Proper cultivation of tomatoes in the greenhouse

Tomato fruits have high nutritional, taste and dietary qualities, so they are considered the most common vegetables. To obtain early fruits, many gardeners install greenhouses on their land. But in order to achieve better results in the harvest of tomatoes, it is necessary to know all the peculiarities of cultivation and how to plant the plants in closed ground.


  • Features of growing tomatoes in the greenhouse
    • Soil Preparation for
    • tomatoes Efficient cultivation of seedbeds
    • Fertilizer soil before planting
    • Scheme planting
    • transplanting
  • on
    • Care Requirements Room temperature
    • Watering
    • Feeding
  • Tips for Beginners
  • How to spend pasynkovanie
  • Asgrow large tomatoes - step by step method
  • What should be the height of the greenhouse
  • We plant overgrown tomatoes in the greenhouse
  • problems with growing
    • Compatibility of tomatoes with peppers and cucumbers
    • Can you plant different vegetables with and without partitionsin the greenhouse
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      First of all, when constructing a greenhouse, it is necessary to take into account that the interior has with sufficient lighting with all the light levels and good ventilation. If in an apartment, in room conditions on a windowsill, this is easier to achieve, then in the greenhouse you need to observe the features.

      Before planting the tomato, the metal parts of the structure must be disinfected with boiling water, and the wooden parts with copper sulphate. After these works, it is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse during the day and only then start planting the plant.

      Good survival of seedlings, as well as their further development depends on many factors. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with all the nuances of further step by step guide.
      . For good germination of seedlings it is necessary to follow the recommendations of

      . Preparation of soil for tomatoes

      Tomatoes are not recommended to be planted annually in the same soil .A good option would be to replace the soil completely. If this is not possible, you can limit disinfection: Bordeaux mixture, dolomite flour, or just pour boiling water over it.

      Effective cultivation of beds

      Landing strips begin to cultivate 1 week before planting. The number of beds depends on the area of ​​the greenhouse. The optimal width of a single band is considered to be 60–90 cm , and height - 40 cm .Between strips it is necessary to leave a passage 60 cm wide, since in this case it will be easier to carry out agrotechnical work.

      Fertilizing the soil before planting

      If the soil is not fertile, it must be fed for high yields. In the clay soil is recommended to make humus at the rate of 10 kg.on 1 sq.m.and 1 tbsp.lpotassium sulfate and 2 tbsp.lsuperphosphate. Next, fertilizers need to dig up well with the soil.

      can be added to the clay soil. Regardless of the soil fertility, it is necessary to water it with a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 1 g per 10 l before planting the seedlings.water.

      Planting pattern

      In order for tomatoes to grow to receive enough light and nutrients, it is necessary to plan their planting site in advance. According to the recommendations of experts, the planting scheme depends on the tomato varieties.

      Thus, the optimal solution is considered to be staggered order , with the following distance:

      1. Low-growing varieties .To get this kind of tomato good lighting, they are recommended to be planted on the edge of the greenhouse. The distance between the plants should be 30 - 40 cm., Between the rows - 50 cm.
      2. Colony-shaped varieties .Such tomatoes are planted in the middle of the ridge, taking into account the distance between bushes of 20–25 cm., Between rows of 40–45 cm.
      3. tall cultures. Such varieties are planted on the ridge along the intermediate passage. The landing pattern is 50–55 cm between the plants in a row and 65–70 cm between the rows.

      When using such a scheme, tomatoes will not interfere with each other's growth, and such a schedule will facilitate the harvest of early ripening varieties.

      The best solution for planting tomatoes is a chessboard order.

      Planting seedlings

      The optimum age for planting seedlings is 1.5 months .During this time, the tomato root system is already quite developed and able to adapt to new conditions. The landing process itself takes place in several stages, as follows:

      1. In 20 minutesBefore planting, tomatoes should be well shed with water( in this case, the root system during transplantation will be less injured).
      2. A well is dug up at the target site with a width of 20–25 cm and a depth of 15–20 cm .
      3. A peg is placed in the hole to further support the plant.
      4. The hole is watered with plenty of water.
      5. Carefully get the seedlings and set them in a horizontal position in the recess.
      6. Sapling is covered with soil.

      After the transplant, the seedling should be tied to a peg and a small hole should be formed around the tree circle.

      After transplantation around the seedling, you need to make an

      well. Care requirements

      The quality and quantity of tomatoes directly depend on the agrotechnical work, so you should not neglect them.

      The main requirements for care include:

      • maintaining the required temperature;
      • watering;
      • top dressing.

      By meeting these basic requirements, it will also be possible to speed up the time of fruit ripening.

      Room temperature

      On sunny days, the air in the greenhouse quickly heats up to a high temperature, which in turn has a detrimental effect on the seedlings. It starts to fade, develop poorly and eventually may just die.

