How to plant dill and parsley in the country

Dill and parsley - the most common greens in the country. It is easy to plant and grow, it is easy to prepare the ground for planting and take care as well. If you follow the minimum rules for the care of greens in the garden, the lush, beautiful and fragrant greens will constantly delight you and your family with their taste.

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Features of growing parsley and dill at the cottage

Dill is an unpretentious plant that does not need feeding in the process of growth. It belongs to the early-ripening plants, which draw nutrients from the soil fertilized in the fall.

You can start harvesting one month after the first shoots of .The height of the bush will fluctuate around 20-30 cm.

In order to harvest dill for the winter, it is recommended to pull out the entire plant along with the root. And then choose those parts of dill that you need.
When harvesting dill for the winter, you can pull it together with the root
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. Parsley, like dill, will appear a few weeks after the first shoots of .But if you plant it step by step, exactly how it will be indicated later in the article, you will be able to constantly feast on fresh greens.

Since parsley is a cold-resistant plant and can withstand temperatures as low as -7 degrees Celsius, it can be grown just before the appearance of the first snow. Even under the snow, she will be able to keep green and fragrant leaves for some time.

If you wish, you can plant parsley and dill in the open ground right on the same bed or next to the .They get along normally and do not interfere with each other, if you leave enough space for the development of each individual bush.

The correct dates for sowing in the lunar calendar for 2018

According to the lunar calendar, will plant parsley on March 6 and 7, April 5 and 6, May 20 and 24, and from 4 to 7 June. For dill , the best days of planting are: from 21 to 25 March, from 19 to 23 April, 26 and 27 May, and from 17 to 22 June.

Preparatory work before sowing in open ground

In order to get a good harvest of greenery it is recommended to properly prepare the seeds and beds for their sowing. Moreover, the preparatory work for dill and parsley have their own characteristics. And which ones, we'll talk further in the article.

The process of preparing the beds to plant

parsley To prepare the beds for the dispersion of parsley in the season in the spring. It is necessary to choose weeds, having eliminated their root system without fail. Smooth out the soil and prepare the furrows not more than 20 mm deep.

The distance between the beds should be about 10 cm, not more.

As for fertilizers, it is best to use them in the fall in the form of compost and humus. In springtime, everything can be supplemented with urea, ammonium nitrate and potassium-phosphorus complex.

To plant

dill It is best to plant dill beds to prepare since the fall .For this, it is necessary to make rows with a depth of no more than 0.2 m , actively fertilizing them with humus and other mineral fertilizers.

With the arrival of spring, the land plot is loosened, leveled, and made into furrow stripes with a depth of 20 mm. .Between the individual rows is to maintain 0.2 m .That will be quite enough.

After a uniform distribution of seeds in the beds, they do not need to be strongly powdered, so lightly.

Fillings of about 2 cm deep are prepared for planting dill.

It is not necessary to water the beds with greens for the next few days after planting, they do not like it. This can lead to the appearance of fungus, as a result of excessive moisture.

Preparation of

seeds To prepare parsley seeds for planting it is recommended:

  • to evenly lay out the seeds on a saucer with wet gauze and wait until the first sprouts appear;
  • thereafter, the seeds are considered ready for planting. But sowing them is extremely careful not to leave the sprouts. Otherwise all work will be in vain.

To prepare the seeds of dill for planting it is recommended:

Before sowing, the seeds of dill are processed a little longer than the seeds of parsley. At the first stage, everything is identical. The seeds of are laid out on wet gauze and for several days they wait until the first shoots appear. But in this case it is extremely important to control the temperature regime. It should be in the region of +50 degrees Celsius .

Gauze should not dry out, it should be washed every 5 hours.

After three days, the seeds are processed with hot water, maintaining the temperature in the region of +20 degrees and covered with gauze on top. And only in four days the first sprouts will start to appear.

Sprouting the seeds of dill

Before each planting the seeds of greens are advised to dry and spread in a well-moistened soil.

Sowing rules in the soil

So that you do not need greenery, it is necessary to sow it in stages, in other words once every two weeks .If the root variety of dill and parsley is planted, a distance of 70-150 mm should be left between the individual bushes, for leafy plants it should be increased to 200 mm.

In springtime, when the temperature can drop significantly at night, you can cover the greenery with .This will protect it from frost. While in the summer for a hot climate, where most of the day the sun burns everything in its path, it is better to plant part of the dill and parsley somewhere in the shade. This will protect the plants from premature yellowing.

Some gardeners plant both one and the other greens right in the same row. She normally gets on with each other. After all, the conditions of its development and growth are basically identical.

Care after planting

Mandatory it is necessary to remove weeds in beds with greens and loosen the soil

To produce watering of greens is as necessary if the ground has dried .It is better to do this after cutting the leaves. But it is important to prevent the appearance of a crust to the surface of the root. This will bring nothing good to the plants.

To avoid the ejection of dill blossoms before the time, it is recommended to water it. If the soil is constantly wet, this will not happen.

Pulling up weeds as they emerge, while loosening the soil of .Thus, you remove plants that interfere with the normal growth of greenery, and enrich the soil with oxygen.

Special difficulties in the process of planting and development of parsley and dill in gardeners does not arise. Since the greens unpretentious and does not require special attention.

You just need to look after the soil, watering it in a timely manner, and in time remove weeds that parasitize on the beds. Do not need anything else. If the soil is fertile, and you have fertilized it with humus since autumn, you do not need to use an additional fertilizer complex. Minimum effort and useful greens on your table.

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