Planting potatoes sprouts - cultivation technology

Potatoes from sprouts, planting potatoes by sprouts - this technology of growing potatoes, it is also called the sub-cultivation technology, has been known for a very long time. She is already a hundred years old, and maybe even more. These methods were used when they wanted to quickly propagate a new valuable variety. For this, sprouts were separated from the tuber, planted in warmed soil — grown as seedlings of vegetables, for example, cabbage, tomatoes, etc.

From the last century, similar experiments were carried out, which showed that yields are not lower than when planted with tubers. A new crop of potatoes grown from sprouts is no less than when planted in the usual tuberous way.

Let's look at the features of this method of growing potatoes from sprouts. What is it different from another method - growing from the eyes?

Potatoes from sprouts - this is a plant without cultivation.

Sprouts are of two types: shadow and light. Shadow shoots are sprouts that grew when it was stored in a dark, but warm, potato store, for example, in the basement. Light is obtained by keeping the tubers in the light, but not open sun. Light sprouts are usually grown as seedlings in special beds.

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Reproduction with shadow shoots is the simplest and cheapest method. It can be successfully used when you do not have planting material. As a rule, shadow shoots are very tender. They deteriorate very quickly under the influence of light and heat.

If you use them as planting material, it is best to plant them immediately after separation from the parent tubers. I advise you to use shady sprouts of potatoes 5-8 cm long, since they are easier to manipulate during planting.

But the accidental breakage of light sprouts during planting is almost excluded. They are stronger. Therefore, the method of growing potatoes from light sprouts is more productive. In general, no matter which method you choose from these two, you need little for this.

Preparation of potatoes for planting in this way begins a month and a half before the planting of seedlings in the ground at a permanent place. To begin with the selection of seed tubers. For this purpose, I advise you to select royal tubers from mid-season varieties. Early ripening potato varieties are not so suitable for these purposes, as they are less fruitful due to their early ripening properties.

Of course, labor costs when growing potatoes from sprouts are more than when growing tubers. But you will quickly recoup all your efforts and expenses with great savings of seed material.

I advise you about a month before landing to make a box equal to the length of your windowsill. It is best to install it on the south side. But if this is not possible, then you will have to resort to additional lighting. Many witty gardeners use a mirror for growing seedlings. For this purpose, any reflective material is suitable, for example, foil. The dimensions of the box, of course, are approximate, it all depends on your specific conditions: height is 14-15 cm, width is 20-25 cm wider than the window sill. Cover the bottom of the box with a layer of sand: the layer thickness is 2.5-3 cm.

Place paper or peat cups tightly together on the sand. Fill them with 90% nutrient soil: 1 part of the earth( can be mole), 0.5 - humus, 3 parts of sand. Fill the remaining 10% of the cup volume with sand. The sand will protect the soil from drying out, the formation of a crust.

Use manganese solution, boric acid solution or copper sulfate solution( 1/5 part of solution per 10 liters of water) to water the soil in cups. Soil in cups well pour. Which solution to choose, decide for yourself: what is more accessible to you. The first time you are busy planting will be only cups, which will be planted tubers. Do not forget to water temporarily empty cups. You can alternate solutions for watering.

Use the first row of cups in the drawer, which is closer to the window, for planting seed tubers. In these cups, make small pits, plant potatoes, deepening them into the soil by length. But when the sprouts on these tubers reach a length of 5-7 cm, break them off and put them on ¾ of their length in cups of other rows: the second and third. The pits in these cups can be made with a pencil. I advise you to water twice a week, but make sure that the soil in the cups does not dry out. It should be wet all the time.

You can break sprouts for rooting 2-3 times, and maybe more, everything will depend on the state of their growth.

When they take root, they can be planted in the soil at a permanent place. Prior to this, rooted potato shoots are watered abundantly. Usually sprouts form a rather dense, fibrous root system. I advise you to dip their roots in a thick soil mixture of 3 parts of clay, 1 part of cow or other litter. Pay attention to the density of the mixture: the roots of the sprout should be moistened with the mixture, and not washed with it. The resulting seedlings are planted more often and thicker than when planting seed potatoes with tubers.65 cm is left between rows. The distance in the row should be 20-30 cm. But this will depend, firstly, on the potato variety, and secondly, on the number of sprouts in one hole.

Potato seedlings obtained from sprouts should be regularly fed. This is very important because it does not receive additional nutrients from the parent tuber. When the shoots of potatoes reach a height of 10-18 cm, they must be fed with a solution of ash( 1 cup of ash per 10 liters of water).I advise you not to water from above, but only under the roots. After the rain, potatoes should be spud. Hilling in dry weather is declining. In this case, you can restrict only loosening. Try to carefully remove all the weeds so that they do not deprive your potatoes of moisture. After 2-3 weeks, feed the potato bushes again, spud them a second time.

With the technology of growing potatoes from sprouts - seedlings - by the beginning of July, you can get a good harvest. Green tops of middle-ripening varieties, for example, Ditta, Lorch, and others, can be used to get a second crop. For these purposes, harvesting potatoes is best done after a rain in the afternoon. Plant the roots with the roots back into the well-spilled, manure holes. Naturally, for this purpose it is necessary to select only healthy green tops with undisturbed root system.

Planting potatoes by sprouts, the technology of growing potatoes from sprouts accelerates the reproduction of any variety. This method significantly rejuvenates any grade. Landing dates can be recommended as follows: in the south of the Kuban - from May 3, in the north of the region - from May 10, but, you know: there is no year for the year, so proceed from specific weather conditions.

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