Sweet pepper is one of the most beloved and healthy vegetable crops. Varieties of sweet peppers, now cultivated in Europe, come from Mexico. Hence his love for heat and the sun.
Pepper Winnie the Pooh is a popular variety of early ripening period. Variety hybrid, Moldavian selection .Bred by the breeder Yuri Ivanovich Panchev by crossing two varieties of sweet peppers Bouquet-3 and Swallow. Registered in 1980.Maturing period from germination to harvest is 100-110 days. You can get acquainted with the detailed description and characteristics of this variety in this review.
- Description pepper varieties Winnie the Pooh
- grades Advantages
- Disadvantages
- Planting Seeds
- Soaking
- Options pochvosmesi
- Growing
- seedlings With
- sparring without picks
- landing in open ground
- Care
- Resistance to diseases and pests
- Reviews
Description Winnie pepper varietiesdown

The height of the bush is 25-30 cm, the leaves are pressed to the trunk, the fruits ripen on the clusters. Cone-shaped peppers, small up to 10 cm, fleshy, wall thickness 5-8 cm. Fruit weight 45-60 g. In the stage of technical ripeness - green, waxy;in the biological - red. Friendly ripening. Each bush for the season gives 8-10 fruits, and from 1 square meter they remove from 1.5-5 kg of peppers, depending on the soil and climatic conditions and compliance with agricultural practices. Designed for growing in greenhouses and open ground. Plant of the family Solanaceae. It is grown in rassadny way.
Benefits of the grade
- Resistance to many diseases and pests.
- Compact ( in a greenhouse you can place a large number of plants per square meter).
- Friendly feedback crop .
- Does not require forming and tying bushes .
- Well withstands transportation and long-term storage .

- Small size of fruits .
- Exceeding the growing season when growing in open ground up to 120-130 days .
Planting seeds
Preseeding treatment of seeds. For planting selected full-weight, the correct form of the seeds. To prevent viral diseases, seed disinfection is performed.
- In 1% solution of manganese for 20 minutes. Rinse in warm water.
- In a solution of trace elements: , per 1 liter of warm water 22-24 degrees take 0.1 g of boric acid, manganese sulphate, zinc sulphate, ammonium ammonium sulfate 0.002 g.
- In growth stimulants: potassium humate, epine.

Pepper Seeds To ensure that the seedlings are friendly, will first germinate the seeds in a wet fabric. Hatching seeds are planted in the ground. You can use ready-made soil intended for vegetable crops, or prepare it yourself. The earth mixture should be air and moisture permeable, friable. The pH is neutral or slightly acidic( 5.5).
Variants of soil mixtures
- Turf ground 50-70%, humus 50-30%.
- Turf ground, peat at 35%, humus 30%.
- Soddy earth 60%, humus 30%, sand 10%.
A glass of wood ash, 15-20 g of ammonium nitrate, 50-60 superphosphate, 30 g of potassium sulphate are added to the mixture bucket.

Prepare land for seedlings in the fall. In winter, before planting, seedlings are stored on the balcony so that it is well frozen. This is done in order to kill the pathogens, and the earth become more structured.
Sowing of seeds is carried out for 60-70 days before planting seedlings in open ground .For central Russia, this is the end of February-March.
Growing seedlings
With an
pick, Seeds are planted in flat containers in rows at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Cover the top with film or glass to create the effect of a greenhouse, and put in a warm place. Through 7-10 days, the first loops of sprouts appear. The film is removed, the seedlings are placed in a bright place.

. Optimum air temperature 22-25 , at night, reduce to 15-18 .After the appearance of two true leaves, proceed with the picks. In separate tanks seated one sprout, not deepened, at the same level. With the growth of seedlings carried out in bulk containers by transshipment.
Without picking
Immediately plant seeds in separate containers, preferably in peat cups. It is necessary to plant 2 pieces, then more poorly developed is removed.

Watering is done with warm water as the top layer of soil dries out. Every 10 days to strengthen the protective forces, accelerate the development of seedlings - spraying a solution of biostimulant epin-extra .
Planting in open ground
2-3 weeks before planting in a greenhouse or open ground, seedlings are hardened. Gradually increase the residence time of plants in the fresh air.
Planting in open ground is carried out when the threat of frost has passed. In the middle lane is the end of May, the beginning of June. By the time of landing, 55-60 day seedlings should be well developed, have 8-10 leaves, height of the bush 20-25 see .The day before planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly along with a top-dressing containing 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate, 60 g of potash fertilizers per 10 liters of water.

