exceeds +10 degrees, the shelf life is reduced to 4 days.

Hybrid Paratunka approved gardeners living in different parts of the country. It is interesting to grow, you can experiment with the cultivation in greenhouses, as did the bold innovators.

Harvesting Paratunka cucumbers 1 time in 2 days
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