How to use iodine for tomato seedlings

Iodine is a useful substance not only for humans, but also for most vegetable crops and ornamental plants. But before you indulge your favorite plants with an iodine-based feed, you must carefully study the recipes of the solutions and the principle of the effect of the medicine on tomato seedlings.

It is possible to feed and process tomatoes with whey, depending on the purpose for which the processing is performed. How to use folk remedies and in what proportions, why it is necessary to water the seedlings of cucumbers and how to process after picking we will describe further.

Table of contents

  • How is iodic
  • milk Spraying with
  • syrup flow Feeding with iodine and green
  • Root feeding
  • Foliar

How iodine is useful for tomato seedlings

Tomatoes is very demanding for the presence of iodine , so they are simply unable to fully develop without it.

Useful properties of the use of iodine:

  1. Promotes abundant fruiting.
  2. Strengthens the immunity of young plants.
  3. Accelerates seed germination.
  4. Excellent antifungal agent.
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Watering and spraying with a weakly concentrated iodine solution is an excellent remedy for phytophthora and powdery mildew .

Timely treatment of diseased plants with iodine will prevent the spread of a dangerous disease through tomato plantings and preserve the future harvest.
A weakly concentrated iodine solution will help against powdery mildew

How to determine iodine deficiency in a plant

As a rule, the appearance of a plant indicates a lack of iodine. What should I look for when inspecting the bushes?

  1. Shortage affects the condition of the tomatoes: leaves become pale , stems - thin .
  2. Tomatoes often suffer from dangerous diseases, taxis like late blight, brown spot, mosaic and root rot. Dose after full healing planting again fall ill due to lack of good immunity.
  3. Due to the lack of adult tomatoes late in the phase of fruiting or do not produce crop at all. If you do not immediately make iodine plants under the fruit will be small, often green. It is impossible to get a generous harvest from such plants.

How to do top dressing

The solution is applied under the plants in the form of root and foliar top dressing. The first method involves watering tomatoes under the root, the second - spraying the leaves with a nutrient solution. Experienced growers alternate root and foliar feeding to achieve the best effect.

Experienced gardeners recommend alternating root and foliar top dressing

. When applying iodine, the following sequence should be followed:

  1. is fed with a weak solution: 2-3 drops of water are added 2-3 drops.
  2. In June, during active preparation for flowering, tomatoes feed with milk-iodine solution( the recipe is described below).
  3. In order to maximally strengthen the vegetables for the fruiting period, they make root dressing for tomatoes: 10 drops of an alcoholic iodine solution are added to 1 bucket of water.
  4. In the period of fruit set, bushes are fertilized with ash and boric acid with a solution based on .Feed the plant under the root.
Note, the first watering can be extended only after the seedlings reach 10 days of age.

What are the peculiarities of use in greenhouse and open ground

If the purpose of introducing iodine is not only feeding tomatoes, but their treatment from phytophthora , the treatment is carried out in a special way.

Iodine can cure tomatoes from phytophthora
  1. To get rid of phytophtors and prevent its occurrence, the walls of the greenhouse are cleaned of debris.
  2. Wash clean surfaces of with 1% manganese solution.
  3. Fumigate a greenhouse with coal: a metal bucket is carpeted with a hide, on top of which hot coals are poured. The room during the manipulation must be tightly closed.

Before processing the tomato plantings in the open ground, no preparation is carried out either.

Folk remedies for the treatment of tomatoes

  • 1 cup of crushed garlic fall asleep in a bucket of water and leave to stand for 24 hours. After the time the tincture is filtered and 2 g of potassium permanganate is added. Foliar dressing contribute to the destruction of fungi.
  • 15g of ash is stirred in 2 lbs and insisted throughout the day. Then the mixture is filtered and watered. Ash feeding eliminates the lack of phosphorus.
  • chicken manure is diluted twice with water and then put into the cellar for 3 days. Fermented dressing diluted 1:10 and contribute under the root.
Feeding tomatoes from ashes is also a folk remedy.

