Rules care for dracaena at home in the photo and video

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video in a home environment in

video Moisture at home conditions in the

video in a home environment humidity. Called the shrub, it can grow one thick trunk up to 20 meters tall. Among the many species in cultural cultivation in unusual conditions use as much as. As can be seen in the photo, dracaena will thank the owner of a lush crown for careful care at home.

Dracaena flower, how to care at home

In home breeding, several species of the most unpretentious tropical plants are used more often, from which about 40 varieties are obtained:

  1. Dracaena is fragrant, the plant blooms in favorable conditions even in the room.
  2. Dracaena Gosdef has oval variegated leaves.
  3. Marginata Dracaena, which has leaves with a reddish border and a long, bare stem.
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Plants like palm trees are grown in spacious rooms with high ceilings. The draginza Marginat, which can reach a three-meter height indoors, is best suited for this purpose.

Very decorative dracaena sander. It can be planted in a single container in several copies and create artistic weaves from the stem.

However, only healthy plants delight with their beauty. If the shrinking or deformation of the leaves begins, the plant is colonized by insects or it does not receive sufficient care, it is unlikely that such a specimen will please the eye. Before you buy dracaena, you need to examine the conditions of its content. Unpretentious dragon flower can be called relative to other tropical plants. With some inconvenience of content, it is reconciled, but there are factors that must be considered.

How to properly care for the dragon season

The usual conditions for the maintenance of any indoor flower include the following requirements:

  • temperature conditions;
  • lighting;
  • mode of watering and feeding;
  • drafts;
  • features in the care of the dragon bed.
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The easiest way to create suitable temperature conditions for an evergreen. The summer temperature of 18-22 degrees in the conditions of a closed room is created naturally. Many office buildings have air conditioning, just to create the desired temperature in the summer. By the way, in summer, the dracaena can be placed in the open contour of the loggia or balcony.

Winter temperature of 15 C is most favorable for the content. The dragon's vitality is in the temperature range of 5-27 degrees.

How to care for the dragon pot in a pot, if it does not tolerate direct sunlight, but loves good illumination. The south window is a taboo for plant placement. A special stand at a distance of one and a half meters from the window on a hot afternoon will save leaves from burns. Traces of burns are visible as dark spots on the surface of the leaves, remain for as long as the leaf sits on the trunk. To help get the desired luminous flux, you can use artificial lighting. Motley foliage dragon need more light.

Creating a microclimate of the humid tropics around the flower will be the most important task of preserving the decoration. Ways to charge:

  • spraying dracaena sheets;
  • evaporator placement;
  • watering.

The higher the temperature in the room, the more care the plant requires. You can increase the humidity in the room with the help of various evaporators. These can be diapers on radiators, an aquarium located nearby, a pallet with pebbles and sphagnum moss when the moisture gradually evaporates into the air.

However, regular spraying of a plant with soft settled water is most effective. Periodically, the plant should take a shower.

As soon as the top layer of the earth in the pot dries up during the warm season, it is necessary to water the plant copiously. In winter, let the soil dry out during the week, since the winter period of its content is dangerous for the roots to rot in cold, moist soil.

The golden rule for all houseplants is better to dry than to pour - for dracaenes it is important.

Irrigation water must be passed through a carbon filter. In extreme cases, charcoal can be thrown into the water during settling. Fertilizers for dracaena can be used universal, but the content of traces of fluoride is unacceptable. In the summer the plant is fed every week, in the winter - once a month.

Drafts are destructive for plants. Fresh air dracaena loves. Therefore, the airing should be maintained regularly, without excesses.

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Sometimes, in insufficient light, the plant stretched out unnecessarily. Perhaps the trunk was bare, scarred by fallen leaves. This happens, as the change of leaves is natural for dracaena. To shorten the plant and make it branch, you need to cut off the top of the stem with a stem of 10 -15 cm. After that, put the plant in a dark place and do not water until new leaves appear on it. This will update the flower with a fork.

The cut off part can be used for breeding drayens. Open cuts are always sprinkled with pounded coal or treated with garden pitch.

Transplanting an adult plant in the care of the dragon tree at home is considered a basic condition for proper maintenance. In this case, the condition for the selection of the correct capacity. For a 40 cm plant, a pot is needed with a diameter of 15 cm.

Young plants are transplanted annually in spring. Soil is purchased for both palm trees. Mandatory drainage layer. Watering the plant after transplantation is necessary, you can use the growth-stimulating roots.

Conditions for flowering dracaenas at home

When all the conditions of detention are observed, dracaena blooms. Especially fragrant fragrant dracaena. Flowers develop for a long time, more than a year in the axils of the leaves, but then the brush fills the room with fragrance. Only 12 years later, a dracaena-bordered dracaena can bestow yellow flowers, bringing honey aroma into the room.

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Flowering at home is a rare phenomenon. More often it is necessary to contemplate just beautiful healthy foliage.

Diseases and pests dracaenas

How to care for the dragon tree at home, if the tips of the leaves began to dry up? This problem comes first. The leaves become unsightly, the decorativeness of the flower is broken:

  1. Dry air often causes the tips of the sheets to dry.
  2. Insufficient watering provokes the drying of leaf blades.
  3. Draft and long-term maintenance at air temperature less than 15 degrees will lead to the same effect.

Dry air in summer in hot weather will provoke the appearance of a spider mite. Yellow puncture marks appear on the leaves, later they merge to yellowness. A spider web appears in the back of the plant, in which microscopic insects crawl. You can save the flower first by rinsing under a shower, and later - by treatment with Phyto-ferm two times in a fortnight.

Drescen loves the shield, which quickly spreads along the stem and leaves, bringing the plant to death. If the pests are isolated, they can be removed by washing by adding vodka to the soap solution. If the infection is severe, you should use Aktellik.

Mealybug is removed by washing the plant with soapy water. But it must be remembered that pests attack a weakened plant. Therefore, to bring insects, a little, you need to find the reason why they started. After destroying pests on the plant, it is necessary to treat the window sill and the area adjacent to the flower. You can learn the rules of home care for dragonza from the video.

Care for the dragonza at home in the video

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