Types and assembling cast iron pipes for outdoor sewerage

Tubes of iron used in the sewer network device, remain relevant pictures. Despite strong competition, plastic, cast iron products from constructing a robust pipeline, designed for the very long-term service. They have both strengths and weaknesses, which is worth reading. Do you agree?

We will talk about what cast iron pipes for outdoor sewerage fit perfectly, and which are used exclusively in the inner lining of the system. In the present article, we have given particular labeling, describes the types of compounds in the assembly of iron communications. Listed as alternatives.

The content of the article:

  • Ductile iron pipe
  • Classification pipes structure
  • How to connect pipes and SML SME?
  • Structure and use
  • Pre-insulated products
  • Reasons for replacing iron polymers
  • Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

Ductile iron pipe

Design solutions for the reduction of iron in the sewer networks have traditionally caused by economic considerations. As for the reliability and durability - are materials that are equal to the cast iron pipe, there is simply no.

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Products made of ductile cast iron, is widely used in engineering, water supply, drainage, as well as in gas and oil production.

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Tubes of iron and flanged fittings

Cast iron pipe used mainly in the outer lining of sewer communications. Strength and high resistance of long products to mechanical stress allows their use in the construction of lines in areas with any traffic load

Metal pipes of different diameters

Tubes of iron release device main sewer channels and facilities for private Autonomous System

Increased performance

Tubes of iron durable flawlessly centuries are not lit are not destroyed by temperature fluctuations. But because of the rough surface in cast iron pipes quickly overgrown lumen. Get rid of the problem helps the polymer coating

A significant drawback - the heavy weight of the pipe

By significant for installers and disadvantages carriers include cast iron pipe products considerable weight

water drain for a country house

Even with the use of cast iron pipes of small diameter will require lifting equipment. In doing so, they unquestionably inferior plastic

Assembling the manifold pressure sewer

Cast iron pipe pressure device suitable for sewage pipelines required in areas with difficult terrain or with the need to bypass underground structures. They work well in networks with a pressure of up to 1 MPa

The manufacturing process of iron pipe

Specificity production iron drain pipe causes their high resistance to chemical and biological effects

Domestic sewage pipes of iron

Today is rare to find the sewer system of a private house made of cast iron, but supporters of the strength and reliability still give it their preference

Tubes of iron and flanged fittings

Tubes of iron and flanged fittings

Metal pipes of different diameters

Metal pipes of different diameters

Increased performance

Increased performance

A significant drawback - the heavy weight of the pipe

A significant drawback - the heavy weight of the pipe

water drain for a country house

water drain for a country house

Assembling the manifold pressure sewer

Assembling the manifold pressure sewer

The manufacturing process of iron pipe

The manufacturing process of iron pipe

Domestic sewage pipes of iron

Domestic sewage pipes of iron

A significant share of this production are high-strength cast iron pipe.

Their performance properties, compared with conventional tubes, supplemented with the following mechanical characteristics:

  • high degree of toughness;
  • low yield point;
  • low tensile strength;
  • low coefficient of elongation.

Preparation of such characteristics achieved through the introduction of spheroidal graphite (or plate) in the form of pig iron structure.

In other words, the metal structure becomes saturated with a significant amount of carbon, which in practical terms adds more final products and properties such as:

  • durability;
  • compressive strength;
  • fatigue strength;
  • ease of machining;
  • good casting quality.

About ductile iron pipes mentioned reason. Implementation of outdoor sanitation projects generally involves the construction of wastewater discharge line from the structures with seal them under a layer of soil. Such a sewage system classifies the acronym TML.

Operation of sewer lines underground are usually characterized by increased physical and thermal loads, which are easy to handle high strength cast iron pipes. Depth of laying sewer pipes the land is governed by building codes.

Classification pipes structure

For sewer cast iron pipes classification TML does their conditional division of the functional properties of two types:

  1. Bezrastrubnye (SML).
  2. Socketed (SME).

The first characterized by the fact that structurally executed as an exceptionally smooth elements from start to finish throughout. Second, in contrast, have at one end a little advanced in diameter bell.

Types of cast iron pipes

Tubes made of cast iron, made under the building drainage system, produce different by design. The most commonly used in practice bezrastrubnye flare and cast iron pipes

Bezrastrubnye cast iron pipes are considered to be suitable for outdoor installation of sewer systems relating to the TML classification systems. Pipe type SML provides great convenience in installation conditions, make it easy and quick dismantle if necessary.

Both types of pipes are produced with a nominal inner diameter size of 100 mm, while the size of the outer diameter is 110 mm. Typically, the nominal diameter and any other size indicated marking (e.g. - DN100).

Often practiced diameter cast iron pipe size (and socket bezrastrubnyh) lie in the range 100 - 400 mm. In general, this range covers the diameter sizes up to 1000 mm. Standard length is - 3000 mm.

