Kemira fertilizer is very popular today. During its existence it has received the highest awards gardeners and gardeners. It can be both universal and specialized, aimed at certain cultures. Information should be carefully read from the packaging and used for its intended purpose. Only then the properties of the composition will increase the yield of a cultivated plant.
Table of Contents
- Composition and Purpose of Chemira
- Advantages and Disadvantages Compared to Otherspreparations( station wagon, station wagon-2, suite) are intended for autumn and spring use as feed for any cultivated plants, cousArnica and fruit trees. The remaining specialized tools should be used for its intended purpose. Universal complexes include nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other components. Whereas the variety lux has a higher content of these microelements. Kemira’s potato will not only allow for a higher yield, but will also enable the tubers to last longer. Fertilizer can be used not only during planting, but also during the growing season. Kemira's
flower significantly affects the growth of indoor plants. The leaves become more saturated colors and bloom such plants longer. This balanced composition is recommended to use in spring and summer for make-up. But often you should not fertilize the soil. It can harm the plant.
The mineral composition of Kemira fertilizer.
When dissolved, the fertilizer saturates the soil with useful trace elements that contribute to the growth and increase of crop yields. If dry granules are introduced into the soil, then everything is plentifully filled with water. Then the substance will quickly disintegrate and enrich the land with its composition.
Advantages and disadvantages compared to other means of
The positive qualities of Kemir include:
- increasing crop yields by almost 30 percent;
- increase plant resistance to fungal and viral diseases;
- absence of harmful components( chlorine and other heavy metals) ensures the sustainability of the fruit grown;
- if you follow the rules for storing fertilizer, it can be stored for a long time;
- balanced feeding does not lead to depletion of the earth. Moreover, there is an increase in the number of beneficial microorganisms in the soil;
- versatility. It can be used for greenhouse plants, house flowers and for open ground;
- contributes to increasing plant resistance to sudden temperature changes characteristic of early spring.
Most gardeners say that this fertilizer is excellent, and there are no shortcomings in the process of its use. Is that the observance of safety for a person.
Fertilizer can be used both in the greenhouse and in the open field.
. Instructions for use of the
. Fertilizer can be used both in dry and diluted in water. In this case, the granules are evenly distributed during the spring digging of the land, before planting the crops. It is important to produce abundant watering afterwards. This is the only way to ensure the necessary dissolution of the composition.
Most gardeners recommend Kemira preparations to be applied to the soil as a solution.The ratio of water to fertilizer will depend on the type of fertilizer complex. So, Kemira Lux can be used in a greenhouse, diluting 20 g of the compound in 40 liters of water, and in the open area, increasing the concentration of fertilizer twice. Kemira plus needs 20 g per bucket of water. But do not worry, this information must be indicated on the packaging. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions for use.
Kemira granules can be used in dry and diluted form
Terms and methods of spraying plants
Kemira fertilizer is recommended to be used in diluted form as foliar feeding of seedlings. It can be brought both on the open land plots, and in the greenhouse. Moreover, in the second case, the concentration of the drug is somewhat reduced. All the features and proportions of the dilution of the composition should be read on the package. Since different types of Kemira can differ in available microelements, more precisely, their percentage ratio.
Kemira can be made in the spring in the soil when digging. But so you spend a lot of fertilizer. It is not rational. It is better to water the seedlings bushes in place. The effect of this will be better.In most cases, top dressing is made no later than the growing season and no more than 10 days.
Spraying of plants with fertilizers can be done in the spring of
. Safety measures
Since Kemira is a chemical fertilizer, it is important to follow safety measures when working with it. In this case, avoid getting the solution and the granules themselves on the surface of the skin and in the eyes. If so, it is recommended to rinse the area with plenty of water. At the end of the work, hands are thoroughly washed with soap and water.
As a means of protection, it is advised to use rubber gloves for hands and goggles with transparent glasses for eyes.
Spray the drug can be in a respirator and gloves. Otherwise, wash your hands well with soap.
Compatibility with other drugs
To check compatibility with other drugs, it is recommended that you carefully study their instructions and composition. Although most often simultaneously Kemira with other fertilizers is possible. But does this make sense? She is already quite nutritious. Plus, this drug does not contain heavy trace elements, does not entail the accumulation of nitrates in fruits and tubers.
First aid for poisoning
Poisoning by any chemical composition is considered dangerous to humans. He feels an abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. In this case, it is important to call an ambulance and bring the person to fresh air.It is recommended to give the victim to drink about three glasses of water with soda in the ratio of one cup of water to one teaspoon of soda. If there are no gagging impulses, they should be called by placing a finger under the root of the tongue.
In case of poisoning, it is advisable to drink soda solution and induce vomiting.
Storage conditions for fertilizer
In principle, a hermetically packed product can be stored for about five years. In the form of a solution, Chemira should be used immediately. She can not stand for a long time, and then make the soil.
The use of Kemira fertilizer will significantly increase the yield of the land, so that it does not grow. Plus, the plants become stronger and more resistant to lower temperatures and various diseases. This means that there will be more fruits and they will taste better. The main thing is to comply with all safety regulations when using the composition. Because chemical ingredients can play a bad joke with you.