3 popular species of wild garlic

From early spring to mid-summer, lovers of healthy and natural food begin a wonderful season — wild garlic ripens. He is known to everyone, only under different names: Ramsons, Bear onions, wild onions, bulb, forest garlic.


  • Garlic Sauce with Meat and Wild Garlic
  • Description of Wild Garlic

    Perennial bulbous, which has a taste and aroma of garlic. In early spring, the pale green succulent leaves and stems of , and closer to June, they become darker, more rigid.

    Wild garlic or Ramson

    Ramson cannot be confused with another plant, because, due to volatile essential oils, its aroma spreads at the slightest breath of wind.

    It blooms with snow-white small flowers , collected in umbrellas, and then formed boxes with black, and round, like polka, seeds. It is propagated both by seeds and by dividing the root - the bulb, which goes up to 50 cm into the ground.

    Where is growing

    It is quite common in central Russia, in Europe, Ukraine, Belarus. You can meet in the foothills of the Caucasus, in Turkey.

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    Places where wild garlic grows abundantly are called bear meadows

    In April, depending on the speed of snow melting, you can go to collect this delicacy. In the lowlands, dominated by shrubs, and quite damp, wild garlic captures whole glades, they are called Bear Meadows, because in early spring, bears replenish their vitamins in such shaded glades.

    Types of wild garlic

    Existing species are difficult to confuse, because they look externally, and they taste - completely different. All belong to onions, have an onion, garlic taste and aroma in varying degrees, with different shades.

    Angular bow

    It is called Mouse onions, it is often found in Central Asia, in the floodplains of Siberian rivers, in some European parts, in Belarus. It reaches half a meter in height, has a dark green color. Edible as a rhizome - onion, and long leaves .

    Angular or Mouse Onion

    Highly valued for its onion-garlic taste, vitality, as well as a bactericidal effect. Despite the considerable remoteness of its growth, people in the season collect and harvest this species of wild plants in large quantities.

    Use not only for cooking, but also for medicinal purposes. You can dry, freeze, pickle.

    Victorious Bow

    Has a wider distribution than Bear Bow, and Angular. It can be found in North America, China, the mountainous regions of the Urals and Siberia, on Sakhalin, in the foothills of the Caucasus.

    With a peduncle, it grows to 120 cm, leaves are dense, long - up to 30 cm, , from the root, tight to the stalk, and look like a flask - that is what it is called in Sbiry.

    Siberian wild garlic, onions victorious or

    flask Thanks to such wide distribution, it is even more actively used in cultures of the people. In some places this species is processed on an industrial scale. It is used as one of the best antiscorbutic agents , as it happened in the northern countries. With the arrival of spring, it is collected and consumed for food by local residents.

    Does not have a bitter taste, so it is consumed throughout the summer, although it becomes more rigid.

    Useful Properties

    In this plant, vitamins and microelements are so maximally present for a person whose body, in the spring, they are in urgent need of .It seems to be a wonderful remedy for many diseases. In early spring, when not a single plant grows green so wildly, wild garlic can save the body from vitaminosis.

    Already in April it contains:

    • Vitamin C;
    • Vitamins of group B;
    • Vitamins PP;
    • Carotene;
    • Phytoncides;
    • Essential Oils;
    • Fiber;
    • Organic Acids.
    The popularity of wild garlic is due to the high content of vitamins and beneficial substances

    In addition to the fine taste, which can decorate any sauce, meat and fish dish, connoisseurs of wild garlic use it all season and as a filling for patties, and as a piece.

    Its benefit cannot be diminished, since the composition is maximally adapted so that the human body fully understands all the properties of garlic.

    In addition to cooking, wild garlic is used in folk medicine , cosmetology, and many effective home remedies are known from this amazing plant.

    Wild Garlic:

    • Helps to increase appetite and easy digestion;
    • Reduces blood pressure due to its diuretic effect;
    • Improves the digestion of at low acidity;
    • Improves the state of in renal diseases due to its bactericidal effect and diuretic effect;
    • Helps in the treatment of pneumonia, and other lung diseases;
    • Has a pronounced anti-histamine effect of , when used for several days;
    • Improves lipid metabolism, which means - helps with fat burning .
    Do not eat fresh wild garlic for people with high acidity, gastritis, an ulcer.

    Use in cooking and in home medicine

    In the role of the main component in salads, fillings for pies, the aromatic component in sauces, wild garlic has been known for many years.

    Its medicinal properties are also transmitted by many cultures to their next generations.

    Wild garlic can not only be consumed seasonally, but also harvested for the family, and enjoy fragrant dishes throughout the winter, and a balanced composition of vitamins can be eaten.

    So, wild garlic can be stored in:

    • Frozen. Chopped and frozen, it can be stored for up to 6 months;
    • Dried form. The leaves are cut and dried in a ventilated area without sunlight. Stored for several years;
    • Salty form. Leaves and stems salt without the use of marinade. Stored up to 3 months.

    preparation of therapeutic agents of fresh garlic

    1. When wounds are long time to heal, festering, and herpes - shallow enough to form a juice, izmolot leaves,put on the wound, bandage, and leave for a couple of hours. After that, remove the bandage with gruel, and without rinsing, dry.
    2. In case of arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, - finely ground whole garlic is poured with vodka at the rate of 1/4, and stood in a dark place of a fortnight. Rub the finished tincture before bedtime.
    Preparation of tincture of wild garlic
    1. With periodontal disease - vodka is infused at the rate of 1/1 with gruel of freshly ground whole ramson for 1 week. Before bedtime rinse your mouth with three tablespoons of tincture.
    2. From avitominoza, for the prevention of colds and lung diseases - during the ripening season of wild garlic, 150-200 grams of fresh leaves and stems should be eaten daily without heat treatment. You can eat it daily in the form of a salad, or as a greenery for hot dishes.
    Wild garlic is not a cure for which you can refuse pills prescribed by a doctor. Be sure to consult with him before you cancel a particular drug!

    Fresh ramson salad with egg and ham

    Wild garlic, eggs and ham salad
    • 200g fresh wild garlic;
    • 3 boiled eggs;
    • 150g ham or boiled meat;
    • 3 tbsp.sour cream;

    Cut ham and eggs into cubes. Roughly chopped Ramson, salted and mashed hands. Mix the ingredients, add sour cream, pepper and salt to taste.

    Stuffing for garlic pie or pies

    • 500-700g.fresh wild garlic;
    • 2 fresh eggs;
    • 5st.l.high fat sour cream;

    Finely chop the ramson, add some salt and mash your hands a little. Beat into the egg mass. Add sour cream and mix. Use as a filling for cakes or pies.

    Garlic sauce with meat and wild garlic

    • 300g.any fresh meat for goulash or sauce;
    • 300g.fresh wild garlic;
    • 1 l. Water.
    Beef with wild garlic sauce

    Boil the meat almost until tender. Add to the broth coarsely chopped wild garlic, the right spices and vegetables. Bring to readiness, and serve meat garlic sauce with sour cream.

    Use in food those products that grow in your region, think about seasonality. Utility always goes in one leg with the need for the body.

    Wild garlic is a wonderful gift of nature at the moment when strength is exhausted. Maximally eat natural - even wild garlic can be both an exquisite dish and an excellent doctor.

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