8 tips, which pipes for water supply are better to choose: diameter, materials


  1. №1. Steel pipes for water supply
  2. №2. Pipes made of stainless steel
  3. No. 3. Copper pipes
  4. №4. Metal-Plastic Pipes
  5. №5. Polyethylene pipes
  6. №6. Polypropylene pipes
  7. №7. Polyvinylchloride pipes
  8. №8. Diameter of pipes for water inside the house

In the popular film about water they said that it is the source of life and at the same time the cause of the greatest catastrophes in the history of mankind. To water does not become the root of local problems in a single apartment, it is necessary to take care of a reliable system for its transportation. This is an internal pipeline, which supplies water to sanitary ware and some household appliances. Incorrect selection can cause insufficient water pressure in the system or, worse, break pipes. Pleasant, in any case, a little, so let's try to figure out which pipes for a water pipe are better to choose, which ones are suitable for an apartment, and which for a private house.

Modern dwelling assumes functioning andcold, and hot water supply.

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In addition, the peak pressure in the system is very different in the conditions of a private house and an ordinary apartment in a high-rise building.Conditions of temperature and pressure- The two most important factors that should be considered when choosing pipes for water supply. Some products can be used in almost all conditions, others - will not be affected high temperatures, so you have to take two types of pipes, or stop at the universal option.

№1. Steel pipes for water supply

Not so long ago, steel products were leaders in the field of the organization of internal water supply. Nobody even thought about which pipes for water supply are better to choose - steel was installed everywhere. The reason is simple - there were no alternatives. Today, when there is a choice from which, the popularity of steel pipes has decreased, but the demand for them is still there.



  • low price. Pipes made of steel - this is practically the most affordable option to organize a water supply system;
  • high mechanical strength;
  • ability to withstand temperatures up to 1000С, sudden temperature jumps and pressure rises. That's why thisA universal option, which is suitable for both cold and hot water.


  • low corrosion resistance, however, applicationzinc coatingcan somewhat slow down the formation of rye, but over time the protective layer is erased, and the corrosion process starts;
  • gradual overgrowth of the internal surface of the pipe, resulting in reduced capacity and deteriorating water quality. To extend the service life, the system will have to be periodically cleaned from the formed plaque, but to the choice means should be approached as carefully as possible - alkaline, for example, do not fit and only exacerbate the situation;
  • complexity of installation. The installation is carried out either by welding, or by threaded connections. In both cases, without the assistance of a professional, you can not do without, if you want to get a tight, reliable water supply;
  • high electrical conductivity of pipes.

With proper care of steel pipescan last about 40-50 years, but today they are used morefor the reconstruction of existing water supply systems, than for the organization of new ones.If your choice fell on steel pipes, pay attention to the thickness of the walls: there are light, ordinary and reinforced pipes. The thicker the wall, the more durable and reliable the product will be.

Recently, pipes appeared on the market, in which the inner part is made of plastic. Similarly, the problem of corrosion and overgrowth was solved while maintaining the strength properties of steel. Such pipes have a somewhat limited scope of use - they will only work if the maximum temperature in the system is 750 ° C and a pressure of 16 atm.

№2. Pipes made of stainless steel


In order to obtain a corrosion-resistant material, the steel is alloyed mainly with chromium. "Stainless" looks great, has outstanding performance. It is as durable as pipes made of ordinary and galvanized steel, withstands pressure and temperature changes, and is not afraid of blows. Furthermore,Corrosion to such pipes is not terrible, therefore the upper limit of durability exceeds 50 years. Among the mainminusesnot even the complexity of installation, but the high cost of the material, so stainless steel pipes are rarely used today, althoughExcellent for hot and cold water supply systems.

No. 3. Copper pipes

Usually the water supply system in the apartment is kept hidden from the eyes, because there are few attractive fittings in pipes and various fittings. This is true, but not in the case of copper pipes. They can boast ofunique appearance, so it's easy to decorate the interior, made in retro style. Appearance is not the only advantage of this type of pipe, amongother advantages:

  • high resistance to temperature deformation;
  • durability up to 70 years;
  • resistance to high temperatures and increased pressure in the system;
  • resistance to corrosion and less tendency to overgrowth compared to steel pipes;
  • complete safety for health, so the interaction of chlorine with copper does not form dangerous compounds. Moreover, copper pipes have a disinfectant effect and relieve water of pathogenic bacteria. Unlike steel, copper does not spoil the taste of water.


  • high price and small assortment. All that is on the market today is mainly the products of foreign producers. In addition, there are problems with finding the necessary fittings for pipe installation;
  • complex assembly using soldering;
  • low mechanical strength

If you choose which pipes are better for water, copper can easily compete for the title of the winner, but their high cost still does not allow them to become a leader in this field. Where a hidden installation of a water pipe is impossible, copper pipes can become a very good option.

№4. Metal-Plastic Pipes

Looking ahead, we note that the metal-plastic pipes are an excellent option for the organization of water supplydacha or private house. The product has a multi-layer construction: around the layer of aluminum foil are the outer and inner layer of plastic. Between them they are fastened with strong glue. A layer of metal provides the necessary strength, and plastic - lightness, flexibility, resistance to corrosion and overgrowing.


  • low price;
  • durability about 35 years;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • mineral deposits within such a pipe do not accumulate, so the need for regular cleaning is no longer necessary;
  • light weight. A pipe 10 m long and 30 mm in diameter weighs about 1-2 kg;
  • simple installation, which is performed with the help of press fittings and a wrench - no welding;
  • flexibility and ability to keep in shape;
  • dielectricouter shell.