The beds for planting peppers are formed from autumn. Precursors can be carrots, cabbage, and beans, with the exception of beans. Peppers should not be placed next to cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes. The site should be well lit, protected from the wind. Landing is done in the afternoon, preferably on an overcast day, .
Since Winnie the Pooh pepper has a compact size, a close fit is possible at a distance of 20-25 cm in a row, 30 cm between rows. When planting, the seedling deepens to the cotyledon leaves .Unlike tomatoes, pepper does not form adventitious roots on the stem, and therefore does not need hilling. Immediately after planting, it is advisable to mulch the beds with rotted sawdust, mowed grass. Mulching will retain moisture, prevent weed germination, there will be no need for loosening.
Planting care includes regular watering with warm water only. Cold water from wells for watering peppers is completely unacceptable. .This can lead to rotting of the roots, fungal diseases and even death of the plant.

. Alternate feedings with mineral and organic fertilizers 2 times a month. Experienced gardeners are advised to fertilize peppers with "green kvass."
Cooking Recipe:
Fill the barrel with half of green grass, weeds, add remnants of dry bread, crackers, yeast, pour water in the water( the mass will ferment).Then tightly tied with polyethylene top of the barrel( from insects) and left to roam in the sun for 4-5 days.
The resulting infusion is diluted at the rate of: 1 liter of solution for a bucket of water, pour 2-3 liters of peppers under the root per bush.
Disease and pest resistance
An important quality of the Winnie-the-Pooh pepper variety is tl resistance. In warm, wet weather, this pest can produce 20 generations per season and completely destroy the crop. But on the leaves of pepper Winnie the Pooh aphid is taken reluctantly. At the same time, even with a small amount, with aphids must be controlled using insecticidal infusion sprays: solutions of wood ash with tobacco, onion peel extracts, tomato and potato tops.
Another Winnie-the-Pooh pepper property declared by developers is resistance to verticillary wilt. The disease is caused by a fungus in the soil. It affects peppers in any period of vegetative development. A few days the disease is able to destroy all the plants. The main prevention of wilting is reduced to the destruction of all plant debris in the ground at the end of the season, so that the fungus could not survive in winter. Cultivation of the land with copper-containing preparations( Bordeaux mixture, Xom, Oxy).

Natalya, 43 years old, Volgograd: Soot up a variety of pepper Winnie the Pooh for 8 years. Planted in an unheated greenhouse in mid-April. In early July, we are already trying the first sweet peppers. It is good and raw, and especially for canning. Special difficulties in growing not noticed. The only thing I would like to note is that the height of the plant is higher than stated, somewhere around 40-50 cm. I, therefore, pinch the top to branch more.
Eugene, 54, Saratov: Long experimented with varieties until Winnie the Pooh pepper liked. It seems that the fruits of it are small, but sweet, fleshy. And he himself is so strong, steady. We have winds, tomatoes fall, and he stands. By experience I understood that he should be planted close to each other, watered only with heated water from the barrel. I tried to plant the California miracle somehow, so instead of giant peppers( in the picture), we got some long twisted fruits, and grass to taste. Better is a little - yes udalenky! Yes, I forgot to say, for 3 years I was not ill with anything.
Alexander, 54 years old, Voronezh: I bought Winnie the Pooh pepper seeds, I just liked the name and the picture on the bag. He himself grew seedlings, a little over-exposed. On some bushes was already ovary. He landed in open ground on May 22.The seedlings settled down well. Peppers went in late July, early August. The height grew more than 25 cm, maybe I fed them hard? To taste sweet and juicy. There was not enough for conservation, too many of them need to be planted. And the culture is still laborious.
Anna, 65, Kursk: I have grown Winnie-the-Pooh for almost 30 years. My only regret is that you cannot get your seeds, because it is a hybrid. And the seeds every year more and more expensive, and the quality is worse. Pepper care is easy, ripening harvest together. Since the branches are pressed to the stem, under the weight of ripe pepper, the branch does not break, as happens with other varieties.
The Winnie the Pooh variety belongs to hybrids, which are obtained as a result of crossing two or more different forms, when the breeder seeks to consolidate the best qualities of parents in a new hybrid variety. For nearly forty years, this variety has been cultivated both in Russia and in the post-Soviet space .He passed the test of time, which means that for many years he will delight his fans with excellent taste.