How to plant corn and is it afraid of frost in the spring?

Kids and adults alike enjoy sweet corn. There is always a place for planting culture, it can be both the boundary of the fence, and the middle of the site. The main thing is that the bed is well lit by sunlight. Beginner gardeners before planting work should be familiar with the features of agricultural engineering. In view of the region, it is necessary to decide whether or not to be afraid of frost in the spring and plant corn, without fail considering this factor.

Table of Contents

  • When to plant corn in the spring in the Moscow region, in Siberia and in the Urals?
  • Can a plant tolerate frost and how can it stand in the spring?
  • How to plant corn in open ground?
    • How to grow a seedin Siberia and the Urals?

      With the planting of seeds into the open ground you should not hurry, they will not germinate in cold earth. In the southern part of Russia, landing at summer cottages begins in early May .For the middle zone and the suburbs, the periods are more often shifted by 2-3 weeks. Cold-resistant varieties provide early seeding, but to protect young shoots from freezing, it is recommended to use covering material at night. If weather conditions do not allow sowing to begin, a seedling method should be used for growing crops, which is characteristic of the Urals and Siberia.

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      Seedlings hardened in the ground

      Weather conditions in Siberia produce milky-wax ripeness, full aging does not occur due to climatic conditions. Planting begin in late May or in early June. Experts do not recommend soaking seeds, it suffices to do with planting corn of good quality. And in order to sprout shoots faster, a black agrofibre cover is used. It attracts the sun's rays, creates a favorable environment for the development of sprouts.

      Landing dates are indicative. It is necessary to begin works taking into account temperature of warming up of the soil. It should be in the range of 10-12 ° C.

      Can a plant tolerate frost and how can it stand in the spring?

      Corn under the snow

      South America and the middle belt of the continent are considered to be the birthplace of corn, which indicates the thermophilic culture. Breeders had to make a lot of effort to breed varieties and hybrids resistant to spring frosts .Seeds planted in open ground and seedlings withstand a minimum temperature of -1-2 ° C, and some hybrids up to -4 ° C.This is a great achievement, because the optimal temperature indicators in which the sprout develops are 12–18 ° C( the biological minimum is determined by the range of 8–10 ° C).
      Depending on the temperature regime, the germination rate of seedlings varies. The biological minimum ensures the germination of shoots in 18–20 days, whereas at + 20 ° sprouts appear above the ground surface in 5–8 days.

      During the initial planting of corn seeds, you need to focus on the average monthly temperature. As an insurance, a covering material should be prepared that will protect the shoots from spring frosts.

      How to plant corn in open ground?

      In order to grow the crop we want, we need to follow some rules on how to grow a crop. In time to sow the seeds, plant the seedlings in time, remember that corn, like any other inhabitant of a vegetable garden, is afraid of frost, hardly tolerates it( after all, Siberia is not Ukraine), and also in time to loosen the soil and feed the plant. It depends on how it will grow and how much fruit from the dacha will appear in carrying the house.

      Sowing corn seeds

      How to plant seeds and grow seedlings

      In an open field, plant a crop in seed and seedling methods. For proper sowing of seeds for seedlings at home, cassettes( cells with a volume of 45 cm2) or peat pots( 12 cm in diameter) are used. Containers are filled with fertile soil mixed in equal proportions with humus or compost. To reduce irrigation work, a hydrogel is added to the soil mixture. This component allows you to increase the moisture capacity of the substrate, reducing the number of procedures for moistening seedlings by 3-4 times.
      In the spring, before sowing, seeds should be soaked, they spend 5-7 days in a damp cloth. After soaking, the swollen kernels are buried 3-4 cm in the prepared containers( 3-4 pieces are put into the pots, 2 pieces are put into the cassette compartment).
      The germination of seeds is slow. At this stage, it is important to maintain the desired temperature and good lighting .With a lack of natural light, lamps with a fluorescent glow are installed, so they will grow faster. After the formation of 3-4 leaflets on the shoots, weak sprouts should be removed, leaving only sturdy-looking seedlings. A week before transferring seedlings to open ground, it is necessary to daily hardening to adapt to the natural habitat.