Cast iron pipe classifier SML

Bezrastrubnaya tube manufactured on the basis of iron and a plate member of the group classification SML and fittings required for proper installation of drainage systems

There are also products that belong to other classification groups. For example, the classification of SMU products functionally designed for drainage systems of buildings and drainage systems.

There pipe under transport of chemical corrosives. They pass on the classification of MLK. And the products of cast under MLB classifier suitable for drainage systems on roads and bridges.

Design features and composition used in the casting of cast-iron pipes, indicated in the labeling:

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Cast iron pipe labeled Ductile

The presence of the marking of cast iron pipes Ductile Iron abbreviation suggests that used in the production of granite melt granules were added. The final product is increased frost resistance and strength. This type of pipe is available only with a bell

Lengthy CHNR iron products

Pipes with a set of letters in the marking device to produce CHNR pressure sewer systems. They are produced both with sockets and flanged

The construction of the sewerage pipes CHK

The organization of autonomous sewerage systems most commonly used pipe Cheka made of cast iron. During casting of the added graphite plate. The result is not too strong, but it is quite suitable for the device gravity networks

SML pipes for external and internal lines

Pipes labeled SML used in the gasket and inner and outer sewer branches. To protect against external influences they are covered with epoxy shell. When added to cast rosette graphite, produce only without bells

Cast iron pipe labeled Ductile

Cast iron pipe labeled Ductile

Lengthy CHNR iron products

Lengthy CHNR iron products

The construction of the sewerage pipes CHK

The construction of the sewerage pipes CHK

SML pipes for external and internal lines

SML pipes for external and internal lines

How to connect pipes and SML SME?

Bezrastrubnye cast iron pipes are connected with one another, using special tightening the fixing device. These connecting elements consist of a steel clamp and tightening the flexible coupling, which is superimposed on the area of ​​the joint.

In practice, two modifications screed steel clamp used - one screw (CE) or two screws (CV). elastic coupling material provides a high quality sealing and properties of the steel ring subtending exclude the appearance of corrosion.

Clamps for cast-iron pipes

Metal clamps and couplings, supplemented with elastic inserts, are usually used to interconnect bezrastrubnyh iron pipes. There are several modifications of such fasteners

Connecting clamps are used not only to connect individual pipes in the construction of the pipeline. These same components are used for connections with the shaped parts.

Clamps are produced under various diameters and installation designed for the entire range of operating pressures. Any modification to clamps absorption effect used in the apparatus Soundproof Pipe. Their installation requires no additional sound insulation in places passes through the pipeline overlap.

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The use of clamps and fittings

The assembly of iron drain pipes marked SML manufactured using taps with different angles, adapters, frogs, tees. Compounds operate using metal clips with gaskets

Apparatus sewage system in a cellar

SML pipes are suitable for laying sewer lines in unheated rooms. It protects against corrosion of the outer cover

Options build sewerage system

A strong advantage of SML pipes believe it is the lack of sockets. If necessary, the replacement pipe section or fittings is not necessary to disassemble the entire line. Enough to block and to change only requires this element

Laying on the insulation and between the insulation plates

Bezrastrubnye pipes coexist well with all kinds of insulation, building materials, do not require any special tricks in the case of a joint gasket

The use of clamps and fittings

The use of clamps and fittings

Apparatus sewage system in a cellar

Apparatus sewage system in a cellar

Options build sewerage system

Options build sewerage system

Laying on the insulation and between the insulation plates

Laying on the insulation and between the insulation plates

Socketed elements are connected on the principle of inserting a smooth end of one pipe to the other flare portion. Softness and sealing compound is usually provided with a rubber ring which is pressed into the groove, is available on the inner surface of the socket cast iron pipe.

There is also a scheme where a compound of tightness in the socket (softness) is achieved by filling the gap between the pipes and sealing material.

Forms of the compounds in the socket

The practice of building sewerage systems based socket pipes of cast iron involves the use of one of the five compounds of embodiment (A, B, C, D, E). Four of them with gaskets in the form of rubber rings (5, 6) and one in a tarred harness (3)

For socket elements characterized by the following types of fixing and sealing compounds:

  1. Chasing asbestos filler.
  2. Setting the seal.
  3. Setting the self-sealing rings.
  4. Using compression flange bolt.
  5. The use of hard spike.

Fixing method is also practiced tubular connection with hot and cold welding, but it is rarely used. This is explained by the complexity of the technology of welding iron. In addition, for the production of welding of cast iron requires professionals, professional welding tool and expensive nickel-based electrodes.

With the features of construction of pipes for selecting the internal sewer system introduce articleIn which all the arguments and reviewed the characteristics of various types are set out in detail.

Structure and use

The main feature of cast iron pipes from the group TML classifier - designed to be placed under the ground at 0.8 to 6 meters depth. Created specifically as elements TML external systems, pipes differ increased degree of strength and corrosion protection.