  • periodically need to tighten the threaded connections, so you need to provide easy access to them. The reason that the joints are weakening is simple - aluminum is compressed more than plastic when the temperature drops;
  • connecting elements do not differ in price;
  • not the best strength of junctions, and the pipes themselves.

Metalloplastik withstandstemperature up to + 950Сat a pressure of 10 atm. Pipes will remain intact whenshort-term rise in temperature to + 1100Сat constant pressure. Also, the material will withstand a pressure increase of up to 25 atmospheres at temperatures up to + 250 ° C.

For arrangementcold water supplyit is possible to take pipes of blue and blue color - they are adapted to work at a water temperature of not more than + 350 ° C and are cheaper than white pipes that can be used for transportationhot water. For a dacha and a private house is a very good option, and for a multi-apartment house you can pick up more suitable pipes.

№5. Polyethylene pipes

Pipes frompolyethylene, polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride are often combined into a common group of plastic pipes.Despite the similarity of some characteristics, each of these materials has a set of unique properties, and we will start with a consideration of polyethylene constructions.

Note immediately, it is necessary to separatelow-density polyethylene pipesand cross-linked polyethylene. They differ in temperature stability. The first can withstand temperatures not exceeding + 400C, they are suitable for the organization of cold water supply, they are often used for transporting water from a well to a private house, as they are not afraid of frosts and do not burst when the water freezes.

Pipes made of cross-linked polyethyleneIt is allowed to use hot water in the system, but they also cost more. For installation, no sealing rubber is used - the required degree of tightness is achieved when the pipe is crimped.

A number of specialists call cross-linked polyethylene pipes the best option for organizing water supply. They are resistant to corrosion, do not overgrow, are inert to all substances that are contained in the water, they make it possible to create strong joints. Ofminusesnot the lowest price and the need for special equipment for installation.

№6. Polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes - in factideal for water supply. Can beunarmored and reinforced. The former are suitable only for cold water supply, the latter are used both in heating and in hot water supply. The pipe can be reinforced with aluminum, fiberglass or other materials. Reinforcement improves strength and reduces the thermal elongation of polypropylene. The best option - reinforcement with fiberglass.

Advantages of polypropylene pipes:

  • durability up to 50 years;
  • ability to withstandtemperature inside the pipes up to + 90-950С and pressure up to 20 atmospheres(this applies to the reinforced version);
  • relatively simple installation. Pipes are connected using a special welding machine for polypropylene. It is not difficult to work with him, it will take a little time to train and bring the process to automatism;
  • strong connections;
  • such pipes will withstand even the freezing of water inside them;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • sufficiently high strength;
  • relatively low price

Amongminusesfear of high external temperatures, so this option is not for fire-hazardous premises. In addition, even when reinforced with aluminum or a kapron thread, the material maintains a high level of temperature Therefore, without the use of a heater with hidden piping, or expansion joints with open wiring do without. If we weigh all the pros and cons, then it is better to choose polypropylene pipes for water supply of the house.


№7. Polyvinylchloride pipes

PVC pipes are used only for cold water supply, withstand temperature jumpsup to + 650С, pressure up to 16 atmospheres, are often used to feed water into the house, for internal wiring - rarely.


  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • low weight;
  • resistance to corrosion and overgrowing;
  • fire resistance;
  • durability of about 50 years;
  • relatively simple installation high tightness of joints.

Amongminuses, except for the instability to high temperatures, it is worth noting the sensitivity to the appearance of scratches and the complexity of recycling.

№8. Diameter of pipes for water inside the house

Correctly to choose the diameter of pipes for water in the house and apartment will help a specialist, taking into account a lot of parameters. However, you can do it on your own, if you take into accountfactors on which the internal diameter of the pipeline depends:

  • water pressure in the system. The lower the head, the larger the diameter you need to take. If at low pressure put pipes with insufficient diameter, then at the outlet from the tap we get a thin trickle of water;
  • length of the aqueduct.The longer the water supply system leaves, the more pipes there are. For example, for systemswith a length of less than 10 m, pipes with a diameter of 20 mm, for systems up to 30 m in length - 25 mm pipes. If the length of the water pipe is even greater, it is better to take pipes with a diameter of 32 mm.These are standard recommendations;
  • number of turns. Each turn slightly reduces the pressure, so if their number in the system is increased, then it is better to take the diameter with a margin;
  • number of points of consumption. The more places of water intake in an apartment, the larger the diameter of the pipeline;
  • Parameters such as the water temperature, the parameters of the pumping equipment, etc., also influence the choice of the required pipe diameter.

With an average speed of water in the pipes, 2 km / s, the system capacity with a diameter of 25 mm is 30 l / s, and a pipeline with a diameter of 32 mm is already 50 l / s. Everything depends on the required level of consumption. When organizing a private water supply system, of course, you have to think hard and even apply special formulas, but in usual apartments, as a rule, the wiring is introduced, the required diameter is 15-20 mm.

Finally, we note that it is not worth saving and taking pipes with a smaller diameter than necessary for the normal operation of the system. Take into account the maximum peak values ​​of temperature and pressure in the system - this will give confidence that the pipes will survive the water hammer, remaining intact. For an apartment building, for example, the pressure safety margin should be 12 atmospheres.

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