Proper cabbage planting in open ground

One of the main conditions for planting many vegetable crops in open ground is good illumination. Cabbage is no exception. However, intense sunlight can damage the plant, resulting in burns on the leaves. Only one way out - you need to find a place with partial shading.

Table of contents

  • Can I plant cabbage in the shade?
  • Where better to plant?
  • Most popular varieties, sowing terms
  • Rules for planting in open ground
    • The right pick for
    • seedlings What kind of soil does
    • like vegetable Planting, time, pattern and distances
  • Leaving after planting
    • Watering, without it, nothing will grow
    • DSDDD ND will leave nothing to grow after planting After planting After planting
      • loosening
      • Processing
    • Errors when planting

Can I plant cabbage in the shade?

In order to ensure normal conditions for the growing season, it is recommended to find out which crops in the shade will develop well. For example, cabbage, albino or color species, unlike corn and eggplant, feels great in shading under fruit trees when it comes to the southern regions. Yes, and at a lower temperature, the plant responds positively. The shoots make their way to the surface of the soil at a rate of only + 3 ° C, although

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has the best development of shoots at + 20 ° C .But the temperature above +25 degrees negatively affects the yield and quality of fruits, the lower sheets fall off, and the upper tissues become very dense. Therefore, partial shade is considered a necessity at a steady high temperature. In temperate climates, it is necessary to plant in areas open to sunlight, in the shade the plant spends a lot of energy on development, which is manifested in a slight inhibition of growth.

In the shadow of a head of heading it is badly tied

Where is it better to land?

It is better to plan a bed for cabbage at the place where cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, onions and legumes were grown last season. And after the beets, turnips and radishes to plant cabbage seedlings is not worth it. As neighbors, she loves legumes( peas, beans), tomatoes, beets, onions, and garlic. It is recommended to have beds from east to west, a small shadow is allowed.

The land should be fertile, but not dense, the best results are observed when the vegetable is cultivated on loams and clay soils.

The most popular varieties, sowing dates

The selection of cabbage seedlings is large enough, but there are time-tested varieties that are distinguished by good yield and resistance to adverse weather conditions, especially in early spring. The leaders in popularity are:

  • Glory - average ripening time, head weight from 2 to 4.5 kg, diameter about 25 cm, yield from 1 m2 up to 12 kg;
  • Moscow Late - ripening period up to 150 days, average fruit weight 7 kg, yield per 1 m2 is up to 15 kg;
  • June - matures in 90-120 days, average head weight 2.5 kg, yield is 7 kg per 1 m2;
  • Gift - heads of cabbage ripen in 120-135 days, average head weight up to 3.5 kg, yield per square meter is up to 10 kg;
  • Amager - aging time up to 140 days, average head weight 3-3.5 kg, up to 7 kg of crop is removed from 1 m2.

. Rules for planting in open ground.

. Seedling of cabbage from seeds

. Bookmark the future crop makes the correct planting. When performing work, it is worth considering the main factors affecting the vegetation of the plant and fruiting.

The correct choice of seedlings

For planting in open ground, seedlings that are 12–20 cm in height with 5-7 leaflets are selected. Usually seedlings reach such parameters by early May( early varieties), if sown at the end of March. Growing the seedlings themselves is not difficult, the main thing is to ensure the temperature and good lighting( at least 12-15 hours a day).
When buying cabbage seedlings, preference is given to shoots with a well-developed root system.

What soil does

like vegetable?
Preparing the soil for planting cabbage

The plot for gardening is selected taking into account the rules of crop rotation and neighborhood with other crops. Preparations begin in the fall. First, a thorough cleaning is done, removing plant residues from the soil, then fertilizer is introduced( organic matter or mineral substances), and at the same time they dig up the earth to a depth of at least a spade. As soon as the snow melts, the future garden beds need to be sealed so that the moisture does not evaporate quickly. For this ground level rake( harrowing).

Cabbage grows poorly on acidic soils, so you need to explore the soil to the level of the acidic environment. This can be done with litmus paper. If necessary, the soil is neutralized with dolomite flour or crushed lime.

Immediately before sowing, the bed is re-digged and harrowed.

Landing, time, scheme and distances

Before planting, the roots of seedlings are recommended to be treated with a mash that is made of water, clay and mullein. The resulting layer between the root system and the ground will become a protection against rotting. In addition, it contributes to the rapid survival of seedlings in the new place.
Deep holes are prepared for each root. An additional cavity is needed to fill the mixture, which includes:

  • 500 gr.humus( compost);
  • 1 tsp.superphosphate( nitrophosphate);
  • Art.lwood ash.

