The main types and memorable varieties of Brugmans

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video It is difficult to imagine the

  • Abundant flowering of Brugmansia -

videolongBut such a culture exists - it is Brugmansia, the photo of which at first glance arouses admiration and love of the grower.

Notable, reaching a height of 2 to 11 meters, the plants belong to the family of the Solanaceae and are indigenous to the tropical regions of South America. In nature, Brugmansia is perennial evergreen shrubs and trees. They retain the same form when grown in culture. However, garden brugmansiya for the middle band because of the heat-loving nature is an impossible dream. Up to the subtropical zone, the plant can only be kept in a pot or taken out for a few summer months to fresh air.

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The size, low frost resistance, as well as the shape of the fruits distinguish Brugmancia from the dope, very similar to a tropical guest and not so long ago included in the same genus with this spectacular "American."

Today, under the common generic name "Brugmansia", about ten varieties are combined, differing in size, shape and color of flowers, by habitat and a number of other features.

Brugmancia features, photo and description of the plant

Brugmancia in nature is an evergreen tree or shrub with semi-woody greenish-gray gray shoots. The trunk and skeletal branches are covered with grayish bark, young shoots are green, drooping as they grow. The crown of the plant consists of sitting on long stalks of stout leaves.

Leaf plates of Brugmancia, as in the photo, depending on the growing season and location, can have two different standard sizes:

  • are large, half a meter in length, built up with heart-shaped leaves with a smooth edge;
  • are relatively small leaves of the same shape, but only with a pronounced jagged edge.

The main color of the foliage is green, but today, lovers of ornamental crops can find variegated varieties of Brugmansia, in which the greens on the leaf plate are adjacent to white, silver or yellowish spots.

The frosted surface of the leaves from the sun is protected by the smallest nap that creates the velvet effect visible on young shoots, petioles and bracts.

Read also: Peculiarities of growing brugmansia at home using the seedling method

In order for a branched crown, sometimes reaching the height of a multi-storey building, to receive moisture and nutrition, grow and blossom, the plant acquires a powerful root system with a huge number of auxiliary roots.

Because of the rapid development of the upper and underground parts, room brugmancia grown in a pot often requires transplanting and trimming rhizomes.

Flowers of Brugmanssiya: photos and a variety of forms

But no matter how amazing the castings and roots of the plant, the most striking thing in Brugmassia is tubular flowers. For the unusual appearance of corollas with a tube almost up to half a meter and a bell with a diameter of up to 20 centimeters, the plant received the popular name “Angel Trumpets”.

The luxurious flowers of Brugmancia, as in the photo, form on young green shoots and open out incredibly quickly, leaving a double perianth in a matter of hours, growing and unfolding fancifully fused petals.

Flower color varies depending on the type and variety. White, pink, red and coral, salmon, yellow and orange shades in the palette of Brugmansia.

Interestingly, the saturation of the color of pink Brugmancia flowers depends on the weather. The warmer the air, the brighter the paint. Flowers look more colorful and large and with regular dressings.

Thanks to the breeders, Brugmansia varieties with terry and multi-tiered corollas appeared. Moreover, almost all varieties, especially at night, are very fragrant.

Types and varieties of brugmansii

Initially, the growing area of ​​Brugmansia united almost the entire tropical belt of South America. However, the beauty of the plant played a bad joke with him. Today, many species can no longer be found in nature. They exist only as cultural forms, but are popular not only in their homeland, but throughout the world.

But, having fallen into the hands of breeders, the wild-growing varieties of Brugmansia have produced many spectacular varieties and hybrids with brighter colors than those in nature, with fancy halo shapes and compact sizes. It was the selection that gave room brugmansia. With the help of selection, scientists were able to obtain:

  • from 4–10 meter-long varieties of plants growing to 1.5–2.5 meters;
  • variegated copies not found in the tropics of the South American continent;
  • hybrids with double, cascading and amazing split flowers.
Read also: Preparing street brugmansiya for winter

Interspecific hybrids made it possible to produce plants and flowers that we could not have dreamed of before. But we must not forget that the basis for the work of nerds were wild species.