How to feed cucumbers and peppers

Cucumbers are fed in order to replenish the supply of nutrients and rejuvenate fruiting lashes: the culture is sprayed every 10 days with milk mixture.

To get rid of the powdery mildew, the plant and the soil near it are abundantly sprayed with a solution based on milk and iodine: 350 ml of milk and 4 drops are added to 3 liters of water.

In order for to accelerate the emergence of pepper seedlings, the seeds are soaked for 6 hours in a 0.1% native solution. After the procedure, the seeds germinate quickly, turning into strong seedlings.

When the pepper releases the second pair of leaves, the seedlings are watered with fertilizer: 1 drop of 5% iodine tincture is diluted in 3 liters of water.

. Methods for conducting

. To fertilize tomatoes, the necessary dose of the solution based on the medical substance is poured directly under the root of the plant. Since the leaves of tomatoes have good absorption, plants are sprayed with spray dressings.


When the earthen clod near the plant dries out slightly, pour tomatoes with a few drops of water. Due to this manipulation, two tasks are solved at once: the plants absorb the necessary moisture and useful microparticles.

Spraying milk

Milk-based mixture is an excellent fungicide remedy: the leaves are covered with a milk film, due to which pathogens can not be fixed on the surface.

To prepare a solution of 4 liters of water, combine with 1 l of fresh milk and 15 drops of iodine tincture. The resulting mixture to spray tomatoes in overcast dry weather .

Spraying with a mixture of milk and iodine
It is possible to spray seedlings with fashionable dressings no more than twice a month. Foliar applications based on dairy products with pre-diluted water can be applied daily.

Top dressing with iodine and green

Spraying seedlings with antiseptic preparations is excellent prevention and treatment of late blight .To prepare for 10 liters of water, add 10 ml of iodine or 40 drops of greens. The resulting mixture is made in the form of root and foliar feeding.

Root feeding

The first time they feed the seedlings when she throws the second pair of true leaves .To prepare, take 3 liters of pure water and warm it slightly, and then add 1 drop.

For the first time, seedlings of tomatoes are fed with iodine after the appearance of the second pair of leaves.
It is not recommended to increase the dosage: young plants will get enough nutrients from a weak solution.

Fertilizer is applied at the root when the soil in the seedling container has dried out a bit.

For the second time, iodine supplements are applied when fruits are tied on tomatoes. To add fertilizer in this phase, the concentration of the solution is slightly reduced: 3 drops of medical iodine drip onto 1 bucket of warm water. Under the root of tall varieties make 1 liter of the solution, undersized - 0.7 l.

Last time they feed during the period of active fruiting .Top dressing is prepared as follows:

  • 3L ash is added to a container with 5 l of boiled water, the solution is thoroughly mixed and left to stand for an hour.
  • This solution is diluted with 5L of warm water.
  • A bottle of iodine, 10 g of boric acid is added to the container, and the nutritional composition is thoroughly mixed to a uniform consistency.
  • The prepared mixture is infused for 24 hours, and then strongly diluted with water: 1 l of top dressing is diluted with 1 bucket of water.
Fertilizer from ash and iodine enhances immunity.

. Fertilizer based on ash and iodine is good. improves the immunity of tomato to various diseases, including phytophthora, which often affects tomato plants.


Fertilizers can not only be added to the root, but sprayed on the upper part of the plant. Tomatoes are sprayed with in the morning or evening in dry weather. .If after making precipitation fell out, spray tomatoes again.

Please note that feeding should fall on the leaves of in the form of fog, not a jet, otherwise spraying will be ineffective.

It is impossible to increase the amount of iodine added during the preparation of top dressing - spraying tomatoes with too concentrated solution is fraught with leaf burns.

As a result of regularly adding iodine, tomatoes grow strong and healthy: the substance replenishes the plant's reserves with nutrients, increases resistance to diseases, and increases yields.

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