      Therefore, in order to achieve the recommended temperature of 25 degrees , at which the plant develops well, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room.

      Regularly aerate the greenhouse.


      The first starter watering should be done 5–6 days after planting .Water the plant at the root, in a preformed hole. Water should be separated, warm, temperature +18 degrees .It is recommended to water the tomatoes 2-3 times a week, at the rate of 25 liters.on 1 sq.m.

      After watering, it is necessary to ventilate the room for 2 hours, in which case no condensation forms, which negatively affects both the pollination of plants and the quality of the fruit.


      Fertilizers applied for planting lasts for 1.5 weeks, then they begin, alternating in 11–12 days as needed, to be fed with nitrogen and mineral fertilizers.

      The first dressing begins with nitrogen fertilizers, such as:

      • rotted manure;
      • chicken manure solution;
      • magnesium sulfate;
      • potassium.
      Magnesium sulphate as a supplement.

      These fertilizers contribute to 's rapid growth of green and plant resistance to various diseases.

      After 11 days, after the first feeding, mineral fertilizers start to be applied:

      • Kemira - Universal;
      • "Mortar";
      • copper sulfate.

      These feedings will affect the quality and volume of the crop.

      Additional boric acid treatment, at the rate of 1 g.on 1 l.water, can not only improve the appearance of the tomato and contribute to the growth of plants, but also add vitamin C to the fruit. Therefore, newcomers should familiarize themselves with the following nuances:

      1. hybrid varieties of tomatoes that have limited growth, resistance to various diseases, with a formation of 1 - 2 stem, are selected for the greenhouse.
      2. To sow seedlings for the greenhouse is better in late February, early March.
      3. The plants are planted in early May when the soil at a depth of 15–20 cm warms to and above 15 degrees.
      4. Despite the fact that all varieties for greenhouses are self-pollinating, for better fruit set during the growing season, the plants need to be slightly shaken off.

      As you can see, these tips are not complicated; if you follow them, you will not have to worry about the good development of seedlings.

      How to conduct a pasynkovanie

      In order for the beneficial microelements not to be consumed by bushes, but extracted for fruits, it is necessary to regularly conduct pasynkovanie.

      The procedure itself is simple, with the aid of the pruner, the lower 3-4 branches of the are removed, in some cases, the upper thickened sprouts. You also need to prevent new sprouts from the root system. At the first appearance of the stepsons, they must be carefully cut with a knife.

      How to grow large tomatoes - step by step method

      Before giving preference to large tomatoes, it is necessary to immediately take into account that agricultural work will take more free time. The cultivation of large fruits of tomatoes, is as follows:

      1. The selection of quality varieties.
      2. Seedlings sow in separate pots.
      3. After planting in the greenhouse, the seedling must be grown and formed into one trunk. To do this, below the first brush, remove all stepchildren and foliage.
      4. During growth, the stem is twisted to the support , thereby preventing future fracture of the hands under the weight of the fruit.
      5. When 4-5 brushes are formed on the stem, you need to pinch the top of the growth.
      6. Sacten regularly throughout the season, removing root sprouts and shoots from the follicles.
      7. When the first fruits appear, you should monitor their appearance. As soon as the fruits shine, they must be removed, allowing the rest of the crop to ripen.

      After the entire crop has been removed from the branch, it must be removed with a secateur, so there will be more light in the greenhouse for the last ripening fruit.

      After harvesting the branch must be removed with pruners

      What should be the height of the greenhouse

      Growing tomatoes in the greenhouse has its disadvantages, such as:

      • insufficient amount of light than in open ground;
      • frequent spread of plant diseases;
      • inconvenience in care.

      Therefore, the height of a greenhouse, for example, from a film, must be not less than 2.5 m .If the greenhouse has a dual roof, you can limit the height 2 m .In this case, when planting and carrying out agrotechnical works, there will be no need to bend down, and such a height will contribute to a better circulation of fresh air and the possibility of planting high varieties of culture.

      We plant overgrown tomatoes in the greenhouse

      It often happens that tomatoes outgrow before planting. In this case, the holes for planting seedlings are prepared, focusing on the root system and 1/3 of the stem. As practice shows, on average, the depth of the fossa is 40 cm .

      Unlike conventional planting, overgrown seedlings are planted not in an upright position, but slightly in an inclined position.
      Overgrown seedlings are planted in the ground under an incline

      Thus, on the instilled stem, there are more roots that allow tomatoes to get more nutrients.

      In order to avoid rotting of the root system from the stem, which will be under the ground, must remove all the leaves of .

      Problems with growing

      Every summer resident knows that when growing tomatoes in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate, certain problems can arise. Therefore, to avoid irreparable mistakes that can reduce the quality of the crop, you need to solve them in a timely manner.

      Very often in one area there is no possibility to construct several greenhouses, so the newcomers often have to ask whether it is possible to combine the vegetables in one greenhouse or bring them to another.