      Seedlings can be grown in a film greenhouse or greenhouse.

      Planting in the spring in the ground at the dacha,

      scheme. For corn beds, choose a place without shading. The plant is drought-resistant, one of the main conditions of the growing season is a sufficient amount of sunlight. Not less important point is the observance of the landing pattern, because corn refers to the cross-pollinated species. For this reason, the bed is formed from several rows, otherwise there may be problems with pollination. Experienced gardeners use the following landing options:

      • in rows with a depth of 2 seeds per well( the distance between the pits is 35 cm, the aisle is 45-50 cm);
      • square-breeding method( the interval between plants is 45 cm on all sides or 9 shoots per 1 m2).

        Planting corn in open ground

      Preparing the soil in the country for growing

      The bed should be carefully removed by removing all plant residues and weeds. It is better to do this in the fall, so that after digging, the larvae and pests are frozen out during the first frost. The soil will be ready for planting maize if legumes or pumpkin crops, potatoes, cabbage were grown before it.
      As fertilizer, is best for manure. Also suitable complex minerals that enrich the soil with micronutrients. The structure of the soil should be loose, so that the root system develops smoothly. The heavy soil is diluted with cut straw or sawdust.
      The earth is first loosened, then the locations of the holes are marked. The depth of immersion of seed material is determined taking into account two factors: the degree of soil moisture and the condition of the seeds( dry or germinated).The swollen kernels are buried in a moist and warm soil to a depth of 3-4 cm, dry - by 5-6 cm.

      The development of each crop is promoted in particular by its proximity to other plants. Companions such as cucumbers, pumpkin, beans and other beans are suitable for corn. If it is planted in the aisle, such as cucumbers, it is important to leave enough space to ensure adequate nutrition for both vegetables.
      Preparing the soil for planting corn

      Care after planting so as not to be afraid of frost

      Many consider corn to be an unpretentious plant that requires only weeding. However, it is not. In order to get a good harvest and cobs with excellent taste, you will have to follow simple rules of care.


      Moisture corn loves, a day can absorb up to 4 liters. But this does not mean that the beds need to fill. Waterlogging slows down the development of the root system, changes the color of the leaves( a purple tide appears).These factors jeopardize crop yield, so irrigation should be based on the degree of soil moisture. The optimal rate of soil is 70-80%. With irrigation, 1-2 liters of water are used for each bush. In the event that it is not possible to conduct regular watering, it is recommended to periodically loosen the soil. This procedure is popularly called dry irrigation. Loosening, in effect, prevents the soil from drying out. But the best way to maintain moisture in the beds is to use a point irrigation system.
      Water consumption rates at each stage of plant development are different. After transplanting, moderate watering will be needed, after forming 7 leaves, the amount of liquid increases to 1.5 liters per bush. After the cob fibers begin to darken, irrigation is less frequent or the amount of water used is reduced.

      Loosening between the rowsTherefore, periodically weed grass is removed from the site.
      This procedure is rationally combined with soil loosening and hilling. This increases the permeability of the soil, allowing oxygen to nourish the deep layers. With such care, the root system develops better, the plant's immunity is strengthened. When forming the stem part, corn becomes more stable, which allows it to withstand gusting winds and heavy rainfall.

      Top dressing

      In addition to fertilizing the soil, it is necessary to feed the plants at the preparation stage of the beds. This is due to the increase in green mass throughout the growing season. Complementary food is introduced in several stages, with nutrients for each of them using strictly defined .
      The first top dressing consists of a slurry or a solution of bird droppings, which is applied after the formation of the 4th leaf on the shoot. After 2-3 weeks, a second feed is introduced, consisting of 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium salt, 40 g of superphosphate per 1 m2.After the appearance of 7-8 leaves, the plant needs to be fed with zinc, boron, copper and manganese.

      Feeding corn
      When using fertilizers, it is not necessary to increase the consumption rate. The excess of minerals is also dangerous for the shoots, as well as their deficiency.

      Corn agrotechnology uncomplicated. One of the main issues requiring attention is the temperature regime, compliance with which creates favorable conditions for the growing season of the plant.

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