Operating parameters allow compression resistance without fear of damage to lay sewer lines, for example, under the road surface with large weight loads. However, when mounting the standards DIN EN 877 requires to observe, 1610, Standard, which provides for the establishment of the respective support and foundation slabs.

Structure iron sewer pipe

Structure modern bezrastrubnoy pipes of cast iron consists of bilayer subcoating epoxy resin (1) outer coating epoxy varnish (2), the working layer of iron with lamellar or spheroidal graphite (3), a protective coating zinc (4)

From features of high strength cast iron pipe must also highlight the presence of effective coverage (internal and external), including shaped parts. Coating is performed with the introduction of zinc and epoxy resin, which ensures high reliability of corrosion protection even in the aggressive environment conditions expressed.

These tubes can be successfully applied for laying in the ground with a high pH (0-10). Internal lacquer epoxy coating sewage pipes from cast iron has a smooth (sliding) structure that minimizes the drag coefficient when moving drains.

The structure of modern cast iron pipe TML:

  1. Modified epoxy resin coating in two layers (layer thickness 120 .mu.m).
  2. Protective coating epoxy varnish (thickness 60 micron layer).
  3. Cast iron core layer with an increased carbon content.
  4. Protective coating zinc powder (spraying density of 130 g / m2).

Standard pipe length (3000 mm) is easily shortened to the desired size, if necessary, for example, an electric cutter. Performing cutting cast iron pipe, it is necessary to provide an accurate straight cut. This ensures reliable sealing in the assembly effluent lines.

In addition, the cut border usually stained special paint and adhesive tape type obkladyvayut Pro-Cut. For aggressive media, special seals are used. These measures further increase and negate the risks of leaks.

edge of the pipe handling tape pro-cut

In this way, the connecting node is created at the edge of a cropped iron pipe when as a protective and sealing member is used adhesive tape Pro-Cut

The list of features is impressive cast-iron sewer pipes. Compared with the same polymer productsRapidly gaining popularity due to the cheapness of cast iron products has many advantages.

The pot is not terrible fire and high temperatures, whereas plastic tube softened at T = 100º, and at higher temperatures may begin to deform and melt.

Cast iron pipes are characterized by a low noise level during operation of the system and does not require the installation of expansion joints for expansion. They can be laid in the concrete thickness, without fear of a break from the compression / expansion of the materials.

Thus, the cost of acquisition very soon compensated due to economical operation of iron pipes. Their use does not require the creation of fire and noise insulation, the turnaround time is several times higher than the same period for plastic communications. The duration of operation is not limited to even 100-year period.

Pre-insulated products

Cast articles of classifier TML supplement products, which are pre-insulated metal pipes. Such modifications are successfully used in environments of low temperature values.

Essentially, these are the same or bezrastrubnye high strength pipe spigot (1), further coated technological layers (2, 3, 4) of thermal insulation.

Cast iron pipes with thermal insulation

Bezrastrubnoy iron Variant pipe supplemented insulation element. in this version of the product are called "pre-insulated pipes." They are intended for operation at low ambient temperatures

As effective heat insulation used thermosetting foam (3) or a similar material having a dense structure and the properties of non-flammability class "A2". The heat insulator is closed from galvanized sheet steel casing (4). The thickness of the sheet casing of at least 1 mm. The casing is fixed clamps (2), also made of galvanized steel.

Pre-insulated metal pipes designed for operation in the humidity to 75%. Isolation eliminates the formation of condensation in cold and low critical temperature. There are modifications to the introduction of the heating cable directly into the structure of a thermal insulator.

Reasons for replacing iron polymers

What determines the increasing popularity polymer products, Which seeks to replace the cast iron?

As it turns out, the main reasons are:

  • iron corrosion risks from damage by stray currents electromagnetic fields;
  • no additional protection of the inner walls of pipes from corrosive environments;
  • stiffness products, positively affecting the tube taken separately, but provoking displacement of the total soil loads to points on the pipeline joints assembled from a dozen or more tubes;
  • technical difficulties inevitably appear during the repair process or in case of creation of new communication frames.

Plastic pipes are much more likely than the cast iron used in the creation of autonomous systems sewage in private homes.

On what tubes are best used in the construction of the outer part of the sewerage system on a suburban portion learn from next articleDevoted to this complex issue.

Conclusions and useful videos on the topic

A few tips on selecting pipes useful for creating sewage systems with their own hands:

Meanwhile, the polymer products according to technical and operational performance inferior products made of cast iron. They are much more disadvantages compared to cast-iron sewer pipes.

Polymers convenient and efficient use of internal sewerage systems, but for the serious outdoor communications with any reasonable point of view it is to use iron.

Have useful information on the device external sewage from iron pipes? Want to tell about how constructed a system on your site? Please write comments in the block located below, publish pictures of the article topic, ask questions.

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