We grow asparagus beans on your site

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Asparagus( or chilli) beans are a type of bean that is used to make beans -

video Asparagus( or bean) beans are a type of bean, a bean, a bean, a bean, a bean, an

.parchment "layer. Such beans are used in cooking in the form of whole pods with sash. Ripened grains of such beans are also eaten, although the grains are smaller and harder than those of ordinary beans, so they require additional soaking and digestion.

Biological features

Asparagus beans got its name for its taste, resembling the young shoots of asparagus. This bean is a direct cousin of common bean. The only difference is the absence of a hard film and fibers in the pod. The shape of the pods is also different - in asparagus varieties, the pods are narrow and long. Asparagus bean is also a kind of bean Vigna. Vigna differs from ordinary bean in the structure of guinea, stipules and composition of pollen. However, its pods have the same great taste and are used in cooking.

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Vigna and asparagus beans are not the same thing. Vigna is a variety of green beans. Asparagus may also include varieties of ordinary beans that do not have fibers and a hard layer in the pod.

The plant is cultivated in three forms:

  • bush - 30-50 cm;
  • semi-folding - up to two meters;
  • curly - from two to five meters.

Pods come in a wide variety of shades - green, yellow, red, dark purple. The pods are quite narrow, growing in length from 12 to 120 cm. Asparagus bean flowers are also distinguished by a variety of shades and often this plant is used for decorative purposes. Many are shade-tolerant varieties; they can be grown in the lacy shade of higher plants and even on the north side of houses.

Haricot beans - growing and care

Growing and caring for beans is not particularly burdensome. It is only necessary to remember some features of this plant. All varieties of beans are thermophilic. Beans, especially young, can not stand the slightest frost and even cold snaps. At temperatures below 10 ° C, the beans stop growing, and at low temperatures die. However, it is grown almost everywhere. In colder regions, it is sown later, when return frost is bypassed. In the northern area, beans are grown through seedlings. In the south, on the contrary, you can have time to grow two, and sometimes even three harvests per season.

Beans grow well on loose drained, organic-rich soils. Her roots are stretched to a length of more than a meter, so the beans are considered quite drought-resistant culture. However, during prolonged drought, plants need watering. Over-wetting beans does not stand.

Beans grow best in the same place, because its roots enrich the soil with nitrogen. Therefore, when changing the place of cultivation, a new bed is best to take a little land from last year’s garden. Other good precursors of beans are cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes.

Seeds can be sown dry, or soak them for a day in water with the addition of growth promoters. As growth promoters, you can use honey, ashes, organic humus, slurry. The stimulant drug is prepared in the form of a 1-2 percent aqueous solution. Spread a layer of gauze on a flat plate, lay the seeds on it, cover it with a second layer of gauze and fill the seeds with a solution so that gauze is completely wetted. In soaked seeds, the growth processes start faster and more actively, they give earlier and stronger shoots.

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It is necessary to sow bean seeds to a depth of 3-4 cm. Very deep embedding of seeds leads to a delay in germination and weakening of plants; a shallow seed will lead to a weakening of the roots. On light sandy soils, bean seeds can be buried a little deeper. In the hole is better to lower two grains. When sowing beans on ridges, sowing nests should be placed at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other, leaving 40-50 cm between rows. With this arrangement, the plants will be provided with the necessary feeding zone and lighting. Shoots appear in 5-10 days.

If night frost is threatened, seedlings should be covered with foil or non-woven material. Happy shelter must be removed.

After 3-4 weeks after germination, you can feed nitrogen fertilizer. This is especially important in dry weather, because in the heat of the plant can not absorb enough nitrogen from the air. If the soil contains little organic fertilizer, you should make a comprehensive feeding. When setting fruits, you can feed the beans with potash-phosphorus composition. You can also make foliar feeding. For this purpose, suitable conventional wood ash.

Sowing beans, best on the edges of the plot, in a row, curling and semi-growing varieties directing to strong trellis. It is better to make tapestries with wood, as the beans do not have a mustache and it will be much more difficult to twist around metal or plastic. You can also put curling beans on fences, poles. You can make a "hut" - four poles dug into the ground at the corners of a square with a side of 50-100 cm, and connected tops. Side "tent" can be strengthened by cross beams. The seeds of the beans are sown on the four sides of the “tent” and, as they grow, the stems twist around the support, completely hiding it under a mass of foliage and fruits.

