Cucumbers are one of the popular products. This culture was brought to us from India and has been cultivated for many centuries. Today in India, there are also wild varieties of cucumbers. They twist the trees like weeds. In Europe and Asia, this crop is grown mainly in greenhouses or in areas protected from the wind. For normal growth, as well as high yield cucumbers require high humidity. One of the best varieties of this culture is considered to be Connie.
- Description of Convocation- A hybrid grown by in both greenhouses and open soils .Shrubs, as described, strong, vigorous, medium-length with a female type of flowering. The leaves of the plant are green, medium in size, regular shape.
Fruits of small size, usually in length, 7–9 cm. , oval in shape, finely tuberous. Peel green cucumber, with thorns, white, but not prickly. The flesh of green grass is white, dense, juicy, not bitter. Fetal weight on average 60-80 g .
The average weight of Connie cucumber fruit is 60-80 grams
The main characteristics of the variety should be highlighted:
- starts to bear fruit on the 50th day after the emergence of .
- In one node, usually from 3 to 9 ovaries.
- High-yielding variety.
- Temperature fluctuations are not terrible.
- Fruit has excellent taste.
- There are no voids in greens and therefore the fruits are valued when canning.
- The fruits are characterized by an excellent presentation.
Commodity Yield Indicators:
- in the early stages are 8.7-9.2 kg / m2 ;
- on late dates - 12.8-16 kg / m2 .
Cucumber seeds of this variety can be purchased at specialty stores or online stores.This variety was bred by the Russian company Biotechnology by crossing 2 varieties of .With proper planting, as well as care bushes varieties Connie delight with a generous harvest.
Advantages and disadvantages of the
variety Gardeners and gardeners choose the Conny variety for cultivation due to its advantages:
- Culture resistance to common diseases.
- Unpretentious care.
- Resistance to temperature extremes.
- Prolonged fruiting .
- Delicious fruits without bitterness .
- Absence of voids in the fruit increases the value for conservation.
Fruits of the variety without bitterness and with proper care, the cucumber will be pleased with the high yield
However, apart from the merits, Connie's cucumbers have some disadvantages.
Not all growers have a positive attitude towards peculiar hillocks and white thorns .In addition, is also criticized by the small size of Zelentsovo. However, the above disadvantages can not outweigh the advantages of the variety.
Soil Requirements for Planting
When choosing a place for planting, it is necessary to take into account that cucumbers are a sun-loving culture. However, in order for Connie not to suffer in hot weather, requires the presence of the penumbra .
Do not plant cucumbers after pumpkin crops. It is better to plant the plant after cabbage, root crops or legumes.
The main soil preparation is the introduction of a special mixture to a depth of 30 cm. It should include humus, straw, peat and manure. This will enrich and warm the ground.
Topsoil loosen and moisturize.
Sowing rules
Seed sowing is necessary when the soil warms up a little after frost. It is recommended to plant seedlings at the end of spring.
Connie Cucumber Seeds
They don’t plant cucumbers very often. Approximately 2-3 pieces are planted on the square. Most often, planting holds seedlings. To do this, should be pre-soaked seeds.
Some ways of soaking the seeds:
- Wrap the seeds in a pre-soaked cloth and lay in cellophane. The latter must be put in heat. After 3 days sprouts will start to appear.
- Wrap the seeds in a damp cloth and fold them into a glass container. Cover the container with a lid and keep it warm. Sprouts will appear in 2 days.
It is forbidden to use cold tap water to soak the seeds. Melt or rain water, with a temperature above 26 degrees.To seedlings should be planted no later than 2-3 weeks , so that it does not outgrow. When planting seeds, they are thrown into the ground at 3 cm in depth.
Grade care after planting
Connie Cucumbers are an unpretentious crop.
Usually, plant care consists of:
- watering;
- top dressing;
- weed control;
- loosening;
- pest control.
For the Conny variety, the installation of rails or supports
is mandatory. In order for the plant stems to curl, it is necessary for to install rails. The latter will support, as well as protect the bushes from the winds.
Watering the bushes is recommended per day once .The watering procedure should be carried out in the morning or late in the evening. Once every 7 days should be weeded.
If cucumbers grow in a greenhouse, you need to control that the bushes do not overheat. The temperature of the should not be higher than 30 degrees .After planting after 20 days should break through the soil.
Before flowering, you need to feed the culture once. This should be done once and during flowering. Then the bushes need to be fed only once every 10 days. The following mixture will be suitable for top dressing: 1 l of manure diluted with water in a bucket. Top dressing is best done in the evenings or not sunny weather.
Basic care guidelines:
- Since depends on the formation of the bush yield, it is recommended to carry out plucking in the first bosoms of 3-4 leaves.
- Harvest in time.
- To conduct prophylaxis against pests and diseases 1-2 times a month.
With proper care, the plant will delight gardeners with a rich harvest.
Crop of cucumber should be collected in a timely manner.
Diseases and their prevention
Diseases, common pests, signs of infection, treatment and prevention methods are shown in the table.
Named pest / disease after whitening and the whole leaf Infusion of dandelion or wormwood, decoction of tops of tomatoes, chamomile extract of Persian Hothouse whitefly On the leaves there is a white sugar bloom, and after the foxesBlack and dryon the radical part. Then the stem is covered with a white substance, resembling cotton wool. Manganese-acid potassium varieties in greenhouses is considered airing, as well as control over the temperature regime. Harvesting and storage rules
In the case of growing Connie's cucumbers in greenhouse conditions, the crop is about being harvested when seedlings are planted in the open soil. For example, the harvest of cucumbers planted in April falls to the beginning of June.
Fresh greens are stored for 35 days in the refrigerator or at room temperature. To increase the storage time, the fruit stalks should be left at the time of harvest and not washed off. The stems are dipped in water, and in this state the fruits remain in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks .
Fruits differ in refined taste and are used in conservation.
Connie cucumbers are a hybrid variety that does not require special care and is characterized by a long fruiting period. Fruits differ in refined taste and are used in preservation.