      Compatible tomato with pepper and cucumber

      Tomatoes and peppers belong to the solanaceous crops, so they get along well among themselves with any arrangement of beds.

      Tomato can be grown with pepper in one greenhouse.

      The best solution in saving space, as well as for the safety of pepper from aphids, it can be planted between tomato bushes. With cucumbers, the situation is different. Draft, which is so necessary for tomatoes, detrimental effect on cucumbers. And the humidity of the room for each vegetable should be different.

      Tomatoes grow well at 40% humidity, and cucumbers at 90-100%, therefore, is undesirable to plant these vegetables together .

      Is it possible to plant different vegetables with and without partitions

      You can plant, without partitions, a variety of herbs such as onions, parsley, lettuce, or lettuce in your company for tomatoes. Vegetables such as radishes, white cabbage and even watermelons combine well. But it is not recommended to grow tomatoes together with cucumbers, dill and fennel in the greenhouse neighborhood.

      To place these vegetables and greens in one greenhouse, you need to install a partition in the form of plywood or slate between them.
      When planting a tomato with other vegetables, it is necessary to install a partition in the greenhouse

      For the partition at the opposite side from the exit to the garden, it is better to place varieties of cucumbers, dill and fennel. In this case, the cucumbers will avoid drafts and get the necessary moisture from the condensate, and dill and fennel will not be able to suppress the growth of young tomatoes. At the entrance of the greenhouse planted tomatoes and other vegetables approved for compatibility.

      Whitefly on tomatoes in the greenhouse

      The most common pest for tomatoes in the greenhouse is the whitefly. These insects fly on tomatoes in large quantities, damaging their feces on the leaves.

      How to understand that plants are affected by

      You can determine the presence of pests by several indicators. The main features include:

      • shiny white bloom on leaves ;
      • deformation of shoots;
      • the presence of yellow spots on the plant.
      . At a later infection, tomatoes are covered with black.
      A white coating on the leaves of a tomato indicates the appearance of the whitefly

      . What is dangerous for the pest

      ? The insects themselves do not cause harm to plants. It is their sweet and sticky emptyings that contribute to the development of sooty fungi. The danger of these bacteria is that they clog the pores of plants, and this in turn leads to disruption of photosynthesis.

      The growth of these fungi eventually leads to the death of the plant.

      How to get rid of the midges and how to fight

      Despite the fact that the whitefly can have a detrimental effect on the development of the plant, there are several simple methods to prevent this:10 degrees , in this case, adult pests will die.

    • If the parasites have settled on seedlings in the greenhouse, the leaves of the plants must be treated with soap solution, and the room itself is more often ventilated.
    • Spread out the affected seedlings at home should be separated from each other and the insects should be carefully removed with a sponge moistened with water.

    To fight whitefly in the spring, it can be ordered in vegetable farms of parasitic insects that cause no harm to plants, but willingly feed on whiteflies and their larvae.

    But the most effective methods to get rid of and fight the midge are still chemical agents. The most common spraying solutions to kill whitefly are:

    • “Fitoverm” - 2 ml.drug on 1 l.water;
    • "Aktellik" - 1 ampoule per 1 l.water;
    • "Aktara" - 1 package of 1.5 liters.liquids;
    • "Pegasus" - 2 ml.on 1 l.water;
    • "Confidor" - 1 ml.on 1 l.water.
    To consolidate the effect of poison, treatment by chemists must be carried out 2 times, with an interval of 1 week.
    Actellic - one of the most effective drugs to combat whitefly

    In the fight against whitefly you can use the following methods:

    1. Traps and fumigators .Traps in the form of adhesive tapes, with a pleasant aroma, are hanging at the base of the ceiling greenhouses. Insects, attracted by the smell, fly and stick to the tape. The best solution for greenhouses will be pyrotechnic simulator. Usually they have a spiral shape, which, when ignited, emit dangerous smoke for the whitefly.
    2. Folk remedy .If there is no possibility in the acquisition of mechanical drugs, you can use and poison a folk remedy in the destruction of parasites. To do this, chopped 2 cloves of garlic pour 1 liter.water and insist throughout the day. Then this filtered solution sprayed plants.
    3. Dandelion .But the best and safest way to fight whitefly is dandelion infusion. Prepare it in the following way: 40 gr.rhizomes and 40 grams. Dandelion stalks are crushed and poured over 1 liter.water. Insist insist for 4 days, and then filtering them 2 times with an interval of 1 week sprayed tomatoes.

    In order to prevent whiteflies, in the spring for prevention it is necessary to process the greenhouse. To do this, you need to replace the top layer of soil, and walk the paths and walls with boiling water.

    Having reviewed all the nuances and tips, beginners in gardening will no longer have questions about how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse. Considering the recommendations and observing the agrotechnical work, the tomatoes will be pleased with the harvest in a short time.

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