All components are mixed thoroughly with the soil and poured into prepared wells, then poured with water. Seedlings are buried in the ground to the first true leaf. When planting the roots should be well pressed with soil so that after watering or rain the plant does not wash out of the soil. Distances and layout of holes:

  • early varieties - 50-60 cm between rows, 30-35 in a row;
  • mid-season and late varieties - 60-70 cm between rows, 50-60 cm in a row.

Some varieties require more space, such as the Moscow Late 15, which is planted according to the 70 x 70 cm scheme.

Planting cabbage in a seedling way, a simple

scheme After planting a bed with cabbage, it is advisable to mix with a mixture of peat and humus or one of the components( layer thickness 1-2 cm).Work is best done in the evening or in cloudy weather.

Early ripening varieties are planted depending on the climatic characteristics of the region, in the middle zone this is the beginning of May, in the south - the end of March, the beginning of April. Following the early variety, the latter is planted, and only then they are taken for mid-season cabbage. Late maturation is associated with a longer formation of a head; therefore, finally, this type of seedling cannot be left.

Care after planting

From the first day after disembarkation, you can begin to care for the beds.

Watering, without it, nothing will grow

Cabbage is demanding of moisture, so the watering regime should be strictly followed. Irrigation is carried out at intervals of 4-6 days in the evening or when the weather is overcast .If you water the plants in the sultry heat, the seedlings will wither from the scorching sun. With a stable high temperature should increase the regularity of watering up to 1 time in 2-3 days.
After irrigation, it is recommended to loosen the soil to prevent its consolidation. So the roots will be more comfortable to develop. The surface of the beds is better to mulch, and the moisture in the soil will last longer, and the growth of weeds will not be as intense. A layer of peat mulch is 5 cm.

Top dressing for harvest

Top dressing cabbage with organic and mineral fertilizers

When the transplanted seedlings grow into leaves, the soil is fed with a solution of ammonium nitrate( 10 grams per bucket of water).At the stage of the formation of leaves in the head injected feed: on a bucket of water 4 grams.urea, 8 gr.potassium sulfate and 5 gr.double superphosphate.

Weeding and loosening

During the season, about 3-4 weeds and the same loosening are carried out. It is better to combine this work and carry out after watering, when the soil softens, and the risk of disrupting the young shoots is reduced to zero.
So that weeds do not bother with their presence, it is recommended to cover the cleaned beds with a layer of peat or humus.


After planting the seedlings, the beds are powdered with wood ash. It prevents the invasion of plant fleas and slugs. The effect of processing will increase if tobacco dust is added to the ashes.
Spray procedures from the infusion of onion peel, tomato tops, tar tar-based solutions will save cabbage from other equally dangerous pests.

Correct planting of cabbage

Errors when planting

Undoubtedly, diseases and pests are the main enemies of the crop, but errors made by inexperienced gardeners when planting cabbage can also affect it. Among the typical are the following.

  • Cabbage will be of poor quality( almost without a head of cabbage), if you plant it in the shade, where there is no sun at all. Allowed to land near tall crops with only partial shading.
  • Novice gardeners begin planting in unprepared soil. A good harvest is not obtained unless you pre-enrich the soil with organic matter and minerals. Cabbage reacts very positively to organic fertilizers, which are introduced during the preparation of the beds and with regular dressings.
  • For seeding can not use all the seeds in a row. Sow should only be sorted and processed. This will increase the germination rate and strengthen the immunity of young shoots.
  • When growing seedlings, some gardeners use small cups. In such a container to create drainage is almost impossible, and the root system will develop closely. To get strong seedlings it is recommended to use peat or plastic pots with a volume of at least 250 ml for 2-3 seeds.
  • Often when transplanting seedlings into open ground there is a long period of survival at a new place. This error, most likely, signals the violation of the landing dates. It is worth doing the work earlier for a couple of weeks, or later, the leaves on the shoot start to turn pale and even fade. The recovery period of the plant is delayed, and with it the development of cabbage.
    Do everything right and you will have the crop
    When sowing seeds, you should pay attention to the depth of their immersion in the soil. When germinating from deep grooves, the plant spends all its strength, resulting in a weak seedling, prone to disease.

    Growing vegetables in your own plot is an exciting activity that gives you the opportunity to accumulate your own know-how. However, it is not necessary to experiment with the rules of care, otherwise you can be left without a crop.

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