The unique properties of juniper oil

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Evergreen Juniper is famous for making and for some reason, it will help you to apply for a vow of 15 years of feedback, you will have to apply for help, in an affine course, you will have to apply for help, in an affine course and for help, in 15 years, you will have to come up with a number of in-business staff, an affidious, and you will need to make a few, you will have to make an account for, and you will have to come up with a number of 15The cause of this smell is juniper oil, the properties and use of which have long been of interest not only to the creators of perfumery, but also to doctors of various specialties, cosmetologists.

There were a lot of spheres in which a natural remedy with analgesic, phytoncidal and bactericidal, tonic properties turned out to be really useful, and sometimes completely irreplaceable.

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Features of the essential oil of juniper

All essential oils are obtained using water-steam distillation technology. A product of juniper twigs and berries is no exception. However, the quality of the finished oil depends on the selected raw materials. The more berries are recycled, the more fragrant and healthier the transparent liquid with a yellow-green hue is, the brighter and lighter its flavor is.

This product has the whole range of useful properties and the widest possible scope. In the juniper essential oil, obtained from their shoots and needles, there are more resinous turpentine notes, and it is used for anesthesia, antibacterial and insecticidal protection. To reveal the aromatherapy qualities of the product, it is combined with oils of different types of citrus, rosemary and other plants.

At home, the oil is stored in a glass, preferably a dark vessel, away from sources of heat and sunlight.

Medicinal properties and application of juniper oil

On the basis of a detailed study of the composition, it was possible to ascertain the properties of the essential oil of juniper, its application in various fields and degree of usefulness. It is known for certain that the remedy:

  • has significant bactericidal activity and helps to cope with problems of the urinary, respiratory, and digestive systems;
  • working as a natural diuretic, promotes the elimination of toxins, ridding the body of sand and stones, removing puffiness and weight correction;
  • stimulates bowel function, eliminates mucosal irritation and signs of fermentation;
  • cleans and heals the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, gently anesthetizes, disinfects;
  • improves tissue blood supply;
  • helps in the treatment of problems of the urogenital area, including menstrual disorders.
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The application of the properties of juniper oil is justified in the prevention of seasonal respiratory and viral diseases. This tool will help strengthen the natural defense of the body, will become an active shield in the way of unwanted infections.

Doctors note that thanks to their tonic ability, the oil copes with weakness, dizziness, mood swings and other signs of indisposition.

Natural product without side effects:

  • relieves or significantly alleviates hangover symptoms;
  • soothes toothache;
  • reduces the intensity of pain during problems with the statutes, as well as after strenuous exercise.

Juniper essential oil is a good helper for those suffering from atherosclerosis, who have fluctuations in blood sugar levels and unacceptable blood pressure spikes.

Juniper essential oil in cosmetology

In medicine, juniper oil has proven itself in the treatment of certain skin diseases, including eczema and dermatitis, and problems of the musculoskeletal system. Beauticians also use this natural and very useful tool, but to maintain the beauty of the skin, improve the tone of tissues.

See also: The healing properties of juniper fruits

The scope of application of juniper oil and its properties include:

  • elimination of foci of inflammation, irritation and swelling in complicated acne;
  • strengthening skin turgor;
  • activation of recovery processes;
  • alignment of the relief and color of the skin;
  • improve blood circulation in the tissues.
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The benefits of juniper oil for the face are undeniable. But the possibilities of a natural "doctor" even more. The oil included in the anti-cellulite therapy actively helps to restore the structure of tissues, ward off excess moisture, due to which the orange peel effect occurs, as well as smooth and make less visible stretch marks and other imperfections.

For owners of fatty, prone to rapid loss of volume or thin, weak hair, juniper oil is recommended as a part of shampoos, balsams, masks or lotions. The tool not only perfectly refreshes and strengthens the curls, it has a positive effect on the work of the sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of oily dandruff, itching, discomfort.

All about the benefits of juniper oil - video

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