Characteristics and description of tomato variety Gulliver

Tomato “Gulliver” is an early ripe determinant variety of tomato, according to its characteristics - for greenhouses and film greenhouses. In the southern regions of the country can be cultivated in the beds. Although the tomato has been recently developed by breeders, it is already popular with gardeners for high yields and unpretentious care. The plant according to the description has a low bush up to 70 cm, perfectly gets used to extreme conditions and has tasty, juicy fruits.

Table of Contents

  • Description and Characteristics of the Tomatoform in 2 or 3 stalks. Due to carpal development, the branches become heavy during the ripening of the fruit, so they need to be tied up.

    Fruit formation occurs on the 80th day from the day the first shoots appear, and tomatoes are fruited from July to October. With appropriate care from the bush can be collected up to 7 kg tomato.

    Tomatoes on the bushes are formed by brushes of 4-6 tomatoes in each bunch.

    Fruits are red with a dense peel 10–12 cm in length. Gulliver Tomatoes are a cylindrical shape, with a rounded top, fleshy, large-sized.

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    Weight can reach from 130 to 200 grams .Fruits retain their shape well, do not crack, easily tolerate transportation. Delicate, juicy flesh has a pleasant, sweetish taste. The fruits are great for blanks in the form of tomato paste, lecho, juice and simple salting.

    The fruits of Gulliver have a cylindrical shape and their weight is 130-200 grams

    Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

    The variety “Gulliver” was bred not so long ago, but already has a reputation among gardeners and, undoubtedly, has its merits:

    • has , from individual bushes up to 7 kg;
    • Minimum care .The tomato is unpretentious during growth, not prone to disease, so it does not need to be further processed;
    • Fruits are excellent for salads, juice, sauce, and at the same time suitable for whole-fruit preservation;
    • Due to its early maturation, the plant manages to avoid phytophthora.

    The disadvantages include the fact that requires constant garter of fruit-bearing branches and weak pollination in greenhouses in inclement weather.

    Soil and requirements for planting seeds

    When planting seeds, gardeners usually buy ready-made soil for tomatoes in stores. But for various reasons, this is not always the case: someone does not trust the purchased mixture in the store, someone lives far from the stores.

    For planting seed varieties for seedlings, you can use ready-made soil.

    When preparing the nutrient mixture yourself, you must follow certain requirements for it. It is desirable to prepare the soil with the fall of .To do this, prepare the ingredients, mix them and leave the ground in a cold place. By freezing the soil, we thereby disinfect it. For disinfection, you can also steam or pour boiling water.

    You can not roast the ground for planting seeds in the oven, as a result of which, all the life-giving flora in it disappears.

    For planting seeds the soil should be:

    • Loose ;
    • Fertile .It should be added the optimal amount of organic matter and minerals;
    • With a neutral level of acidity and live microflora;

    There are many recipes for ground composition for planting seeds, here are a few of them:

    1. One part of the earth is mixed with the same amount of humus, sod land and mix everything up. Then in 10 liters of water we dissolve 10 grams of urea, 30 grams of superphosphate and 25 grams of potassium sulfate and pour the prepared soil to moisture.
    2. Mix two parts of sod land with one part of humus and add one part of river sand there. Then add half a liter of wood ash to this composition and mix everything, watering with water to a moisture.

    Planting seeds and growing characteristics of seedlings

    Tomato seeds Gulliver

    Due to the fact that the variety is early ripe , seeds must be sown 80-90 days before the start of ripening. To seedlings soak faster, you need to let the seeds hatch. To do this, put them on a damp cloth, then in a plastic bag and put them in a warm place on the battery, periodically checking the humidity.

    Seeds show sprouts usually for 4-5 days. After you have prepared the nutrient mixture and seeds, you need to start planting directly. To do this, pour in a plastic container drainage in the form of expanded clay, then the ground and pour it.

    Seeds sow into each container two pieces of for warranty. At the same time, for convenience, pre-make recesses. We cover with a film and expose on the window sill, on the lighted place. As soon as the seedlings appear, the film must be removed.

    When growing seedlings, it is important to observe three conditions: soil moisture, temperature( first 23-24 degrees, then 17-19 degrees) and illumination for 12 hours.

    Planting seedlings in the ground

    The Gulliver variety is early maturing and it is intended mainly for the to plant in the greenhouses , so let's dwell on this. It is better to renew the land in the greenhouse and then process it with copper sulphate( 30 grams per bucket of water).Ventilate the greenhouse, then dig up the ridge with humus.

    Gulliver seedlings should be planted in the greenhouse.

    Fresh manure cannot be added to the soil in the spring, since all the nutritional power will go to the tops. Planted in an unheated greenhouse can be May 15-20 , when the temperature there will be about 25 degrees.

    Seedlings before planting need hardened .To do this, take it 4-5 days into the air, gradually increasing the time.

    The optimal period for seedlings is a period of one and a half months, since during this time the root system manages to form well. The holes are made according to the traditional scheme 45 × 50 cm .When planting, it is important not to deepen the growth point in the ground( approximately 15 cm).After transplantation, the plants must be watered abundantly, but not to damp.

    Care In order to get a good crop of tomatoes, you need to follow a certain agricultural practices. By this is meant:

    • Hilling .Spud the first time you need on the 10th day after planting, then do it every two weeks;
    • Loosening .Constantly monitor the root system so that the soil around it is always loose;
    • Pastage .Regularly remove the axillary inflorescences, after forming a bush on one, two or three branches;
    • Watering .It is necessary to water as the soil dries, in the evening and with warm water( heated in a barrel).
    Watering is done as the soil dries out - in the evening and with warm water.
    Mineral elements effectively act on the growth of the plant.

    The first time fertilizing is done with phosphorus 2-3 weeks after transplanting. The second time ammonium nitrate - during the formation of the fruit.

    Diseases and prevention of tomatoes

    In greenhouses, when growing tomatoes, is especially dangerous for the caterpillars of the scoops. They can be collected manually, or processed infusion wormwood. Also a lot of trouble happens from the whitefly. Its larvae stick to the bottom of the leaf.

    To combat them use the drug: 10 ml of the drug Phosbecid in 10 liters of water. Other diseases, such as phytophtora and brown spotting , also affect plant growth. They also need to fight in time with certain compositions.

    Growing a crop is not an easy task for a gardener. The main thing is to observe the necessary conditions for plant growth and understand the patterns of their development. But the time will come, and you certainly will have to wait for a bountiful harvest.

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