Bright colors of the garden in the marsh marigold

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With the change of the service, the same service should be used. Beautiful squat bushes, rounded hat elegant flowers. This kaluzhnitsa, which is widely used not only as an ornamental plant, and a therapeutic tool in medicine.

Marsh marigold: photo and description

Marsh marigold is a perennial herb belonging to the Buttercup family. The plant has very few species - up to 40, of which 6 grows in the territory of the former USSR.The most popular marsh marigold.

Root is represented by cord-shaped roots, collected in a single bundle.

The plant has an erect, bare, very fleshy and leafy stem. As a rule, it is ascending or ascending. Sometimes there are instances of recumbent. In the adult state, the height of the bush reaches approximately 40 cm.

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The foliage is brilliant, whole, naked, has a regular arrangement, heart-shaped or bud-shaped and dark green in color. Edge crenate-toothed or crenate. The foliage is sessile, and basal is located on long petioles and measures up to 20 cm in width. But the stem leaves have a fleshy structure.

Flowering marigolds( the photo is presented in the article) begins in April-May with blooming of buds on long peduncles in the amount of 7 pcs.on a bush. Flowers consist of 5 petals and a simple perianth, 2-12 pcs.pistils and many stamens and painted in golden orange or bright yellow color.

After flowering, a multi-leaf fruit ripens. Moreover, their number is the same as the pestles were originally. At the end of each leaflet there is a tail, and inside - about 10 seeds of black color. The fruit ripens completely in May-June, after which it opens and the seeds fall to the ground.

You need to be very careful with the plant, because the ground part is poisonous. Therefore, it is strictly prohibited to use any parts raw. But after cooking, the toxic substances inside are destroyed, and the plant becomes harmless to health.

Terry Grade

Another popular variety for the beauty of the flower is terry calamia. The most famous varieties: Plena, Multiplex, Flore Pleno, having large, up to 5 cm in diameter, terry buds of bright yellow color. And the terry is so strong that in appearance the flower can be confused with a small dahlia.

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Wild marsh marsh: planting and care

The beauty of the plant will please the eye only when properly planted and grown. Consider the basic requirements of calambs:

  1. Lighting and Soil. It is best to arrange the flower together with good light or weak penumbra. Moreover, it is desirable near water bodies, because marigolds require a rich and perfectly moisturized substrate.
  2. Temperature. The plant has no special requirements for temperature. The only thing is that it is frost-resistant, so even young animals easily endure the winter without shelter.
  3. Watering. With the onset of heat, the plant should be watered quite abundantly. It is also carried out at the time of the growing season.
  4. Humidity. This parameter is very important for the plant. It should be quite tall. If the humidity decreases even briefly, it will greatly affect the decorativeness of the plant. Selecting a landing site, pay attention to the loam. At the same time carefully make sure that it does not dry out and the more so does not dry out.
  5. Feeding. With the arrival of spring, the calamus is fed with organic fertilizers. Before winter, the bushes are mulching. Before flowering fertilizing is carried out with mineral fertilizers, which not only provoke abundant flowering, but also lush flowering.
  6. Transplant. Kaluznitsa perfectly transfers the new place of residence, so you can safely replant it. This should be done at any time during the vegetative period, but preferably in March or September.

Control watering on the condition of the soil. Dried up - water.

Marshwood marsh marsh reproduction description

The plant is propagated in several ways:

  1. With the help of bush separation during transplanting in the fall or spring. To do this, the plant is dug together with the root, divided into equivalent bushes along the roots and planted in their own holes. Next, plants pritenuyut from bright rays, abundantly watered and protect goth wind gusts.
  2. Shanks. During the summer they are cut, and then rooted in the ground.
  3. Nodular rooting. With the onset of spring, stem stems are made( they simply bend the stem to the ground and attach it with a “bracket”). In this node, the roots appear over time, and by the fall a separate shrub forms, which can be separated from the mother plant in the spring and transplanted into the well.
  4. There is also a seed way of reproduction.
Read also: What do we know about planting and caring for garden callas?

Application of

Since the calamus has not only decorative, but also therapeutic value, we consider two options for its use.


The plant is widely used in medicine. Since the plant is poisonous, it is used in different collections in the minimum quantity( leaves, stems, flowers in the state of buds are used).The healing properties of the marsh marigold are:

  1. . It helps with diseases of the respiratory system( asthma, whooping cough, fever, bronchitis).
  2. It has analgesic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant, strong antibacterial properties.
  3. Used for dropsy, rheumatism, scrofula.
  4. Often prescribed in the treatment of burns, inflammation, wounds.
  5. Used for urinary tract diseases.
  6. Relieves women with painful menstruation.
  7. Plant sap is an excellent emetic and laxative.
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Design solutions

Calourette is an early flowering plant. It is not surprising that landscape designers love it and are widely used for decoration of gardens, parks, borders, flower beds. This is an excellent plant for registration of reservoirs, both natural and artificial. Growing well in the foliage, the plant will become a real decoration of the coast.

When planting plants in the vicinity of other types of flora, you should select such specimens that have similar characteristic data and similar flowering periods. This is necessary so that the flowers do not overshadow each other. Also, the flowering of the marigold is taken into account: before it is necessary to plant specimens that bloom a little later or with late terms of foliage blooming.

Kaluzhnitsa perfectly coexists with daylight, the softest lungwort, Chinese astilba, snake highlander, host, thick bergenia, alpine forget-me-not, ostrich.

Knowing all the subtleties of planting and growing marigolds, you will be able to decorate your pond or garden area. Only at the same time do not forget that the plant is poisonous and wash your hands thoroughly after work.

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