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Many varieties of asparagus beans have beautiful flowers of various shades, which allows them to be planted as decorative plants along the edges of flower beds. Spray varieties of beans, hung with a mass of long pods, also have a rather attractive appearance. Bean care is loosening between the rows and weeding. Since the beans respond well to organic fertilizers, weed grass can be laid out directly under the bean bushes: by the end of summer it will turn into humus and will serve as a mulch coating.

Young bean plants are often attacked by aphids, spider mites and whiteflies. To combat them, plants can be sprayed with solutions of soap, tobacco dust, ash. Insecticides can be used - Agravertin, Aktellik, Fitover. To combat slugs, the soil around the seedlings can be sprinkled with dry ash, lime, or dry spruce( pine) needles. Of industrial products effective granular drug "Thunderstorm."


As the pods are used unripe in food, it is important not to miss the moment when to harvest the asparagus beans. The best time to harvest is 7-14 days after the appearance of the ovaries, depending on the variety. The pods at this age are full of nutrients, the size of the grains in them does not exceed the wheat grain. Cut off the pods should be daily, in batches of about the same age. Removal of immature pods from the plant causes a new wave of flowering and the formation of new ovaries. So harvest the green pods can be up to the cold.

Green asparagus bean pods are suitable for fresh consumption, canning, and freezing. The pods can be kept fresh for a short time in a cool dark place scattered in one layer. But after a week or two, the pods begin to coarse and dry. Therefore, for long-term storage of the harvest of asparagus beans is best to use freezers.

Before laying for long storage, the beans should be washed, cut into pieces 2-3 cm long and blanched in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. After that, drain the water and put the beans in the freezer, tightly packed in plastic containers or bags. If it is required to freeze the pods in a loose form, they must first be dried, otherwise they will stick together during freezing.

As already mentioned, asparagus beans can also be used in writing. To do this, the pods should be allowed to ripen to biological ripeness. The leaves of the pods should be soft and easy to open. The collected grain must be well dried, scattering a thin layer on newspapers or cloth, daily mixing. It is best to store the beans in dry containers with a lid, occasionally opening and ventilating.

Never store poorly dried beans. This can lead to its decay and the development of fungal infections.

Benefits and Harm of Asparagus Beans

Speaking about the benefits and harms of asparagus beans, one should keep in mind not only the gastronomic properties of this wonderful plant. Beans are an excellent orderly of the garden and vegetable garden. Anyone who cares about the fertility of the soil, will never pass by their attention beans, as well as other legumes. Bean bushes dissolve roots in the soil in all directions at least a meter in length, on which nitrogen-containing glomeruli accumulate. This means that bean bushes enrich the soil with an essential trace element - nitrogen. Therefore, beans( and other legumes) is a universal precursor of almost all agricultural crops. The haricot bean gives excellent compost.

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Beans tend to scare shrews and moles. On the site where the beans grow, these cute pests will never appear. To this end, the beans must be planted around the perimeter of the site, as well as individual bushes among other plants. Beans quickly grows green mass. Therefore, curly varieties make it possible to create open-planted open-air gazebos entwined with greenery, arrange windbreak barriers, plant cucumbers and tomatoes in greenhouses on the south side.

As for the dietary properties of asparagus beans, this is a real storehouse of nutrients. Green pods contain vitamins A, C, group B, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium. Green beans are well digested and absorbed by the body, has a pronounced diuretic effect.100 g of the product has a total of 23 kcal, which makes it attractive for those who want to lose weight. Pods are rich in a certain amount of protein and fiber, insignificant amount of carbohydrates.

Cooking beans in cooking can be a separate dish, or as part of other dishes and side dishes.

The harmful properties of asparagus beans( like other legumes) can be attributed to an increase in gas formation. Therefore, the beans are not recommended for people with chronic diseases of the digestive system, as well as increased acidity of the stomach.

In addition, beans( and not only asparagus!) Can not be eaten raw or soaked. The fact is that poisonous substance is present in the bean pods and bean grains - phasin, which can cause severe poisoning( there is no phasin only in the Mash bean grains, so they can be eaten germinated).Fazin is destroyed by heat treatment, so even in fresh salads, pods of asparagus beans can be added only in boiled form. When jade and gout green string beans should be used with caution, but completely abandon this useful vegetable is not worth it.

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