One of the most common questions for novice poultry farmers is what should be the conditions of laying hens at home? Often, buying chickens or young chickens, we look forward to when they begin to be born. It seems to us that all the deadlines have passed, we are worried, we are in a hurry this moment. It so happens that they bought laying hens at the age of 3 months, they already live with us for a month and a half, but there are still no eggs and no. What to feed the chickens, how to keep them so they quickly began to bear the testicles?
Secondly, it often happens that the sellers do not always call the age of the bird honest. In no case are we not equaling one size fits all, but dishonest still come across.
In order to get the desired result faster, it is worth feeding the chicks a little pullet, because it is unknown in what conditions they were kept at the poultry farm, and egg production very strongly depends on it. It has long been observed that domestic chickens are always healthier and stronger, so they begin to rush earlier.
You can give them boiled meat, it is a very effective way to improve egg production. Our grandmothers, who knew nothing about special additives, resorted to him. In meat there is a lot of protein for growth, energy, approximately 15 g of meat waste per day should be given per chicken.
Do not forget about the addition to the diet of calcium, which is contained in the ground shell, bone meal, curd, chalk, shells.
Everything is ambiguous about vitamins. When it is summer in the courtyard, the bird can eat plenty of grass and worms - vitamins are not needed. But if there is a deficit with greens and bugs, then it is simply necessary to support the body of laying hens with additional funds. Vitamins Tryvit or Tetrovit. It is only advisable to buy them in the form for injection, qualitatively packed under the cover. Bottling is not advised - often turn out to be fake.
Nettle, added to the diet, is a good stimulator of egg production. In the summer - fresh, in the winter, respectively, - dried.
Compound feed for laying hens gives good results, maybe it will cost more, but eggs will be much earlier.
There is another problem from which birds do not rush. This is obesity. Just you overfed pullet. We need to weigh them, compare with the weight of your breed at this age. If it is much higher, then it is necessary to plant your chickens on a diet.
Diet is that the last feeding was not later than 6 pm, and then only water. Remove the remaining feed in the trough until the morning.
Chickens can not be carried because they are too cold or, on the contrary, hot. It depends on the time of year.
If the temperature in the hen house is below 14 ° C in winter, the eggs will only be in spring. In summer, when the heat is around 30 ° C, egg production also suffers, so you should wait for a more optimal temperature, approximately 24 ° C.
It is worth checking out another option that is quite common. Chickens may already be born, but simply not in a hen house, but somewhere in a secluded place during a walk. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to watch them, to expose their stash.

And by and large you should not worry, it is not clear why everyone wants to get eggs from pullets quickly, because this is completely wrong. Young chickens suffer from prolapse of the oviduct if they began to rush ahead of time. Their bodies have not yet been prepared, and the eggs themselves are small, and, over time, they do not become larger.
The later the chicken starts laying eggs, the larger it will be and the health problems will be less. So, be patient - everything is your time! You still have chickens in the queue to lay eggs!