Of these plants, the most famous is Brugmancia Tree( B. arborea), first described by C. Linnaeus, but to date has completely disappeared from the wild. The original form grows up to 7 meters and at the time of flowering is covered with a variety of creamy white or ivory tones of tubular flowers about 15-17 cm long. They can be called the shortest in the Brugmans family, but they are no less beautiful and fragrant.

Varietal brugmancia tree plants have not only close to white color. At the same time the tree is smaller than its wild ancestors. Not uncommon - terry Brugmans, as in the photo, striking exquisite forms, reminiscent of vintage ball gowns.

A characteristic feature of Brugmansia snow-white( B. candida) is pure white in flowers and slightly green in flower buds. Thanks to crossing and selection from breeders, it turned out to create Brugmancia varieties with equally magnificent flowering, but already pink, cream and salmon corolla.

An incredibly elegant look of pink Brugmansia with multi-tiered corollas of the most delicate shades.

Brugmansia golden,( B. aurea) in nature forms a tree up to 6 - 8 meters high. The flowers of Brugmansia, as in the photo, have a beautiful sunny color of all shades of yellow and orange.

Yellow Brugmansia looks incredibly impressive against the backdrop of rich greenery. Terry varieties look especially advantageous and bright in the garden.

The highest tree, up to 14 meters, forms the Brugmancia blood-red( B. sanguinea).At the same time, the flowers that open on its branches are not too similar to the beaters of other varieties. Since flowers are not pollinated by insects, but by hummingbirds, they do not have a bright aroma, but they strike with rich colors: yellow, scarlet, carmine-red shades.

One of the largest flowers of a multicolor or checkered Brugmancia( B. versicolor) with halos up to 40–50 cm. The bright flower of this type at the base of the tube has a light-green tint that gradually becomes warmer, yellowerthe edge of the petals gaining a bright orange or reddish color.

Read also: Home care for an unusual Brugmancia

Small trees or semi-lumbering Brugmansia fragrant( B. suaveolens) can be found in Brazil. Here, a branchy plant with white or cream-colored large tubular flowers is also called "angel tears".In nature, the height of Brugmancia reaches 3-5 meters. Cultivars and hybrids are smaller, but at the same time they retain the wondrous aroma and exquisite form of corollas.

The local Amazonian tribes use the flowers and fruits depicted in the photo of Brugmansia for healers and ritual purposes. At the same time, it is noticed that the aroma of the plant increases in the evening, attracting a mass of insects to white, pinkish or yellowish crowns.

Volcanic Brugmansia( B. Vulcanicola) is endemic in nature and inhabits the Colombian and Ecuadorian Andes. The plant has the form of bushes or trees up to 4 meters high.

Lavender Lady's delicate lavender or pink brugmansia is an example of the cultivated variety of this plant. The fragrant flowers of this type of Brugmans are relatively small, they are 15 to 22 cm long and are painted in all shades of red, yellow and pink.

Some varieties of brugmansia

Hazelnut Buttercup's delicate yellow brugmansia with terry corolla resembles a lush, whipped cream on the cake.

The original Audrey Lea variety is much brighter than many other varieties. His double beaters are painted in delicate coral tones, and the fused petals are fancifully curled.

Snowbank's variegated Brugmansia with white or cream-colored flowers is a plant for those who are not used to half measures. Everything is great here! Both large flowers of a simple form, and oval-pointed leaves with white-yellow border and silver spots on a green background.

With a rich orange-yellow tint of colors, Brugmancia Langenbuscher Garten not only attracts insects to pollinators, but also attracts the glances of the landmarks around them. This is a luxurious decoration for the garden or spacious greenhouse.

The bright citrus variety of Brugmansia Zitronenprinzessin was obtained by German breeders and fascinates not only with the joyful color of the corolla, but also with its two-layer shape.

The pomp and lightness of the white corolla is difficult to argue with the Brugmancia variety Adretta. The peculiarity of the plant is a long greenish tube of a flower and a triple layer of petals.

Abundant flowering Brugmansii - video

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