Cottage question: roses planting and care

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Rose is considered a royal flower. She is also beautiful and capricious. But, few of the novice flower growers, venture to plant it, because they simply do not know how to plant a rose and carry out further care of the crop. Prematurely failing. However, experienced gardeners claim that, subject to the elementary recommendations, it is quite possible to grow a real flower garden on the site that any professional would envy.

The secret to the success of planting roses

To grow a rose, you must carefully select the seedlings. This is the basis of success. They are of two types:

  1. Root. They grow best in the south.
  2. Graft. They are recommended to be planted in the northern regions. In this case, planting roses through such seedlings will allow you to grow a full-fledged plant, with a strong root system. And even if adverse climatic conditions, will provide an opportunity to get a beautiful flower garden.
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Experts note that in both cases, the care of the plant will not differ significantly. The only new nuance in the case of grafted roses is the timely removal of unwanted shoots.

Regardless of whether the roses will be planted in the fall or at any time, when you buy seedlings, you should be extremely careful.

Definitely, you should abandon the acquisition if the specimens:

  • Have dried leaves;
  • Culture "wrinkled";
  • The trunk is covered with stains or cracks;
  • The number of shoots on a seedling is less than three;
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Florist to the note

First of all, you should choose the right place for planting roses. This royal flower is light-loving enough. That light helps to form attractive buds. But, this does not mean at all that the planting of a rose should certainly be carried out on a site where the sun's rays fall all day. From this, her petals will immediately become pale, and the edges will get burned, and soon die.

Lack of the proper amount of light will cause the culture to stretch, trying to “catch” a ray of the sun, as a result, the plant will become weak. In addition, these plants are extremely susceptible to pests, fungal diseases.

Therefore, the optimal solution is to plant a flower in the southeast part of the site. In this case, there will be a balance of sunlight.

Not less important aspect is the choice of soil. Culture is ideal land, "air" consistency. But from planting plants in the sandstones is better to refuse. This type of soil is subject to temperature changes, which is bad for the root system. And in this case, planting roses and further care will be problematic.

Many beginning flower growers are interested in when it is necessary to plant a flower. The culture can be planted in the spring.

However, in order for the plant to fully adapt, gain strength and bloom in time, experienced gardeners recommend planting roses in the fall, optimally in September or early October. Later, the manipulation is not worth it. Culture can not bear the cold.

A detailed guide to the action on planting roses

Before carrying out such work, you must first prepare the shoots. For this, it is necessary to cut off the painful and lethargic parts. Roots should not be sorry. The maximum length should be 20 cm. If necessary, the excess number of shoots is also removed. The optimal amount is up to 5 pcs.

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After that, a hole is made in the ground, up to half a meter wide. Depth should be up to 30 cm. Pre-recommended to add organic fertilizer, minerals.

Then you can plant roses in one of the usual ways.

  1. The first is dry. To do this, the plant is lowered into the pit, correcting the root system, then sprinkled with soil and watered.
  2. The second method provides that at least 10 liters of water is pre-poured into the pit. After that, the plant is gently placed in a hole, and, holding in hand, sprinkled with soil. After carrying out the described manipulations, watering should not be carried out.

Both of the above-described methods, the correct planting of a rose, are effective. Therefore, it is not possible to recommend any one of them. All purely individual.

How to care for roses

So, with the question of how to plant a rose, figured out. But this is only half the battle. The success of the further growth of culture depends directly on how to care for the rose.

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Perhaps the most important point is the dressing of roses.

At this stage, the following rules should be followed:

  • As a feed, it is recommended to use horse manure, which must necessarily lie down. Then, the fertilizer is mixed with the soil, and added under the bushes.
  • Taboo - chicken and pork manure. It can cause burns to roses.
  • As soon as the buds appear, the culture should be fed with calcium nitrate. After two weeks, use mullein or herbal infusion. As soon as the culture has blossomed, the fertilizer process should be stopped.

A special type of plant is a garden type. It must be cut off, unlike other varieties of culture. This is a completely natural and painless procedure. In the place of old shoots, young, fresh, strong appear. The cut should be carried out slightly higher than the old shoot, about 5 - 8 mm. This manipulation can be carried out at any time, except for winter. The procedure must necessarily be carried out with an extremely sharp instrument. A dull pruner will only split the stem of a rose.

Like any other plant, roses need watering. Formed plant, it is necessary to water rarely, but plentifully.

Frequent and minimal procedures will lead to the fact that the root system becomes superficial, which is very harmful for the culture.

Approximately, the amount of water that will be required is at least 5 liters for bush and standard specimens. And for climbing grades, the amount should be increased to 15 liters.

Roses planting and care - video

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