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video Siberia - a region a beat. For example, unexpected weather surprises are often presented to residents of the eastern part. Here, as a rule, severe and prolonged winters, short summers and a high probability of frost return in late spring. In the western regions, the climate is slightly milder, but even here the inhabitants have not sweet. To grow a good harvest in such conditions is quite problematic. Gardeners have to invent various tricks and look for ways out of this situation to plant potatoes in Siberia to be successful.
Depending on the territory, the dates of crops sowing also change. In this article we will talk about how to grow potatoes in a Siberian climate.
Terms of planting potatoes
The time of planting potatoes in Siberia is an order of magnitude later than, for example, in central Russia. Before all work begins in the western regions. Here potatoes can be planted in early May. Residents of the eastern regions begin to plant only two weeks later, that is, in mid-May.
Potatoes are planted in Siberia only when the temperature of the soil reaches 7-8 degrees Celsius. If you do this earlier, it is likely that the roots will develop poorly.
Choosing an
potato variety. Seed potatoes are commonly used for planting in Siberia. The main thing is to choose the right variety - not everyone will be able to grow in a harsh climate. In this section we will talk about the most popular varieties. So, here is the main list: Timo's
- ”is a Dutch early variety. Tastes quite high. Well kept.
- "Lugovskoy" - a variety bred by Ukrainian breeders. Root crops are large, weighing 100-165 g. Resistant to many diseases, for example, late blight, black leg, scab.
"Adretta" - the most common variety among gardeners in Siberia. Root crops are large, yellow. Under appropriate conditions, the variety is very well kept.
- "Early Priekulsky" - very early. In this regard, the people of this variety is called a forty-day. As a rule, such potatoes are grown for eating in the summer, because they are poorly stored.
- "September" is a medium early variety. Pulp white root pulp. It grows well in all conditions. Perfectly kept
- "Svitanok Kiev" - is a favorite with many gardeners. The variety shows a good yield, for example, from 1 weave you can collect about 300 kg. Plus, such a potato is resistant to many diseases, and also it is noticed that it is less damaged by the Colorado potato beetle.
In fact, there are a lot of varieties that are suitable for cultivation in Siberia. Each year, breeders create something new. Choose for yourself the appropriate option is not difficult.
Deciding on a place to plant
When the gardener has decided on the desired variety, you need to take care of where the plantings will be located. Just say, potatoes - light-loving plant. Therefore, it is most expedient for a given culture to choose an area that is not shaded by trees or shrubs. The soil should be light and loose. A good crop can be harvested if manure is brought under digging in the autumn.
In the spring it is impossible to make manure in the spring - the potato will simply die.
The main methods of planting potatoes
To date, there are several ways of planting potatoes in Siberia. Tell about the main:
Single line - the most common method of planting potatoes. Root crops are planted in rows. Between them there should be about 60-70 cm, and between the bushes a distance of 2 times less - about 20-25 cm. Potatoes are planted at a shallow depth: 7 cm is enough. Afterwards, they rake ground to the bushes.
Belt - as a rule, this method is used on an industrial scale. The main difference is that the landing is done in two rows. The distance between them should be 30 cm. The following furrows are located at a distance of 110 cm. The main advantage of this method is that when planting a tractor with hilling, the roots of plants are not damaged, because the ground is taken from large gaps.
Combs - this method is very similar to the method of planting potatoes in furrows. The only difference is that an artificial height of the row is created, which should be approximately 18-20 centimeters. Explain in more detail. The method can be used in two variations: the
- potato is planted to a depth of 8-10 cm, and then a crest 20 centimeters high is created.
- combs in this case are prepared in advance. Their height should be 30 centimeters, and the distance between them is about 80 cm. Potatoes are placed in the resulting trenches and then buried.
Such planting allows you to harvest about two weeks earlier. However, it is worth remembering that this method is suitable for wet soil, if the site is located on a hillock, then the root crops may not have enough moisture and they will develop poorly or even die. As for the seeding rate of potatoes, it is different. If we talk about small areas, for one weave will need about 300 tubers.
Dates for picking potatoes
Some people think that the earlier the sprouts appear, the faster they will harvest. In fact, it is not. It does not matter how many days the potato springs. The main thing is what variety was chosen. Early ripening varieties, which are intended for early consumption, can be collected in the middle of July( again, all depends on the timing of planting).For digging used scoops. They hook the ground near the bush. Usually large root vegetables are immediately on the surface. Mid-season varieties ripen much longer. The optimal time for harvesting potatoes is the end of August and the beginning of September.
Novice gardeners do not know how to determine whether potatoes are ripe or not. Make it pretty easy. Yellowed and wilted bushes - the first signal indicating that it is time to start harvesting. Summing up, I would like to say that you can grow a good potato harvest in the harsh conditions of Siberia. The main thing is not to be mistaken with the choice of varieties.