Instructions for using lapis lazuli from weeds on potatoes

Herbicides have been created specifically in order to save crops from weeds. At the moment there is a large selection of chemicals intended for this purpose. One such tool is Lazurite , the instruction for which states that the drug can be used on potatoes.

Table of contents

  • How to use: how to work with Lazurite
  • How to apply the graphics from the weaver's of the tediums in the graphics of the optics of the tedium in the optics and in the
    • Active ingredient
    • Lazurite - poison or not
    • Release form of the drug
    • Does it help from weeds only on potatoes or other vegetables, too?

How to use: working with Lazurite

The preparation quickly penetrates into a weed plant due to small active particles and in a short time relieves the soil from harmful weeds.

Affects about 40 species of different plants, , which are common in vegetable gardens and gardens. The impact of funds on weeds lasts for several months.

How to use from weeds on potatoes: instruction

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Processing is carried out before the appearance of the grass on the soil surface. It is advisable that the crop be dug deep enough so that the herbicide chemicals do not affect the potato.

Instructions for use:

  • before planting it is recommended to water well and loosen the soil;
  • need to be treated with the preparation in calm weather with calm;
  • per 1 square meter of vegetable garden is applied from 1-1.5 kg of herbicide;
  • treatment is performed with watering under the root or spraying the foliage with a sprayer( if the grass has already grown).
Within 2 weeks weeds will die completely. The duration of the funds is maintained for 2 months( depending on climatic conditions).

When using the drug, you must comply with:

  • treatment time;
  • substance concentration;
  • consumption for single or reprocessing;
  • waiting time for the onset of the drug;
  • security measures.
The treatment is carried out before weeds appear on the soil surface.

. At what time it is necessary to process

. There are several ways to apply fertilizer:

  1. Once .Spray the soil before germination with the expectation of 1.5 kg / sq. M.
  2. Twice .First, the soil should be sprayed with a herbicide to potato seedlings with the calculation of 1 kg per square meter. The second time to process in the dosage of 0.4 kg per square meter, when the seedlings of the potatoes appear on 5 cm.
The amount of the drug used depends on the composition of the soil. Maximum Lazurite is used on heavy soils. If the earth contains humus less than 1%, the tool does not need to be applied.

For an early variety of potatoes, 0.5 kg of Lapis lazuli is used, for a late 1.5 kg. It is better to start treatment at t above 15C.

How to prepare a working solution for the application of

Solution preparation steps:

  1. The first processing of the crop is done before germination. To do this, prepare a solution: dilute 10 g of the composition in 3 liters of water.
  2. For the second treatment, 10 g of Lapis lazuli mixed with 9 liters of water. The solution should be applied immediately.
  3. The fifth part of the required liquid is first poured into the spray tank, then the rest is added.
  4. The substance is recommended to be mixed thoroughly before use.

How to prepare a solution:

Storage conditions and shelf life

The prepared solution is stored only 1 day .It is better to use it immediately.

In production, it is stored in warehouses that are designed to contain pesticides at t -10 + 40С.Lapis lazuli in packaged form is valid for 5 years.

Safety measures when handling

The preparation penetrates only into weeds, so do not worry that it attacks the root crop. However, it is not recommended to spray the chemical on potatoes too actively. It is better if the tubers are buried in the soil to a depth of 15-20 cm.

Has a hazard class III, so during the application you need to wear a protective uniform, gloves and glasses.

The solution should not be diluted in a container that will later be used for food. After spraying means you need to take a shower and wash clothes .

Characterization of the herbicide

The herbicide has many advantages:

  • has fast and effective permeability to the weeds;
  • duration;
  • affordable price;
  • can be used before and after potato growing.

The principle of action

Systemic herbicide of continuous action due to a set of additives is well absorbed into the leaves and stalks of weeds, affects the roots and rhizome.

A week later, the weeds begin to dry out. , after a month they die off completely.

The agent is well absorbed into the leaves and stalks of weeds, it affects the roots and rhizomes.

Active ingredient

The secret of active action in a special component - metribuzine. A kilogram of Lazurite contains 0.7 kg of metrabuzine.

The concentration of this component helps to get rid of weeds during the week.

Lapis lazuli - poison or not.

Despite its chemical composition, it is not the poison of .

Lazurite affects the weeds without harming the potato, although it has a low level of toxicity.

Release form of the drug

The package 20 g contains the drug in powder form.

Help from weeds only on potatoes or other vegetables, too?

40-50 species of plants belonging to the class of cereal and one-year dicotyledons fall within the range of Lazurite. This may include: bristle, wild oat, blue cornflower, meadow chamomile, sow thistle, etc.

If you can not do without pesticides, then you should use Lapis. Good harvest to you!

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